Necromantic Myth

Chapter 608: Listen to mummy telling stories (54/109)

  Chapter 608 Listen to the mummy telling stories (54109)

   "A living necromancer is really rare."

  The mummy spoke in a weird tone, his attitude was full of disdain.

  He didn't keep Liu Zhi quiet, Liu Zhi still disdains such existence, so he directly responded.

   "A Necromancer who plays himself between reality and the underworld, that's rare."

  Hearing what Liu Zhi said, the necromancer was also angry, "What do you know, I am inferior to humans. If I lose, I will confess my punishment. You think I would stay here."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi was surprised. He thought for a while, took out a bottle from his pocket and threw it in front of the Necromancer.

   "If there is anything unhappy, let me listen to it and make me happy."

  "Are you sure you are not looking for death?" The Necromancer said as he opened the bottle thrown by Liu Zhi, put it on the tip of his nose and took a sip, "Vitality is alive. I haven't felt such a vitality for a long time."

   "You half human and half ghost can't feel anything."

  Liu Zhi was also not welcome, and directly found a place to sit down, facing the necromancer.

   "Say it, let me hear what's the matter with you."

"It’s not a big deal. My name is Daniel Parker Curtis. You should have heard of my name when you got this manor. I’m a necromancer. I participated in two Wilder King battles and failed twice. , The first time I lost my life, the second time I was sealed here."

  Daniel had such a simple expression on his face, but Ryuzhi realized that it was not simple.

   "The King of the Wilderness War, what is that?"

   "Hey, you didn't even know, I thought you bought my manor just to participate in the war."

  Daniel also looked at Ryuzhi somewhat unexpectedly.

  "I don’t know if it’s normal. I only got here today. For your name, it’s just because your wife married a good person."

"Well, can you stop talking about my wife? In fact, the Wild Kings War is a night in the wilderness where spirits, ghosts, necromancers, druids, witches and other supernatural beings fight A battle where only one person survived.

  Victory so that you can get everything you want, and the loser will lose something. For example, I lost my life the first time and my freedom the second time. "

   "Can anyone participate?" Liu Zhi thought of the king of the wilderness in his mission, and thought he finally found a clue.

"No, I need to sign up, and I will be protected by the rules. When I failed for the first time, I wanted to use the method of a necromancer to escape, but when I fled home, I died. As if he had accepted his fate, he was stuffed here directly, and hadn't been able to go out for so many years.

  Why, do you also want to participate? "

Ryuzhi did not answer, but looked up and down Daniel. He felt that, based on the level of the game, Daniel should be a Level 2 Necromancer, his strength is close to Level 3, and he is taking the route of the plague. There may be nothing to fight alone. , But you should be able to save your life.

  This kind of guy was killed, and it seems that the situation here is really unmanageable.

   "May I ask, what did you want in the first place?"

   "It's very simple. The first time I was gambled with that desperate guy. I don't know other people. What I want here is my wife's health. As a result, that guy actually promised other wishes. What a liar."

  When Daniel said this, he couldn't help but yelled. After swearing for a long time, he stopped and said.

  "The second time I wanted to keep this manor for my children, and hide this manor in a place where only my children can find it. As a result..."

   "Then do you still want this manor?"

  Yagiji asked half-jokingly.

   "Why, you are interested in this manor, that's okay, just take it away if you want it."

  Daniel leaned his head on the throne and stopped talking.

   But Liu Zhi can feel it. Daniel doesn't care about his manor. He still has some nostalgia in his heart.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi said, "By the way, there is one outside who says that it is your eldest daughter, and I have sealed it on the doorknob of your room. You can contact yourself when you have time."

   Hearing this, Daniel opened his eyes again, "Are you talking about Christine? It's nice that she can still be so close to me. By the way, can you bring her to see me."

   "Then what are you going to give?"

"What do you want to know."

   "There are some people who participated in the battle of the king of the wilderness. Are everyone else dead? What are the rules?"

Hearing this, Daniel understood that Liu Zhi was planning to participate. He thought for a while and said: "On the fifteenth of every month, when the moon is at its fullest, you go to the wilderness and put your name on Write down the wish, put it on a rock, and cast a spell against the sky, which is considered to be a registration.

If someone signs up on the same day, then the battle of the king of the wild will start. The number of people varies from two to a hundred, depending on the number of people who sign up on the day. Generally speaking, more people sign up in the summer, and sign up around Halloween. There will be more people.

  And your wish must be written, because your wish represents how strict the rules will be. For example, if you want a manor and you want a country, the investment between them is definitely different.

  Finally, you'd better write down what you are willing to give, otherwise they will kill you the first time, and they will take your freedom the second time. "

  These statements made Liu Zhi an eye-opener, "Is it okay to write anything?"

"Of course there must be something equivalent. I remember that when I joined the war that year, the King of Witches took out his bloodline as a bet. Although she failed in the end, her life was saved, and she should be paid in the end. I have lived for more than a hundred years, and I don’t know what to do if her descendants lose their inheritance."

  "What about the reward for the final winner? Can I get the bets from all participants?"

"How is that possible? If that way, who would be willing to act as an intermediary, the winner will get what they want, at most they will get some benefits on the battlefield, and the others will not give more. You really treat those people as philanthropists. They are very good."

   "Then can they do everything?"

Listening to Liu Zhi’s last question, the corpse Daniel shook his head, "You think too much, I feel that they are the strongest and reach a certain level, not to mention the seal, it may not be possible to achieve the legendary. You still want something that can be achieved."

   "For example?"

  (End of this chapter)

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