Necromantic Myth

Chapter 610: Plague Research

  Chapter 610 Plague Research

   After driving away all the servants and setting up the ghosts, the manor of Yanagiji looked more like a haunted house.

  Those who left the servants can see that the main building of the manor is slowly blending into a kind of shadow. If the previous haunted house is only a legend, the situation in front of the haunted house is a real hammer.

  However, Liu Zhi did not pay attention to these things. With Daniel's guidance, Liu Zhi knew what was important in this big house and where it was unnecessary to go.

  It turned out that in this big house, in addition to the private library, there are two study rooms, where the real good things are hidden.

  Of course, Daniel thinks that after his death, the study room in the canyon should have been taken care of. It is impossible to keep some important things, but those who take the manuscript will definitely replace it with some things.

In order to leave some misses for the later manor owners, the people who took the manuscripts would not be worse off with the things left in place. Some unimportant things would all be copied by hand instead, so if Liu Zhi If you want to find some good things in the book, these two study rooms are the key.

  After confirming the location, Liu Zhi immediately came to the main study.

  Only when he opened the door, Liu Zhi felt a quaint aura rushing over his face. It was obviously just a rather private study. I don’t know why Liu Zhi had a feeling of stepping into history.

  This feeling was only a momentary matter, but Liu Zhi's own perception ability was relatively strong, and at the same time, this feeling activated his divinity and awakened him, so he didn't believe it was his own illusion.

   glanced up and down at the study, Liu Zhi was directly attracted by the manuscripts on the desk.

  All these manuscripts are imitations, and the authentic ones must have been taken away, but Liu Zhi still saw a weird breath on it.

He stepped forward and picked up the manuscript, and then he was a little speechless. This turned out to be the revised version of the "Declaration of Independence", and this version was the first version, which represented ten of the 13 states originally colonized by the British. The three extraordinary forces organize the common wishes and ideas.

  Yagiji saw that among these thirteen transcendent organizations, there was an existence called a sky druid.

  The other extraordinary organization that represents the state is the Witch Council, and the one who signed this is the king of witches who has lost his bloodline.

  Looking at the names of other forces again, Liu Zhi felt that there must be many different stories in the original independence.

  Even he suspected that these thirteen transcendents might have participated in Daniel’s battle and survived.

  This suspicion made Liu Zhi more serious about the fake manuscript. He did not put the book aside after discovering that he had no experience as before, but read all the manuscripts carefully.

   Putting down the manuscript in his hand, Liu Zhi was silent. He did not expect that when the Bald Eagle Principality was founded, he had such an agreement with various transcendent organizations.

It's like a force called the Ivy League. They are the strongest existence in the thirteen states. They agreed with Washington that after the establishment of the Bald Eagle Principality, they required all schools to be classified as Evergreen. Rattan's sphere of influence.

  In order to make it easier for them to choose from the students who can become wizards or druids.

  There are many similar agreements. Of course, these forces are not taking advantage of these in vain, and they will also give something.

  Like Ryuji noticed that the force called the sky druid gave a scepter, saying that it would allow the power of the Bald Eagle Principality to control the weather, and at least control the thunder and lightning.

  Although there is no evidence, Liu Zhi suspects that the sky druid is the main branch or predecessor of the thunderwing druid.

  It can be seen from this manuscript that although on the surface the Bald Eagle Principality does not have any extraordinary combat power, but in order to fight, they can draw out a powerful force at will.

  And these extraordinary organizations have integrated themselves into all aspects of life in the Bald Eagle Principality.

  If you want to challenge the Principality of Bald Eagle, it is tantamount to breaking the roots of these forces. Without the Principality of Bald Eagle, they will deal with it themselves.

This discovery made Liu Zhi's face gradually become serious. He originally thought that the world's strongest was only at level 5, but now he seems to have misunderstood Mark's meaning. The silver level game guide refers to level 5 and It's not the upper limit of level 5, but the best level to enter.

  This is a bit tricky.

  He is less than level 3 now.

But Liu Zhi immediately changed his mind. This is just a challenge for him. He has already served as a druid. As long as he completes this battle of the king of the wilderness, his level can reach level 3, and the druid Mixed occupations with Necromancer, no matter what kind of world you are in, you can survive.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi finally had some confidence again. He put down the "Declaration of Independence" and began to look through the other manuscripts in the study.

  Ryuzhi discovered that this study was originally supposed to belong to Daniel's study. It was different from the natural fortune of Washington and Franklin, who was talented in all aspects. Daniel did not have such a strong talent.

  He only has some talent in the area of ​​Necromancer, and it is the kind that Liu Zhi saw, specializing in the existence of plague.

  This kind of necromancer is not so popular among all necromancers, after all, it is easy to accidentally damage the things they study.

  So most of the things that Daniel left behind are speculations and manuscripts. Obviously, some of the things that have been researched have been taken away.

  But the remaining part of the copied manuscript is also a new idea for Liu Zhi.

  When he picked up the fake manuscript, he got a prompt from the system.

  【Read the manuscript and master the plague research of the undead advanced skills. 】

[Plague research level 1, undead advancement skills, passive skills, master the method of studying plague-type spells, reduce the difficulty of learning plague-type spells by 1, use plague-type spells to increase each effect by 5%, and increase the combat power of plague-type troops under your hand 1. 】

  【Plague research and knowledge of poisons are linked, and the level of knowledge of poisons is halved, which affects the effect of plague research. 】

  【Plague research and urban planning are linked, and the effect of plague prevention and control will be automatically strengthened during urban construction. 】

Facing the messages that popped up one after another, Ryuzhi did not respond at all. At this time, he couldn't help but be moved by Daniel's idea. Daniel is also a genius. His goal of studying the plague at the beginning was actually to strengthen himself. serf.

  He also named a super cow for this research, Super Serum Project.

  (End of this chapter)

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