Necromantic Myth

Chapter 381: Exchange territory (290 plus more)

  Chapter 381 Exchange territory (290 plus more)

The next thing is much simpler. With the guild behind Mark’s endorsement there, Liu Zhi quickly completed various procedures. The mercenary guild removed the bank design and tavern design that he wanted from the beginning. In addition, he also got a lot of corresponding resources, which are enough for Liu Zhi to upgrade the bank and tavern to level 3.

  It can be seen from the attitude of the waiters, the design drawings of banks and pubs, and those resources that are almost half-buy and half-free. In all likelihood, some support from the guild behind Mark.

  It can also be seen from this point that although the guild made a choice, they are not the kind of existence that is domineering and deceiving.

  The transaction between Ryuzhi and them went smoothly.

In order to arrange Liu Zhi’s palace, the guild even helped Liu Zhi find another new space, which was far away from the coastline, in the middle of two nearby mountains, where the Kodo beast’s bones were only discovered recently. .

Except for the old Kodo beasts who will go there and wait for death by themselves, only some commercial goblins have discovered the existence here. These commercial goblins will use a tool to draw those Kodo beasts waiting to die out of that space, and then They were sent to the outside of Fireblade City for rent until the Kodo beast died.

The guild behind Mark was quite angry about the behavior of the commercial goblins, but they themselves had no way. Compared with the Toga Sleep provided by Ryuzhi, this space was like a sieve, even a sifter. Multi-beast creatures can easily break the barrier of this space and freely enter and exit the space.

  So even if Burning Blade City, even if the guild behind Mark banned goblins from leading out the old Kodo beasts, they still couldn’t stop the behavior of these goblins.

  It is for this reason that the guild introduced this place to Liu Zhi. Their only requirement is to prevent the goblins from stealing the Kodo.

  As for how to deal with the dead Kodo, that’s not the guild’s business. It is for Ryuzhi to talk with the real master of this space, the ancestor spirit of the Kodo.

   However, as far as Mark said, Liu Zhi occupied this place, and there must be some benefits. In addition to the Kodo beast inside, other creatures in this space can still bring benefits to Liu Zhi.

  For example, the vultures that Kodo beasts hate. They live on the corpses of Kodo. It is reasonable to clean up these vultures.

   Another example is the goblins that sneak into it. Most of them come from venture capital companies, and only these goblins can do things like stealthily killing the Kodo.

  So these goblins can be killed.

  There are some animals mixed in this space, some beasts that feed on decay, and so on. It can be seen that the ecosystem here is more abundant than that of Toga’s Sleep.

  It can be seen that the guild behind Mark also considered a lot for Liu Zhi.

   Regardless of the advantages and disadvantages of this space, it has achieved the two essentials of Liu Zhi. One is that the space is quite sufficient, and the other is that this space has no connection with the murloc.

  For such kindness, Liu Zhi naturally wanted to reciprocate his love. After checking the space they called the Kodo Beast Cemetery, Liu Zhi moved the Hades to this place on the same day.

  As for the original Toga’s Sleep, it was handed over to Mark’s guild to deal with it.

  When the Hades was removed, Liu Zhi had seen the staff sent by the Mark Guild.

   Judging from the situation on their side, they are planning to do a big one this time.

  Otherwise, at least four people came at the same level as Mark, and a large number of players and ordinary people were constantly coming to Toga’s Sleep.

Seeing Liu Zhi's astonishment, Mark also laughed, "I see it, this is the strength of the Great Guild. Our goal this time is the other two of the three giants of the murloc. As long as we kill them, the machine Shark Crazy Scale is a toothless tiger, it is not a concern at all."

  "The Big Three of Mechanical Murlocs?"

  For this information, Liu Zhi is somewhat curious.

"Yes, that's the news we heard. Our guild intelligence department is powerful, but we have heard that there are three murlocs with a little ability under the hands of the mechanical shark, and the Chisu you killed is one of them. One is their military advisor.

  There is another one called Old One-Eyed, who is the commander-in-chief of their army. I heard that he is also a player who manages the training and command of most of the murloc troops.

The last one is called Ghost Shark, the guardian of that city. He is the only one who will not leave the mechanical shark, so our goal this time is the old one-eyed. As long as the evil eye can be eliminated, the mechanical shark will be lost. Half the power. "

  "Are you sure?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"Don't worry about this. Our intelligence officer has already heard the news. Because of the death of Chisu, the mechanical shark has gone mad. He will either not come. He must be sent by the old one-eyed. We are here to arrange for him. Yes, if you are not in a hurry, you can watch the battle here. I will apply for you as a field observer."

Liu Zhi hesitated, "Forget it, let's not do it. There has been news about the game you applied for me last time. It's almost these two days. I need to hurry up and handle the affairs of Hades. Lest you enter the game, the Hades hasn't dealt with it yet."

  Speaking of entering the game, Mark just remembered. He had promised to help Liu Zhi apply to enter the game before, but he didn't expect it to start so soon.

"This time you will enter in a group with our people. This is a bit disadvantageous for you. You are a necromancer. If you can't bring your own city into it, your ability to play will be much weaker. I knew it earlier. I will arrange a single player game for you alone."

   "It's okay, I also have to learn to team up with others, besides, besides some of the abilities of the Necromancer, I also have some small skills of my own."

  Ryuzhi said indifferently. To be honest, he already knew what was going on after seeing the description of the game this time. The reason why he agreed to it was to prevent himself from becoming a lone ranger.

After all, in the game, cooperation with people is the kingly way, and there is an opportunity to cooperate. According to the explanation sent by the guild behind Mark, the world is not big, and it is not as complete as the world that Liu Zhi encountered before. The world, there is only a small world, all kinds of things are suppressed.

  There must be no way to bring in Ryuzhi’s Hades, so Ryuzhi needs to take this opportunity to learn how to cooperate with other players in battle.

  In this period of time, Liu Zhi has completed his own psychological construction, and he wants to show others that he is also a qualified Necromancer.

  (End of this chapter)

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