Necromantic Myth

Chapter 508: Pirate Siege (please subscribe and add more explanation)

  Chapter 508 Pirate Siege (seeking subscription and more explanation)

  Duke Long’s dock is not very far from the castle. After all, the half plane is not too big. Although the pirates marched at a slow speed, they arrived at the castle within half an hour.

  At this time, Liu Zhi was ready for battle.

  For those pirates who dared to attack his own territory, Liu Zhi did not let them leave alive.

On the contrary, Liu Zhi is very interested in the souls of these pirates. He wants to know if the corpses of the pirates are thrown in the mass graves, can they be directly transformed into skeleton pirates, so as not to transform themselves into a skeleton sailor and have to spend all kinds of expenses. Add sailor experience to the skeletons.

  The Pirate King didn’t know that Liu Zhi regarded himself as a large experience base.

  After seeing the troops above the Dragon Duke’s castle from a distance, the pirate king's expression became a little helpless.

   "Damn it, after I go back, I will catch all those weird creatures and take them all to feed the fish."

  The Pirate King said so while watching the pirates forced by him rush towards the Dragon Duke’s Castle.

  As the top power in the entire continent, the defense of Duke Long’s castle is actually very strong. Even if Liu Zhi breaks through the door, he will let the spider go in first to open the door, otherwise he will definitely be blocked outside the door.

  It is still feasible for these pirates to grab some villages and ports, but if they want them to attack the city, they must have this ability.

  Now they don’t even have a siege weapon. A group of pirates are standing in the open space outside the castle, forming a seemingly acceptable phalanx, but they don’t even have the courage to rush forward.

  In such a situation, the pirate king yelled there, but there was no way.

  He is just a pirate king and not a god, so he can't change a good siege weapon.

  Finally, some pirates broke off the bow guns on their ships, and took some time to drag them under the castle.

  At this time, Ryuzhi waited on the castle for nearly an hour. He looked at the pirates below with a bit of surprise, feeling in his heart how something like this could happen in front of him.

  Regardless of the number or strength of these pirates, the murlocs under Brokebeard should be able to fight them.

Moreover, Nasha also took the murlocs. Last time the Duke of Dragon battle, the dead lake murlocs had the least losses. This time, Nasha brought all the murlocs out. Now there are almost all the murlocs there. It's all empty, not to mention fighting these pirates with such strength, even if it sweeps the waters of this continent, it can be done.

  But the murlocs didn't even block these pirates, and they blocked them outside the Dragon Duke’s castle.

This made Ryuzhi's judgment on Nasha's abilities once again decline, thinking that when Nasha came back with the murloc, he would directly revoke all of Nasha's rights and threw it into the sea of ​​Hades, letting him specialize. Train dead lake murlocs.

  While Ryuuji was thinking about this, the pirates began to attack.

  The artillery they towed was the bow gun. There were only four guns, and all of them were 12-pounder guns. These guns were used to hit sea ships.

  They also knew the effect of the bow gun, so the pirates piled the artillery together and attacked the city gate.

  The other pirates followed behind with scimitars, and only waited for the city gate to be blasted open before rushing in.

  But it can be seen that the pirates at this time no longer have the same morale as before. After all, their morale was still high at first, but when they waited for the cannon to be delivered, they were not exposed to the sun during the time they came.

  And Ryuzhi even controlled the Eye of Horus, shining more sunlight around here, and making the pirates almost turned into dried salted fish.

  The current pirate combat power is actually only about one-third of their normal strength. If it were not for the coercion and robbery opportunities of the Pirate King to push them, they might have dispersed now.

  Now they just stay here by their own will, waiting for new stimuli.

  For example, the gate of the city was blown open by artillery.

  But the question is, Duke Long built this castle for thousands of years, would they not think of artillery?

  Faced with the iron-clad wooden door, the artillery was far away. After this shot, the wooden door did not even change.

  On the contrary, Liu Zhi couldn't wait there anymore. He didn't want the pirates to stay outside anymore. What's the point of dragging it on for a day?

  Yiu Zhi walked down from the city wall and said to the centaur gathered in front of him.

   "I will open the door later. You have only one goal. Disperse the pirates and disperse them as much as possible."

  The centaur raised their spears and screamed excitedly.

  The darkened centaur has begun to have some black tattoos on the body. When they raised their spears and yelled, these tattoos actually gave out a strange light.

This situation actually surprised Liu Zhi. He felt that among the seven races, the centaur and the wild boar were the most suitable for meditation. After they drank the water from the Spring of Mind, there was something like the green-skinned people in Burning Blade City. Case.

  First, some tattoos appear on their bodies, then their bodies will turn black, and finally there may be some changes such as bone spurs and bones.

  So when arranging centaur missions, Liu Zhi will give more consideration, hoping to save their main force.

  As for the wild boars, Ryuzhi didn't think about that much. Their number would be relatively large, and they were heavy fighters, and Ryuzhi couldn't ask them to rush fast.

As for the remaining troops, Ryuzhi did not intend to take them all out. There were not too many pirates in front of him. It was enough that Ryuzhi called the swanmen and lizardmen again. The remaining troops stayed on the wall to let them. Just guard the city and watch the battle there.

  Everything was arranged, and Ryuzhi jumped onto the sun carriage, and Vidnina was in control of the carriage, and at the same time, he was ready to attack.

  Yagiji stood behind the carriage, behind them were the ready troops, they were waiting for the second shelling from the pirates.

  This time, the accuracy of the pirate's bombardment was significantly improved, and all four guns hit the city gate in the background.

  However, the power of the cannonball was still a little weaker, and the Pirate King shouted loudly there.

   "Are you stupid, push the cannon forward a bit."

   "King, push forward to reach their attack range." said the pirate gunner

   "What's so scary about this. They haven't come out now. This shows that they don't have any manpower. They blasted the city gate open for me, and we rushed in."

  The Pirate King yelled, and commanded the troops to move forward.

  As soon as the pirates moved, some chaos occurred in the battle formation they had finally arranged. At this time, the gate of Duke Long's castle opened, and Liu Zhi led his troops to kill.

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Last month, I owed 96 chapters to complete 62 chapters, and again 34 chapters, plus 749 votes for the October monthly ticket, calculated at 750, owed 75 chapters, owed a total of 109 chapters, adding two chapters a day is a bit too late. Work hard, add three chapters a day if you can write, and add two chapters a day if you can’t write. I hope you can subscribe and support more.



  (End of this chapter)

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