Necromantic Myth

Chapter 360: Murloc Attack

  Chapter 360 The octopus attacks

  Neither Yuji nor Chisu expected that after they had prepared for a long time, the battle would come so suddenly.

In the early morning of the day, Liu Zhi still practiced swordsmanship as usual, but he did not consume his magic power. As time passed, the pressure on Liu Zhi's side was getting heavier and he needed to make sure that he The magic is sufficient to deal with some things that may happen.

  At this moment, Letoz ran over with a spy.

   "What happened?" Looking at the look of Letoz, Liu Zhi couldn't help but ask.

   "A goblin with a venture capital company wanted to sneak into the space, but we found it."

"Goblins? What are they doing here at this time?" Liu Zhi had a headache. The murloc matter had not been dealt with yet, and some goblins came. They really regarded this place as if they wanted to come and leave. .

   "You clean up those goblins, we don't have much time to delay."

After thinking about it, Liu Zhi asked Letots to deal with the goblins. Regarding goblins entering and exiting this space, as well as going into and out of the Hades, Liu Zhi can be said to be very strict, not because the goblins look the same. Relax.

  Letoz quickly dealt with it as soon as he heard it, but the goblins who had sneaked into the space did something that Liu Zhi could not have imagined. They actually detonated a bomb-like thing they carried.

  That thing has a strong elimination effect. Under the effect of this bomb, Toga’s Sleep, where Liu Zhi is now, was exposed to this continent.

  Although Liu Zhi was prepared for this battle, he did not expect that the entire Sleep of Toga would appear directly on the coastline.

   This time, Ryuzhi was stunned.

  But he reacted quickly, no matter the space of Toga’s Sleep is shrinking rapidly at this time, he directly ordered: "Be prepared for battle, ready to fight."

  Nasha was the one who reacted as quickly as Ryuzhi. At this time, he was considered the most nervous one. He had already sensed it. The sea area of ​​the Hades will soon become the main battlefield.

So he immediately jumped onto the Demon Reef of the Abyss, raised his hands, and began to adjust various troops quickly, while some murlocs on the shore were also packing up murloc eggs and murloc larvae. Don't let them be affected by the battle that is about to take place.

  When Liu Zhi and the others got ready, Liu Zhi also noticed that three huge turtles appeared on the sea.

  The sea turtle looked like a living creature, but Liu Zhi didn't feel the vitality inside. The thing seemed to be a mechanical body, swimming in the sea very rigidly.

At the same time, a large number of murlocs appeared on the coast. It can be seen from the number and equipment of those murlocs that they were forcibly recruited murloc cannon fodder from nearby murloc villages. There are many murlocs and even professions. None of them, they were sent out just after a weapon was divided.

However, they did not expect that the layout of Liu Zhiming Palace was quite weird, with walls on both sides, one facing the sea, the other facing Toga’s corpse, and the place facing the murloc was the sea area of ​​the Palace. When the cannon fodder murlocs rushed over, they had to jump into the sea for the first time.

As soon as he saw this situation, Liu Zhi's expression became serious. The sea area of ​​the Hades was where he worried the most. There were not many people on his hands. If there were so many cannon fodder, the situation would be right for him. Even worse.

   Must destroy the enemy's actions, and cannot follow the enemy's actions.

  An idea flashed in Liu Zhi's heart, holding the death rod, and using mental power to communicate with the eye of Horus in the sky.

   Then a hot light fell from the sky, and it happened to hit the body of the mechanical turtle in front.

With this blow, Liu Zhi hit the sea turtle on the top of the head. With one blow, the sea turtle exploded. But in the next moment, Liu Zhi's expression became serious because of the one that fell over. Judging from the turtles, his body is actually empty, which means that the three turtles swimming towards them are fake, and the enemy will attack from other places.

  Where is the enemy?

  Liu Zhi looked at the murloc who rushed over, and finally shook his head. Then, Liu Zhi's gaze condensed, and he ran directly to the wall.

  At this time, Mander, who was preparing on the city wall, also saw Liu Zhi. He thought that Liu Zhi was here to inspect. He said on the spot: "City Lord, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me on the city wall."

"No, I'm not concerned about this." Liu Zhi raised his head and looked at Toga's corpse. At this time, Liu Zhi still had a large number of workers left there. In addition, there were two teams of 120 skeleton soldiers and a team of 60 people. The skeleton shooter is there to guard.

  It’s just that because Rusty Bone has become a hero, there are only four ordinary little bosses standing there.

  Ryuzhi originally thought that it was not the main battlefield there, but now it seems that the situation is a bit wrong.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, took a step forward, and appeared in the military building.

  At this time, Rusty Bone also knew that something was wrong. He was gathering soldiers in the square in the center of the Hades, waiting for Liu Zhi's order.

  When Rusty Bone was recruiting troops, Liu Zhi also felt it. Correspondingly, there was an extra statue representing Rusty Bone’s own hero on the military map.

  Beside the statue, there is a banner of troops that can be commanded by Rustbone, but the number of troops in Liu Zhi's hand is still less. The only flag floating behind Rustbone is the Golden Skull Shield Guard.

   "Rusty bones set out with your troops, quickly marching towards Toga's corpse, relying on that side, to meet the enemies that may appear."

  Yagiji spoke while moving the statue representing the rusty bone and placing it on the map where Toga’s body was.

  When the statue was put over, there were still some choices in front of Liu Zhi, including guarding, guerrilla, free arrangement and so on.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, but he hadn’t determined what was happening on the other side for the time being, and finally gave Rusty bone an order for free arrangement.

After receiving the order, Rusty Bone quickly led the troops and headed towards Toga’s corpse. Actually, it was not too far from the Hades, but the location was relatively good. Rusty Bone passed here, and it only took about an hour. You can rush there. If those little bosses are a bit capable, they should be able to hold the enemy forces for a while.

When Liu Zhi made a move here, the Murloc also naturally reacted. Tomosu, who was in the depths of the sea, saw the information sent, and said unexpectedly: "What's going on here, that hero who looks like a mummy What? Why didn't she play?"

  "Military, do we want to..."

   "Come in no hurry, let them launch an offensive. With their strength, even if there are heroes in the city, it's okay."

  (End of this chapter)

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