Necromantic Myth

Chapter 789: Weird robot forces (14/98)

  Chapter 789 Weird Robot Force (1498)

In   Yagiji’s Adariyat, there are now a total of 30,000 spider infantrymen, and they are directly divided into five hundred teams, heading in all directions.

  If these spider infantry were released, no one would care. Liu Zhi asked them to kill directly from here to a certain position and stop. In the process, he found that the enemy was killed directly.

  Besides their combat instincts, these spider infantry have no brains. They only obey Ryuzhi's orders.

  Under the order, the spider infantry moved very fast. In almost an instant, more than 30,000 spider infantry had disappeared near the Adariyat.

They rushed into the distance like a tide. Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head, "It seems that my subordinates are still not enough. The number of these spider infantry is still not enough. We need to activate another batch of spiders. infantry."

   Just as Liu Zhi said this, there was another explosion in the distance.

  Ryuzhi flew into the air and glanced over there, and found that the spider infantry was fighting with the robot.

  The number of these robots is less than the number of spider infantry, but they are covered with iron plates all over their bodies, and they hold shields made of iron plates.

  For them, a normal attack can not even damage the skin, let alone defeat them.

  Fortunately, there are a lot of spider infantry, and they are not afraid of death. After a batch of robots are hacked to death by the robot's chain sword, a new batch of spider infantry will be added immediately, in order to cut a knife to the robot.

  About four or five spider infantry, you can replace a robot.

  Looking at such an exchange ratio, Liu Zhi didn't know whether it was good or bad. He only knew that his spider infantry seemed a little insufficient.

   Seeing this, Liu Zhi hesitated, and pointed to the directions of the dead spider infantry and robots.

   "Drag all these corpses back, take the metal back and decompose, and send the corpses of the spider infantry to the transformation pool, ready to be transformed into the energy and materials needed to generate a new spider infantry."

After the   Liu Zhi's order was passed, a large number of undead began to act soon. These undead who were originally intended to fight have all become coolies and began to clear the battlefield here.

Soon Liu Zhi found something different on this land. The robots gathered here were killed by the spider artillery under Liu Zhi’s hand, but the shelling did not melt the robot’s body. Into molten iron or something.

  The undead coolies still found a lot of relatively complete materials.

  There are parts of concern such as robotic arms or the body, and some metal blocks that have been melted into a ball, but the most attractive are some green things that look like batteries.

  The thing is only the size of a palm, it looks like a black iron box, but from the pattern of the iron box, you can see that it contains some green liquid.

  Just holding this thing in his hand, Liu Zhi could feel the terrifying power coming from it.

  This kind of power seems to be a kind of energy, but Liu Zhi can feel the aura of distortion and destruction inside.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, beckoned to a spider infantry, let him come over.

   "You take this over there."

  Yagiji threw the iron box into the hands of the spider infantry, and pointed to a nearby spider shield guard.

  As soon as those spider shield guards saw this situation, they quickly raised the shield hanging on their feet to protect themselves.

  The spider infantry walked honestly to the spider shield guard.

   "Very good, use your greatest strength to destroy the thing in your hand."

  Under the order of Ryuuji, the sickle of the spider infantry's right hand slashed on the iron box.

Cut down by this knife, the iron box turned into a dazzling green in an instant, and then the iron box exploded with a bang, where the spider infantry who was experimenting with the power of the iron box was blown to pieces while holding the shield. The Spider Shield Guard was also affected somewhat.

  Liu Zhi saw that the explosion range of the iron box was still very large, and he could directly explode a large pit with a diameter of ten meters.

In this ten-meter range, the unprepared spider infantry will be blown to pieces on the spot, and the prepared spider infantry will be better, but the shield they are holding will be destroyed, and they will be The location and the injury were of varying severity.

  Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi's face also became serious.

  He didn't expect these robots to have such a thing. What if the robots blew up after feeling that they failed? He believed that as long as the robots were willing to blew themselves up, the loss of his spider infantry would be considerable.

  Thinking about it, Ryuuji gave an order to the undead, “Collect the iron plates from those robots, take them back and recast them into shields to strengthen the spider shield.

After speaking, he took a relatively intact iron box, "Open the portal, let someone send this iron box back, and notify the black gloves to study. I don’t care what he thinks, I need to know how this thing is. Come on, can we get something out of it."

  The undead who took the iron box moved quickly. In addition to taking part of the energy iron box, he also brought back some relatively complete robotic arms.

  The things sent back may give goblins some good ideas, and maybe it won’t be long before new research results will be sent.

  However, Liu Zhi still felt this was slow. At this time, he wondered if he wanted to bring back a batch of garbage goblins.

  Those garbage goblins are the least capable of the goblins, but they have the ability to pick up garbage, which is quite useful at this time.

  The undead under Liu Zhi at least are invisible to the smaller fragments, and the garbage goblin will definitely put these things away like treasures.

Just as Liu Zhi was thinking like this, he suddenly felt something wrong. The ground that had been bombed before began to vibrate. At the same time, as if time was going backwards, batches of robots appeared in the place where they stood before. on.

  If it wasn't for Ryuji's Adariyat that was still standing there, and if it weren't for the spider infantry that was still attacking the robots, maybe Ryuuji would think that the previous battle had never happened.

  In the next instant, these robots discovered the existence of Liu Zhi and the others, and they immediately rushed over with their weapons.

  And at this time, Liu Zhi couldn't let the spider artillery wash the ground. He could only let the spider infantry retreat and fight these robots.

  At this moment, a group of humans riding motorcycles rushed out from nearby, and a series of bullets hit the robots, sparking sparks.

  (End of this chapter)

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