Necromantic Myth

Chapter 476: Immortal

  Chapter 476 Undead

  The magic of falling stars is a magic that Yanagi usually uses when making large-scale attacks.

   Normally, he would not use this magic when he was one-to-one.

  Because this magic requires guidance, and it is a range attack, it is a bit wasteful to use it to hit a person.

  But this time, Ryuzhi used this magic, and he set the scope between himself and Adam.

  After releasing the stars, Adam, of course, felt the starlight descending from the sky for the first time. Each starlight was like a precise missile, under the guidance of Ryuzhi, it fell on Adam.

  Every time it hits, Liu Zhi's right hand will lightly move, releasing a wind blade to respond.

  The wind blade rotates in a circle in the air, and it will cut exactly where the stars hit.

   And when Adam wants to rush to Ryuzhi, Starlight will always hit his spear the first time, interrupting his charge.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi is using the falling stars as his defensive magic.

At this time, Vidnina came behind Adam. At this time, she had replaced her long sword. Except for the two samurai swords that must be held in her lower arm, her upper arm held a normal long sword, and the main arm held it. Thin thorn sword.

  Videnina has made up her mind. She still uses indigo wind chasing swordsmanship on her lower arm, but what swordsmanship is used on the main arm and upper arm depends on the situation.

  The opponent's strength is very strong, and the defense power of the armor on the body is also quite high. Wind Blade can't directly break the opponent's armor. If you can't break it and get close, you have to worry about the opponent's counterattack.

  The most important thing is that the opponent's spear is quite long. The three-meter spear was originally used for dragon spear sprinting. If the impact of the dragon is added, it can often take a life in one blow.

  So Vidnina must take all the circumstances into consideration. The Z-shaped Secret Sword, which focuses on defensive counterattacks, is a relatively good choice at this time.

  Now that Liu Zhi is using stars to fall to attract the attention of the enemy, now it is a good opportunity to attack.

  Vednina needs to find out the enemy’s weakness at this time.

  At least, she needs to know how to break the armor of the enemy in front of her.

  At this time, the spell on Sandro's side was also ready, and a quicksand trap fell under Adam's feet and dragged him.

Sandro's meaning, Ryuzhi understands, but he doesn't think it will be appropriate. Adam is not the kind of heavy armor that is too stupid to run, nor is he only capable of close combat. The length of his weapon is Over three meters, it is obvious that he has medium-range combat ability.

  Even if they trap him in one place, Ryuuji and Vidnina will go to fight with him.

  It makes no difference where to play here.

  Yagiji changed his mind, and Sandro had received the message.

  But he immediately agreed in his heart.

   "Just watch my good show."

   Then Sandru pointed the death rod to the ground, and a situation that surprised Liu Zhi happened.

  Many bone spears sprang from the quicksand trap. These bone spears did not penetrate into Adam's body, but were stacked one upon the other, just to get Adam stuck in it.

  Yagiji used the bone spear before, and it would have the effect of self-detonation, so he didn't know what effect the bone spear had.

  But Sandru is different. As far as his current situation is concerned, he is playing with bone spears. Inside the stacked bone spears, there are any colors.

  The blazing white one has a triple flame effect, the dark blue one has a triple ice effect, and the dark green one is definitely a highly toxic effect.

However, Liu Zhi felt that it was nothing to jam Adam in this way, but then Sandro's actions made Liu Zhi understand. He lifted the death rod up, and the quicksand trap's arm made of yellow sand dragged Adam down the ground. .

  Those bone spears were all exploded under the stimulation of the yellow sand, and the fragments of the bone spears had various effects, and they all enveloped Adam's body in this way.

  The most important thing is that Huang Sha's arm dragged Adam to the ground, so that all these effects were ‘eaten’ by Adam.

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't need Sandro's reminder. He lifted his hand and the three bone spears flew out.

  All attached to the bone spear are penetration effects.

  The three bone spears were facing Adam's head, heart and lower body.

  The three bone spears hardly reborn and nailed Adam to the ground, allowing him to experience the full effect of the previous bone spears.

  But Liu Zhi who made this blow was not excited at all. He felt that the situation was a little bit wrong.

   Adam looks so strong, how could he die just like that?

  Liu Zhi swung a sword in a puzzled manner, and a wind blade fell on Adam's body.

  After various explosions, the armor on the outside of his body only turned black, and there was not much damage. When the wind blade fell on it, it only scratched a white mark, which did not have any effect.

  While Liu Zhi was dealing with Adam with the wind blade, a dragon roar came from outside the dark sky.

  It can be heard, the sound comes from the dragon that has turned into bones.

  In this roar, Liu Zhi heard a sense of excitement.

   Then Adam unexpectedly backhanded and pressed the bone spear inserted in his head.

  Under the surprised eyes of Ryuzhi and the others, Adam pulled out the bone spear.

   Then he pressed his hand on his chest again, seemingly wanting to pull out the bone spear.

  Yagiji and the others had seen Adam die and alive in the real world before, but they did not expect that Adam could do this in the underworld.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly thought of a situation. Adam said before that he was a level 6 shepherd and a level 3 undead.

  Is this undead ability the ability of the undead?

  Where is the power of the shepherd? Is the bone dragon that was crushed and beaten by the decapitator outside?

  Yagiji could think of this, and Sandro naturally had this idea in his mind.

  Shandrew raised his hand, and the three bone spears flew out again, nailing Adam's head and arms to the ground.

  Sandrew's meaning is obvious. He dragged it here, and Ryuuji went out to deal with the bone dragon, or deal with the source of Adam's undead power.

Liu Zhi didn't even look at Sandro. Instead, he said to Vidnina: "You are here to guard. I will arrange the spider girl to come in and hold him for me. I want to take a look, he What's going on."

  After speaking, Liu Zhi burst out of the dark sky.

  At this time, the battle in the Hades was almost over. Under the command of Amanite, all the half-dragonized undead had been killed, and only the bone dragon was still fighting the decapitator.

  Outside the Hades, the undead pouring from here are constantly attacking the wall. The troops that have just idled are transferred to the wall by Mander. It can be seen that the fighting here will not stop for a while.

  (End of this chapter)

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