Necromantic Myth

Chapter 379: Re-enter Fireblade City

  Chapter 379 Re-entering Fire Blade City

Compared to the battle on Toga's corpse, Mander's situation is not so good. He is a defender. No one to ten record is not good, let alone Toga's corpse almost appeared. Two murloc heroes, this is a big event.

Of course, this time Mander is fighting the enemy head-on. It is naturally reasonable that he can produce two troops here, but one of the two troops is actually a skeleton mage who uses fireball. They destroyed the enemy. The rushing car successfully proved that they are no worse than the skeleton mage who can use Frostbolt.

  Finally, Liu Zhi gave them a team of Skeleton Mage (Flame) and named them.

The other unit is a mummy slinger. In the picture Liu Zhi saw, the moment they cast the lime pack was directly recorded. It can be seen that the quicklime pack will become the standard configuration of this unit in the future. .

The promotion of these two troops is reasonable. One is to destroy the rushing vehicle and to ensure that the gate will not be forcibly opened in a short time. The other is the most feared enemy of the murlocs, and the quicklime thrown into the air. They can kill murlocs on a large scale.

  So the banner of this unit is just like their record, a quicklime bag thrown in the sky, and their team is also called lime slinger by Liu Zhi.

  The remaining two troops are the ones that followed Amanite out of the city gate, attacking and chasing Murloc heroes.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi never thought that they turned out to be the corpse dogs and cannibal wolves who had gnawed away the murloc hero.

  Under the effect of this system, the corpse dogs and the cannibal wolves were dealt with separately. Although they were all trained with the training method of the rot-skin cannibal wolves, they took a different route in the end.

  Riuzhi named these two units, each with 60 units each, as fighting dogs and wolf wolves, and plans to integrate the trained corpse dogs and cannibal wolves into these two units in the future.

  Whenever you want to send any troops to attack, you can easily release them. Perhaps in the end, you can expand the number of fighting dogs and wolf forces, and finally even some fighting dogs or wolf heroes.

After learning about the new reorganized troops in the Hades, Liu Zhi didn’t say much. He re-arranged the manpower to deal with the unprocessed corpse on Toga’s corpse. At the same time, he took the Murloc’s corpse. Collect the energy, pack all of it, and prepare to take it to Burning Blade City to see what can be exchanged.

  As for the heroes in the Hades, Ryuzhi also has their own arrangements. Ryuzhi directly assigned the fighting dogs and wolf forces to Rusty bones, and let him take them to patrol the interior of Toga's Sleep.

  As for the shooter hero named Gerdong, he will temporarily follow Mand’s side and discuss with Mand the use of the city’s shooter troops.

  Be aware that both of them can be regarded as just-needed heroes of the archer-type troops, but the directions they need have a different focus, which means that they can actually negotiate.

  It's like what Gerton needs is an archer or crossbowman who uses arrows. Only such an archer can he control precisely.

Mander is different. He exists to defend the city. The archer he needs can be a slinger or a crossbowman. Even the Murloc Musketeer can use it, even if there is no archer. He is also acceptable.

  But there are some skeleton shooters that can only be used to defend the city, and this part of Mander will not be handed over to Gerdong.

Gerton didn’t care about this. He said to Mander on the spot: “I don’t want the skeleton shooter you brought out. You just broke them. I need the skeleton shooter trained by myself. But can you lend me a use of your city wall? I found that training on it has some strengthening effects on the skeleton archer."

  Mand was quite speechless after hearing it. He never expected that Gerton would treat himself here as a training ground.

  So he shook his head, “You can’t train on the wall. If you want to find a high place to train, go to the glacier, which is the highest place in the Hades.”

  Geerdong turned his head to look at the side of the glacier after hearing this, and finally said to himself, "Cold."

  However, Liu Zhi did not hear the conversation between them. After preparing everything, he took some skeleton transporters and dragged things to Burning Blade City.

  This time, besides Vednina, there was also the Spider Girl Spinning with him.

  Different from Vednina, who has not spoken all the time, the Spinning Spiderwoman has been talking non-stop after getting on the sun carriage.

  If it weren’t for Liu Zhi who wanted to let Fangming Spider-girl and Aunt Tauren talk more, she would never have thought of bringing her over.

However, after bringing the Fangming Spider Girl, Liu Zhi naturally had to endure it, and he also had to interact with the Fangming Spider Girl from time to time, lest the Fangming Spider Girl talked and talked to other places. went.

Regarding Liu Zhi's willingness to take her to Fireblade City, and also said that she would introduce a Druid instructor to her, Spinning Spider Girl was very happy, she had many questions to ask, and she kept saying along the way To understand his own understanding of the druid.

  People who know know that she is sorting out her knowledge points, and wants to make a good impression on the tauren aunt when she meets the druid instructor.

  People who didn’t know thought that Spinning Spider Girl was teaching Ryuuji how to become a druid.

  It was quite safe on the road, and they came to Fireblade City smoothly.

  Before entering the city, Liu Zhi noticed that the green-skinned men outside the city gate seemed to have changed a wave of people.

The reason for this discovery is entirely because they no longer rent out the wolves this time. As soon as Liu Zhi and the others arrived, a group of green-skinned guys came up and said loudly, "Do you want a Kodo beast? , Go right away, and go to the black market. There is only one person left."

  These green skins are a little different from the previous ones. Although they are all rental mounts, Liu Zhi always has the feeling that they are buying and selling.

Therefore, Liu Zhi simply ignored them and walked into Burning Blade City. Anyway, no one said that there must be mounts in Burning Blade City. On the one hand, the green-skinned wolves of the previous riding wolves spoke nicely, and on the other hand, they also It's too big, you can't walk far with your feet for a day.

  But now, these Kodo beast renters, Liu Zhi didn't want to pay any attention at all. Anyway, he knew where he was going, so he simply walked into Burning Blade City like this.

   Seeing that Liu Zhi ignored them, the green skins did not stop them, but some green skins laughed there.

   "Let's go, when you are tired, you will know how important it is to have a Kodo."

  (End of this chapter)

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