Necromantic Myth

Chapter 723: Probe signal

  Chapter 723 Probe Signal

  Di! Beep! Beep!

  While Yanagi was commanding Titan Craft to build a ship, a strange sound came from the sky.

  Liu Zhi looked up and found that three giant battleships over a thousand meters long flew past the sky.

  Behind this giant battleship, there are many fighters of the same type as when they were dropped. Judging from the number, there are at least hundreds of these fighters.

  When these warships and fighters flew in the sky, they kept sending out signals, and the beeping sound came from them.

Liu Zhi was a little puzzled. When he was about to check what was going on, he found a signal from the bunker. The bunker controller was sent to one of the three giant battleships by a small plane. Went inside.

Liu Zhi glanced at these battleships. He didn’t know much about the things that could fly into space. Judging from the current situation, this battleship was not of the highest level. The battleship that sent them to this planet was already in length. Ten thousand meters have passed.

  Compared with that warship, these three are all small spaceships.

  It's just that the small spaceship is too big compared to the few ships that Liu Zhi is currently building. Liu Zhi has been building five ships at the same time these days, all of which are elven sailing ships.

Although Liu Zhi is currently only an 8th-level shipbuilder, and the legendary three characters have not yet been stamped because of the unsuccessful legend, but as far as the current situation is concerned, four of the five ships are all extraordinary levels with three attributes. There is a elven sailing ship that is likely to become legendary.

   Even so, the longest of his five ships is no more than 100 meters. Compared with the giant battleship of more than 1,000 meters, they have become the younger brother of the younger brothers.

When   Yagiji built the ship, he only thought of how to transport the beasts, how to rush to the next island in the shortest time, and how to ensure the safety of the beasts and their growth on the ship.

  There is simply no way to take care of everything like a giant battleship.

   Seeing the giant battleship in the sky, Liu Zhi glanced at the half-built elven sailing ship, and couldn't help sighing. For the first time, he felt that even on this kind of planet, some accumulation was incomparable.

  Fortunately, these warships did not wander in front of Yanagi for too long. After receiving the bunker controller, the warships headed towards the center of the sea.

  And when the battleships flew out, Ryuzhi felt as if they had locked something.

  A thought flashed through his mind, "These warships are not here to find brood eggs."

Liu Zhi was right. After these battleships were connected to the bunker controller, they received corresponding information. The three giant battleships have nothing to do. They just lock the enemy in the air, and the following fighters are different. They Flew towards all the small islands in the sea, and dropped something on each small island.

  It is not a bomb that is dropped, but the effect is not much different from that of a bomb. It is a weapon similar to a sonic wave. The sound made in the sky before is the function of this weapon.

  This time this weapon was dropped on all the islands, in order to find the nests or brood eggs buried under the islands.

  But this kind of weapon is harmful to all kinds of beasts. When the weapon that looked like a tin can was thrown from the fighter plane, all the beasts on the island sprang out of the woods.

  In their ears, what was coming was not the beeping sound that Liu Zhi and the others had heard, but a terrible sound that would break the ears and even bleed the seven orifices.

Some spotted brook beasts are okay. They can flash through the attack of this sound as long as they fly into the air. The beasts on the ground are different. A large number of beasts that have not been promoted die under the influence of this sound. The giant tree thousands of meters high even twisted its body, seeming to weaken the impact of such sound.

  Before these fighters dropped this weapon, they had already considered the situation they would encounter.

  Everything in front of them can't stop them from taking the next step.

  In the next instant, beams of light of various colors rose on each island. All those beams of light were captured by the three giant battleships and quickly analyzed through their computers.

  The bunker controller who had just been invited to the bridge of the main battleship saw the bridge as busy as a honeycomb, and a middle-aged man who appeared to have been dressed as a general was looking at the constantly changing big screen.

  Seeing the arrival of the bunker controller, the general just raised his head and glanced up, and beside him, a figure who looked like an adjutant stood up.

"Hello, Lieutenant Xu Yate, welcome to the flagship of the Seventh Patrol, the Steel Independence. We have received the message you sent three days ago. Based on the information obtained from the sonic air patrol just now, you report it. The news was confirmed to be true."

  While the adjutant was speaking, the bunker controller also saw the change on the main screen not far away.

  The map of the entire sea area nearby has appeared on it. The locations of the small islands are all marked in detail and can be seen. Just before, they have conducted a large-scale exploration of the sea area below.

  Even near the island, there are some indications for whether there are ores and how many ores there are.

  But the most important thing is that the islands are painted in various colors. The most common ones are red, yellow and green, of which red is the least. In the entire sea area, there are four small islands painted in red.

If Liu Zhi were to discover here, two of these four small islands were completely occupied by the Zerg who he discovered, and the remaining two are relatively far away from Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi has not found that side yet, but Judging from the situation here, the two islands have also been occupied by the Zerg.

  There are relatively more green ones. There are about 20 in total, including the small island where Yuji and the others stayed, and the small islands taken down by Yuji.

  The most followed are islands marked with yellow. The yellows on these islands are marked in depth and light, and there is a corresponding analysis on them. It should be those islands where brood eggs were planted.

  The above data reflects how many brood eggs are on these small islands, and what level the brood eggs have expanded.

  While the bunker controller looked at the situation, the general said again, “Give the order, all the dark yellow ones will be destroyed, and all the brood eggs below the bright yellow level will be forced back.”

After saying this, the general turned his head to look at the bunker controller, "Lieutenant Xu Yate, this time you did a good job. The empire will never forget your contributions. Three days later, your rewards and Supplies will be sent, and I hope you can make this the front line against the Zerg."

  Speaking of this, the general paused, "Here will be the key to the battle."

  (End of this chapter)

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