Necromantic Myth

Chapter 393: Exchange (5/96)

  Chapter 393 Exchange (596)

  Superior Sailor Level 3.

  Seven days later, Liu Zhi finally drove the boat to the designated place. At this time, Liu Zhi was almost too sleepy, and he could hardly beat any energy.

  This is already Ryuzhi's greatest potential.

  On the way, Liu Zhi can be said to have suffered enough. If the wind is not smooth, he relies on the strong wind to carry him. When encountering wild monsters, he wastes time, so he uses the evening rest time to drive.

  It can be said that along the way, Liu Zhi almost encountered all the problems that might be encountered in the course of sailing.

  But this has brought enough benefits to Ryuuji, as the 3rd level of Extraordinary Sailor is the proof.

  This not only improved Liu Zhi's ability to operate the ship a lot, but also increased all his attributes by 0.2.

  Don't underestimate the effect of 0.2, Liu Zhili picked up Leif's twisted spine with only that 0.1 attribute.

  Although he can only hold this thing with one hand, there is no way to hold both the long sword and the long staff at the same time, but this is enough for Liu Zhi.

  When Yanagi took out the spine long sword with magma-like liquid flowing in it, everyone was shocked.

  Dorkat went around Liu Zhi for a long time, and wanted to exchange this equipment with Liu Zhi alive and well.

"I said Sandreu, it’s boring to say that. I know this is your equipment, and it’s still a very solid C-level preparation, but you don’t want to think about your strength. Have you seen it? You must have the strength to dual wield. 9.2. You have been mixed for so long before Kankan picked up this long sword. I don’t know how long it will take to hold the sword in one hand and the stick in the other as you said.”

  Looking at the twisted ridge of Leif in Ryuuji's hand, Dorkat was really heartbroken.

He can use this thing, and it happens to be used right now. He is acting as the main tank this time. The shield in his hand is a player's equipment, but the small hatchet is a weapon that can be found at will. The only function is to attract the enemy. Up.

  The appearance of the twisted ridge of Leif in front of him just gave him a chance. His strength is enough, not to mention dual wielding. If he has many arms, he can do anything with three wielding and four wielding.

  With such a weapon in hand, his lethality will increase when he fights with the enemy.

   But no matter what Dorkat said, Ryuzhi just didn't agree.

  This is not a question of whether the team is not a teammate. No matter how much Dorkat says, this reason is not on his side.

  The twisted spine of Leif is the equipment of Yuji. Although everyone is a teammate, Dorkat has no reason to let Yuji give things to himself.

  The exchange terms given by Dorkat were not what Liu Zhi wanted. For any common currency, Liu Zhi did not lack this at all.

  As for the things that Ryuzhi wants, such as undead servants and urban architectural plans, Dorkat is not a player in this direction, and he does not have corresponding stocks.

  In fact, it is not only that Dolkart does not have these things in his hands, but even Capuda and the others do not have these things.

  It is also for this reason, how Dorkat pestered Yuji along the way, and in the end he didn't change things.

  Now that they have stopped outside the fog and are about to face the enemy, Dorkat finds Ryuuji for the last time and mentions Leif’s twisted ridge.

  Ryuzhi also understands what Dorkat said.

  But this thing really cannot be given to Dorkat. After all, this thing is regarded as his own equipment and given to others for nothing. The friendship between them has not yet reached this point.

   At this time, Kapuda also understands the truth, but they can’t do anything about it. If they had the right weapon, they would have given it to Dorkat long ago, and it would have been delayed until now.

  The scene was quite embarrassing for a while, and everyone didn't say much.

  After all, Liu Zhi joined the team halfway, and he was the most important character in the team. They couldn't force Liu Zhi to do something.

  At this moment, Dorkat bit his teeth and said, "I'll exchange something for you."

  Speaking, Dorkat took out a ball of light like moonlight, and the ball of light was beating like a heart in his hand.

  However, Liu Zhi noticed that Dorkat’s face was full of reluctance.

"this is?"

"This is a reward given to me by accidentally completing a hidden mission during a game. It is called Heart of Moonlight. After so many years, I have been researching this thing, but I have not researched it. It can be said that this thing fell into my hands. It’s been nearly ten years here. I have always used this thing as a street lamp, but you have to believe that the person who gave me this thing back then said that this thing must be used well and it can be turned into a magical instrument. ."

  Speaking of this, Dorkat sent this thing forward, "I will trade this for you."

  Liu Zhi looked at the white light group in front of him, his face also became serious.

  He is not sure about the value between this thing and Leif’s Twisted Spine, but he is certain that if he changes it now, his combat power will be affected.

  And if he doesn’t want to change anything, it won’t affect the relationship between him and Dorkat.

   Just as Yanagi was about to hang Leif's twisted spine around his waist, he accidentally glanced at the white light ball in Dorkat's hand.

  A strange feeling appeared in Liu Zhi's heart. Liu Zhi stared at the light ball and looked at it, and finally said, "This thing is not a gem."

   "No, it was an elf who gave me this thing. He said that this thing is a flower, but I have kept this thing in my hand for so long, and I haven't seen where the flower is."

  Perhaps he felt Ryuzhi's thoughts, while Dorkat said, he was about to put away the white light ball.

  But at this moment, Liu Zhi stretched out his hand and picked up the white light ball.

   "How do you say there is no system prompt description?"

"This is where the hidden task makes people speechless. Regardless of whether the regular task is taken temporarily or not, there will be some hints to explain or something, but this hidden task does not give any explanation, just let people guess it, you say How can this be guessed."

   Seeing that Liu Zhi was willing to take the white light group, Dorkat's face also became better. Although he still felt a little bit dissatisfied, he still explained to Liu Zhi in detail.

  In fact, when he got the white light group, Liu Zhi had already made a decision.

  It wasn't that Dorkat had wrapped him too hard, but the moment when he got the white light group, Liu Zhi felt like he must take this thing.

  This feeling was quite strong, so strong that Ryuuji wanted to directly throw Leif's twisted spine over to Dorkat.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi is not stupid. Knowing that no traces can be revealed, he held the white light group in his hand for a long time, and finally said slowly, "We changed."

  (End of this chapter)

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