Necromantic Myth

Chapter 375: Diamond statue

  Chapter 375 Diamond Statue

Looking at the diamond statue taken out by the robotic arm, Liu Zhi thought for a long time, and finally said to the goblin: "What does that goblin called the red glove do? Is he interested in earning a job and come and help me when necessary? Open a box or something."

  In the process of joking like this, Liu Zhi replaced the diamond statue with something that the goblin had just exchanged with him.

  Holding that thing in his hand, Liu Zhi knew that this statue had nothing to do with the game. It was just a statue carved directly from diamonds.

  He also used his knowledge of gems to see it carefully. This thing is only a human figure carved from ordinary diamonds, and the carvings are still quite rough, at most the diamonds are a bit bigger, there is no problem in it.

  But the more this happened, the more Liu Zhi felt that there was something wrong with this thing. When he held the statue in his hand, he always had a feeling that this thing was very useful.

  When Liu Zhi was puzzled, Amanite happened to be passing by. She saw the diamond statue in Liu Zhi's hand and couldn't help but snorted. It seemed that she recognized something extraordinary.

   "Why, do you recognize this?"

  Because the statue looks rather rough, it looks like a child’s craftsmanship, Yanagi didn't think Amanite would know this thing.

But Amanite nodded affirmatively, "My previous teacher had one, but it was not the same, but the nature was the same. The diamond statue contained a kind of light like a starry sky. You can't read it wrong."

   "The light like the starry sky?" Liu Zhi was taken aback for a moment, then immediately raised the diamond statue and looked at the sun.

   Following the space wall that was about to be closed, Liu Zhi could catch some sunlight, and he really saw something like a nebula in the diamond.

Then Liu Zhi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. In the nebula, he saw something, which made him understand what the statue in front of him represented. He put the statue away and said to Amanite .

   "Amanite, you said that your original teacher also had this thing in his hands?"

   "Yes, he takes it out every day when the sun rises. I've seen it many times. I can't admit it, right?"

  Amanette asked curiously.

   "A very useful thing for players, I think we may need to move."

"This thing is important?" As soon as Amanite heard it, he felt that the situation was a little bit wrong. Ryuzhi was not the kind of person who could counsel. The murloc in front of him hadn't reached a situation that he couldn't resist. In all likelihood, the idea is that the things at hand are too important.

  Ryuzhi nodded affirmatively, carefully put away the diamond statue, and then began to explain.

  "This thing is the result of the changes of the sons of destiny in each world. Players holding this thing may become the sons of destiny in the current world when they enter the game."

   "Then how can this thing..."

"How come it's in my hands? It's not difficult to understand. This thing is only for players to use. Ordinary people will have no effect on holding it in their hands. After players get it, they will automatically have some contact with the statue. , The longer you hold it in your hands, the deeper the connection, and some changes may happen in the end.

I’ve heard before that Kuanglin has a son who has become a player. As far as Kuanglin’s strength is concerned, I guess he should also be a player in the past. This thing should be prepared for his son, and maybe he should be prepared to use this The things are placed in the biological city prepared for his son.

In order to ensure the purity of this thing, Kuanglin himself will definitely not hold this thing, or he already has one, there will be conflicts when holding two in his hand, so he put this His most trusted left arm and right hand.

  As a result, that guy actually died nearby. In order to send this thing out, he chose to die himself, but he never thought that I was so lucky, and finally this thing fell into my hands. "

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi heaved a long sigh of relief, and raised his head somewhat triumphantly, thinking that I was the true son of destiny.

  Ragi said that, Armanet was also a little curious. She stretched out her hand and asked, "Can you show it to me."

   "It's okay." This thing hasn't been in charge for the time being, and Amanite is not a player. Ryuji naturally placed the statue in Amanite's hands.

   took the statue and looked into the sky. At this time, the space wall was completely sealed. At this time, only the eyes of Quetzalcoatl were left in the sky.

  So what Amanite saw was different from what Yanagi saw. She glanced at it and said, “There seems to be something in it.”

   "Huh?" Liu Zhi quickly took the diamond statue and looked at it. Just as Amanite said, there were some things inside the statue.

  Ryuzhi injected mental energy into it, and soon understood some of the situation here.

Although Crazy Scales can’t move the diamond statue, it doesn’t mean that he can’t do some guidance inside the statue. For the sake of his son, he linked something to the statue. This will affect the effect of the statue itself, but it does. Protect his son's safety when necessary.

  It can be said that Kuanglin has tried his best for his son.

  But now all of this is meaningless, Liu Zhi got this statue, and everything that Kuanglin had prepared was of no use to him.

After thinking for a while, he took another look at the murloc-like thing stored in the statue. It was of no use to Yanagi. He didn’t want to become a murloc when he entered the game, even a little bit. I don't want to get involved with the murloc anymore.

  In this battle, he has discovered that he has no experience in killing Murloc no matter how strong the opponent is.

  If you have a relationship with the murloc, Liu Zhi is afraid that he is going crazy.

  So before taking this statue into the game, Liu Zhi must clean up the mess in the statue.

Holding the statue to the seaside of Hades, Ryuzhi said loudly: "Nasa, let your people get out of the way, I'm going to throw some useless things into the sea, this thing should be related to the murloc, you can see for yourself It depends on whether or not."

  Speaking of Liu Zhi, he put the statue in the sea and used mental power to stimulate the statue.

  As the spirit power was injected into the statue, a voice came from Liu Zhi's ear.

  "Whether to activate the shark..."

  Yiuzhi didn't care about the sharks. As soon as he heard this voice, he poured all his mental power into it and squeezed all the contents out.

  (End of this chapter)

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