Necromantic Myth

Chapter 584: The ship is ready (42/109)

  Chapter 584 The ship is built (42109)

   knew this in his heart, but Benjamin had no happy thoughts.

  He spent so much effort to build a ship this time. Apart from dealing with the North-South situation, he must have his own selfish intentions.

  He has begun to catch up with his great-grandfather's reputation in electricity, optics and mathematics, but this is not enough. No matter how hard he tries, Benjamin Franklin's name is like a mountain on his head.

  He wants to have his own legend. Even if he is not like Franklin, he can press on the coins, but he must also have his own rumors. Don’t say your name every time. The first reaction of others is that you are a relative of Franklin.

  So he has to come up with something that belongs to him.

   And this time this ship is his chance. He does not allow other shipbuilders who have reached or approached the legendary rank to destroy all of this.

   Even if Liu Zhi is like this, it won’t work.

  Benjamin thought for a while, he adjusted Liu Zhi's task.

   "Mr. Sandro, you come here to help deal with this."

   "Mr. Sandro, you may need your help here."

  Under Benjamin's arrangement, Liu Zhi's tasks are getting more and more complicated. It seems that he is very busy, and it seems that he is very popular, but all the shipbuilders know that Benjamin is playing down the existence of Liu Zhi.

  If the ship was built as before, when the ship was built, Ryuzhi could tell which part of the ship was made by him.

  But it's not working anymore. All of Liu Zhi's efforts are scattered in every corner of the interior of the ship, suppressed by Benjamin's influence, no one can see that there are traces of Liu Zhi left in it.

Liu Zhi also saw this. At first he was a little unhappy, but later discovered that by doing so, he would have a deeper understanding of this kind of magically modified three-masted ship, and his experience in shipbuilding was also constant. The ground went up, so in the end he didn't mess around either.

  After all, if it goes well this time, Ryuzhi should be able to make his shipbuilding level close to 8. With complete drawings and production methods, he can build another such magically modified three-masted ship.

  So Yanagi also suppressed a little thought in his heart, and studied various shipbuilding knowledge seriously.

  Liu Zhi studied so hard, his experience here once again rose rapidly, but this time he was not as lucky as before, and he could jump directly from level 5 to level 7.

  Because level 8 is a key point of level, level 7 to level 8 requires much more experience than all the previous experience combined.

  Yagiji is there every day calculating the data of the day’s experience.

  Looking at those experiences jumping up constantly, even if Liu Zhi was treated as a handyman, he was quite happy.

  Just assembling, painting, and then assembling, step by step, the magic-modified three-masted ship finally took shape in front of everyone.

  This ship is exactly the same as the original Mayflower, and even the details on the bow have not changed.

The only difference is that the sails of this ship are no longer the original white. The sails in the middle of the three masts are printed with the Stars and Stripes of the Principality of the Bald Eagle, a Cyclops with a Tomahawk in hand, and an eagle with claws holding the bow. Bald eagle flag with arrows.

  However, Liu Zhi always felt that there seemed to be something lacking in it. If the boat in front of me was pulled out now, it would be absolutely no problem to say that it was a transcendent level, and after it was released, there must be several transcendent attributes appearing.

   But to say that this is a legendary ship, there is still something missing.

  This may be the difference between Legendary and Extraordinary.

   Before reaching level 8, even if Liu Zhi discovered this, he didn't know how to deal with it.

  At this time, he has discovered the gap between himself and Benjamin. This is not a gap in the level of shipbuilding, but a gap in experience and imagination.

  It seems that this guy named Benjamin, even if he is not of Franklin's blood, can rely on his own brain to embark on the road to success.

  Just as they nailed the last nail to the ship, Benjamin brought dozens of strong white men from outside the shipyard.

  They were all the same burly men that Liu Zhi had seen before, each of them more than two meters tall, and under the tanned wheaten skin, there was a kind of bronze light flowing.

   Stopped his work, the old shipbuilder looked at them with some envy.

  "This is the blood of the Titan, even if it is only bronze, it is stronger than the average person in terms of strength and physique."

   Liu Zhi asked curiously: “How did these bloodlines be passed down?”

  "That is their natural strength. The blood lineage in Europe is like this. Just find an ordinary person and push up your inheritance. The ancestor may be someone on Olympus.

It’s just that the spiritual imprisonment on the European side over the years has made them forget their source, and coupled with a large number of witch hunting actions, they have lost the best inheritance maternal body, so the existence of blood can be activated more and more. not enough.

  If it were not for the rise of the Renaissance, which reminded people of the mythology of the year, this kind of blood inheritance would not know how long it would be interrupted. "

  Yiuzhi turned his head and glanced at the old shipbuilder. For the first time, he felt that this old man was not easy.

   "Don't look at me like that, my name is Fulton, and Leonardo da Vinci is my teacher."

  Liu Zhi heard it, the waterfall was sweating on one end, which year has it been, Da Vinci has been dead for at least three hundred years.

  The old shipbuilder seemed to see Ryuzhi's thoughts, and he said lightly, "I am 313 years old this year."

  Ryuzhi was stunned on the spot. It was not that he didn't believe that someone could live for such a long time, but he doubted that the old shipbuilder in front of him, he was so big, how the shipbuilding skills were only level 6 or 7.

  At this time, the old shipbuilder said quietly: "I used to be a painter and an inventor."


  No need to ask Liu Zhi, this old shipbuilder did not do this professionally. He just relied on hundreds of years to build some ships at will, and he reached this level.

  It is also proved from this point that genius cannot be compared to the accumulation of time.

  At this moment, a boat of this size was dragged outside by those strong men.

At this time, Benjamin is holding a weird scepter in his hand. The scepter looks like a stent. A metal kite string is wrapped around one end of the scepter, and a small piece of kite string is hanging on the The bottle, there is a gold coin in the bottle.

  As soon as he saw this scepter, Liu Zhi thought of the legendary Franklin story, and flew a kite to cause thunder on a rainy day.

  This is not the wreckage of the kite.

   Just when Liu Zhi was puzzled, Benjamin raised the scepter in his hand and said to the ship.

  (End of this chapter)

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