Necromantic Myth

Chapter 594: Win!

   Chapter 594 Victory!

  The King of Thunderbirds has experienced countless battles, and he is still in the position of a bystander. When he reacts, he can naturally see Ryuzhi's plan.

  At this moment, in this dark cloud, there are already thunder and lightning **** released by Liu Zhi, and each lightning ball is covered with light blue wind blades.

  Thunderbird did not see these, but the King of Thunderbirds did. He always felt that the situation was out of control.

  When did I feel this way last time? It seems to be the time I saw the wrath of nature.

  At that time, Nature's Fury approached him, saying that Nature was already angry with the white people's behavior and hoped that he would help.

  He didn’t want to. Nature’s wrath was in the battle. He used his spirit to introduce the power of heaven and earth and defeated the Thunderbird he sent out in one fell swoop.

  From that time on, the King of Thunderbirds also recognized the existence of human druids.

  This time.

  Ryuzhi does not have the strong mind of nature's wrath, he has the divinity of rain but will not use it.

  But Ryuzhi knew his goal. He chose the method that suits him to fight, turning the space into his own territory.

  When returning to the starting position, Liu Zhi can be said to have controlled the whole situation.

  Under his thin stabbing sword, Thunderbird kept backing away as he did at the beginning.

  And just when Thunderbird retreated to a certain position, Liu Zhi suddenly said.


  All the lightning **** exploded, and a net made up of blue current appeared in the sky.

  If it’s just this, Thunderbird doesn’t have much, because Thunderbird lives in thunder and lightning every day, and is very resistant to lightning.

  But this net is not used to trap or attack Thunderbird, this net is used to rebound the wind blade.

  The wind blades that all popped out because the lightning ball exploded were the main force of Yanagi's attack.

  The blue wind blade carries a blue current, and it ejects continuously from the power grid. Every time it touches the power grid, the speed of the wind blade will accelerate, and an additional layer of current will appear on the wind blade.

  And the speed of the wind blade will become faster and faster.

  Liu Zhi had already withdrawn from the sphere of influence before the lightning ball exploded.

  Instead, the Thunderbird didn't know what kind of situation it would face, and it was within the explosion range of the lightning ball.

  He was first affected by the explosion of the lightning ball, and then the power grid stopped him, and the wind blade was cutting him back and forth. At this moment, a lot of feathers on his body were cut off.

  The most important thing is that Liu Zhi did not stop the attack. He stood outside the power grid and wandered non-stop. Every time he wandered, he would throw a bone spear made of thunder and lightning into it.

  Although the bone spear has become thunder and lightning, the things that can be blessed will not change, such as penetration, self-detonation, flame, ice, and poison.

  All the combinations Yanagi can think of are used.

  Each time the bone spear will follow the lightning net to the thunderbird, and then there will be explosions, flames, and ice effects.

  The Thunderbird was beaten on the spot.

  Although its body has been elementalized, it cannot withstand such an attack.

  In almost a blink of an eye, Thunderbird's size is obviously smaller.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi shook his right hand, and the thin thorn sword made of thunder and lightning in his hand wrote a Z in the air.

  Seeing this situation, the King of Thunderbirds suddenly stood up. He felt that Liu Zhi's movements at this time were full of danger, and there seemed to be something wrong.

  But the King of Thunderbirds couldn’t stop this from happening in the past, he could only watch there, as if Nature’s Fury had killed one of his most valued offspring.

  At this moment, the long sword in Liu Zhi's hand stabs forward, just in the middle of the second stroke of Z.

  The sword pierced down, and the sky seemed to be suddenly quiet, and then everything, including the power grid, wind blades, and dark clouds, all went towards the tip of Liu Zhi's piercing sword.

  Thunderbird never had a chance to escape. He seemed to be frozen, he would not move even if he stood in the sky.

  Yagiji's thin stabbing sword easily pierced into the thunderbird's body.

  In the next instant, Liu Zhi heard a boom, Thunderbird's body exploded, and his power turned into lightning and wind and merged into Liu Zhi's body.

   At this time, Liu Zhi can be regarded as understanding, what is the real Thunder Wing Druid.

  The things that I felt when I went to heaven before are all false. If you choose those, they will become Thunderwing Druids, but their route will be fixed.

  Only by participating in this challenge and not taking the route of Nature's Fury, but defeating and killing a Thunderbird alone, will Thunderwing Druid have something new.

  Because in this dark cloud and lightning environment, in a one-on-one battle, after killing Thunderbird, all the power of Thunderbird belongs to the challenger.

   Absorbing the power of Thunderbird, Liu Zhi stood in the air like this. The sky was like the ground to him. No matter where he stood, it was so natural.

   Beside him, rolling a lot of electric current, the electric current seems to want to form a pair of wings on his shoulders.

  But Liu Zhi was unmoved. The current was beating on his shoulders, but he failed to form wings.

  Finally, Liu Zhi raised his head and looked at the King of Thunderbirds in the sky.

  The Thunderbird King stared at him, "What's your name."

   "Sandrew Crusoe."

   "My child is called Twinkling Light. You can call it this name in the future."

After speaking, all the thunderbirds disappeared, and the sky was blue, as if the dark clouds before and everything were fake. They had never appeared before. Only Liu Zhi stood in the air, looking at him silently. everything of.

  When it was determined that there was no way to form wings, the current finally jumped to the top of Liu Zhi's head and injected into his eyes.

   Then three things appeared in front of Ryuzhi. These three things were a pair of bird claws carrying electricity, a bird skull carrying water vapor, and a large number of feathers with a breath of wind.

  Liu Zhi knew at a glance that these three things, like the Necromancer's three-piece suit, were rewards for the druid.

  As for the Druid, it will be a little more casual. How you want to use it depends on everyone's own choice.

  The Thunderwing Druid here is obviously not as challenged as Yanagi to get Thunderbird parts.

  The way they choose may be similar to that of natural fury. They use feathers as Indian-style crests, and bird claws and skulls as musical instruments or staff.

  Yagiji didn't have to choose like they did. He picked up the bird skull, the moment he picked up the thing.

  There are a lot of dark patterns on the skull, turning this skull into a flying eagle helmet in the beast head helmet that can be used by druids.

  (End of this chapter)

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