Necromantic Myth

Chapter 587: The calculated Ragi (43/109)

  Chapter 587 The calculated Liu Zhi (43109)

  This surprising scene, Liu Zhi naturally watched very seriously.

The old shipbuilder next to him kept talking about something. Yanagi stood on the side and listened. It seemed that the old shipbuilder was explaining to his students which functions they had just added. What things were installed on the ship from the beginning.

  What will affect the ship?

  Yagizhi then realized that after he built the ship, he didn't seem to have a reconsideration in his heart to see what he learned and missed in the shipbuilding this time.

  While Ryuzhi was still thinking about this, he heard a buzzing sound, a blue light flashed by, and the floating Cyclops Washington disappeared in front of everyone.

The old shipbuilder Fulton patted Ryuzhi on the shoulder, "Okay, our mission is complete. Go back and have a rest. You can get the reward tomorrow. Speaking of, I have a plan to build a new ship. Don't go with me."

   "No, I also joined in accidentally, and I have my own business. I intend to become an extraordinary professional, and I am now looking for a route."

"That's a shame, but your thinking is right. No matter how famous you are, your own strength is not as effective as your own strength. If you become an extraordinary professional, your life will be longer if you don't say anything else. Look at me, in fact, I am also one. Professionals."

  Fulton looked at you, come and compliment my look.

  However, Liu Zhi didn't understand Fulton's intentions. He was still thinking about his own affairs there.

  At this time, Benjamin’s men left behind also began to clear the field. They took a famous shipbuilder away, seemingly led to each room to get the prepared things.

  It can be seen from this point that they are now beginning to protect some privacy and prevent others from knowing how much each person’s income is.

   Soon the ordinary shipbuilders had already arranged it, and it was immediately the turn of the extraordinary shipbuilders like Yanagiji.

  The first person to be invited over was Fulton. He had a good relationship with Benjamin's parents. When he came, the elders of Benjamin's family had already won the corresponding things for Fulton.

  He is just going to get some convenient things in his hands.

  The next person who was invited over turned out to be Liu Zhi.

  This is something that Liu Zhi never expected.

  He thought he would be last.

  Followed the staff member to a room, and Liu Zhi noticed that he put it in a box in the room.

  The box hadn't been opened yet, Liu Zhi could feel the natural aura and strong luck coming from the box.

  When the staff saw Yanji coming in, they opened the box, and what was inside was the cut cherry wood.

  Of course, part of the cherry wood has been carved into medals, and part of it is placed in a box. It seems that each piece is carefully placed.

  Pointing to these cherry woods, the staff member said: “According to the contract, you can pick one piece from it. Take which piece you want by yourself.”

  Yagiji felt the cherry woods, and he found that no matter which piece he pointed his finger at, there was plenty of natural aura surging on it.

  It can be seen that these cherry woods were taken care of by the druids before they were chopped down. Even if they have been chopped down, the natural breath is still quite strong.

  If ordinary people hold this, it can be used as a temporary blood tonic. Before the natural aura in it is exhausted, someone holding this piece of wood or something made of wood can’t die.

  Ryuzhi has a good natural aura, he picked one of the most vigorous and held it in his hand.

  As soon as the piece of cherry wood was in his hands, Yanagi felt that the piece of cherry wood seemed to vibrate, as if he wanted to drag him somewhere.

  Yiu Zhi was trying to stop, but he immediately thought of one thing. Benjamin had promised him the druid inheritance before, so it is difficult to achieve this.

  But it’s not right to think about it. If I disappeared from here, what would the staff in front of me think.

  At this moment, the staff came up with another contract.

  "Mr. Sandro, this is the location of the manor for you to choose. By the way, we are now called the farm. This is a material reward for you. See which one you want to choose."


  Liu Zhi raised his head. He was about to talk, and he flew out just after he got the cherry wood in his hand.

  Ryuzhi couldn't take care of a lot. He directly pointed to the top document and said, "Just choose here. What's going on here."

   "Sandrui first..."

  Before the staff finished speaking, they saw the cherry wood in Liu Zhi's hand flying out.

  At this time, Liu Zhi realized that when he came in, the door was not closed tightly. The cherry wood that would have been blocked by the wood actually flew out like this.

  When Liu Zhi rushed out, he felt something was wrong.

  He wanted to go back and ask if he could not exchange the cherry wood for another.

  But as soon as he turned his head, he realized that the door had been closed.

  At this time, even Liu Zhi knew that something was wrong.

  He pressed the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard on his waist and stared at the surroundings.

  Liu Zhi noticed that at this time, the loud voices outside had disappeared, and something like mist began to flood into the corridor.

   Facing all this, Liu Zhi snorted, and a dark sky shrouded himself.

   Then he stretched out his hand and released a few eyes of the sky, looking around.

  Under the operation of Yanagiji, he quickly found the cherry wood flying away.

  Yagiji did not chase it by himself, but kept staring at it with the eyes of the sky.

  The cherry wood flew forward and flew to the small square outside.

  Wandering in front of a tree, seemed to be waiting for Liu Zhi to chase it out.

  Liu Zhi is a little puzzled, is it possible that there is something hidden here waiting for him?

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi let out a few eyes in the sky. One of them stared at the cherry tree that was still wandering, and the rest began to look around with the tree as the center.

  Although the eye of the sky does not see many places, it still has a certain effect on stealth and the like.

  The number of Eyes of the Sky released by    will be more, and soon he discovered that on the right side of the building, which is the farthest mountain from the belly of the mountain, some are not quite right.

  There seemed to be someone staring at the lingering cherry wood, as if waiting for Yanagi to come over.

This one is very similar to the druid that Yanagi saw in the drying room before. He also wears a leather armor with an Indian style crest on top of his head, but Yanagi can be sure that he is not a drying room. Those of you.

  Because there is something sharp like a bird's beak hanging on his mouth, some white smoke will be emitted every time he breathes, which can be seen. The fog outside is what he sprayed.

  (End of this chapter)

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