Necromantic Myth

Chapter 805: Come on, I'm here to attract strangers (22/98)

  Chapter 805 Come, I'm here to attract strangers (2298)

  Seeing that the druid had stopped his communication, the human knight was also a little annoyed.

However, he is unhappy and unhappy, but right now this is no way. After all, among the three players, he is the kind of attacker who does things without thinking. In the past, druids and female tyrants always led him in doing things. of.

  Now that the female tyrant is dead, he doesn't think he has the ability to handle everything here. After thinking about it, he finally went to the inside of his own grassland.

  As he walked into the depths of the grassland, the human knight took the bunny ears off his head. After such a transformation, he didn't look like a rabbit at all, but rather like a real warrior.

Putting the rabbit ears away, the human knight grabbed the ground and caught a few half-human rabbits. These rabbits knew at a glance that they were the kind of existence that was originally wise, but finally lost the wisdom. They are also wearing some small clothes.

  Dragging these rabbits, the human knight walked in. After a while, he heard a dragon roar, and a silver-gray dragon more than 30 meters long fell from the sky and fell in front of the human knight.

  As soon as he saw the human knight, the dragon threw his head on the knight, acting as if Erha had seen his master.

   "Good boy, good boy." The human knight said while touching the dragon's head.

  After being so affectionate for a while, the human knight threw the rabbit he had brought into the sky. The dragon was like a big dog, rushing to bite the rabbit into his mouth.

   "What a good boy, a good boy, let's go out and fly around later, do you remember the red valley before? Fly there."

  The dragon eating the rabbit turned his head and glanced at the human knight. His eyes were dumbfounded, but the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth proved that he was not that kind of harmless creature.

  This is exactly the route for the human knight to advance to the ranks. The dragon knight he advances to is the rarest of knights.

  As the most arrogant existence of all creatures, dragons generally do not regard themselves as mounts. Generally, those that can be ridden by people are dragons and beasts.

  Of course, there is an exception, that is, this dragon was raised by people since childhood, so they will let people ride it.

  Just think about dragons and human creatures, think about how long the juvenile period of dragons is, you can know how difficult it is to do this.

  This human knight rushed on the path of the dragon knight. As a player, he has a long life, and he can slowly grow with the dragon.

  Moreover, this human knight has even thought out the following route. He can grow up to level 10 together with the dragon. Then the dragon can grow into an ancient dragon, and he can directly advance to the level 10 ancient dragon knight.

  Afterwards, transforming the old dragon is another way of evolution.

  It can be said that this road can at least support him to reach level 15, and what he has paid is the first three to five hundred years of the dragon's growth.

  Now is not the time.

Touching his own giant dragon, a thought flashed through the human knight's mind. The current giant dragon is still in the state of a young dragon. At least it would have to wait until the dragon grows to a length of more than fifty meters before using one or two magics. This is the most suitable time to train as a mount.

  But there is no way right now. The human knight fed the dragon and ate some rabbits, and then said, "Come on, dear boy, we are going to fly around."

  After finishing talking, the human knight jumped on the back of the dragon. Because the dragon was so different from his size, he naturally couldn't sit on the back of the dragon. In fact, he was lying on the neck of the dragon.

  This position is just right for various attacks on the dragon's head. For example, when the dragon sprays dragon's breath, it can be used for long-range attacks.

  As for melee combat, I'm sorry, after getting on the giant dragon, the dragon knights are long-range troops, and the dragon knights in melee combat are all existences of dragon beasts riding small flying dragons, such as the spotted creek beast.

  After riding on the neck of the giant dragon, the human knight fixed himself, and then pointed at the valley.

   "Fly over there."

The dragon usually does such activities with human knights, so it flies toward the valley at once. It may not fly to the valley as fast at the speed of the dragon, but his physical strength can definitely keep the dragon in between. Fly back and forth.

  The human knight is ready, he intends to fly to the vicinity, as long as he sees the enemy, he can strike from a distance.

The thing after    is to lead them into the trap.

  Although he is not a hunter, he often does this kind of thing. After all, there is a flying dragon, so he comes faster than the other two.

   But this time he felt something was wrong. When he flew to the valley, he saw something floating in the air from a distance.

  After he got closer, he patted the dragon's neck directly, "Good boy, don't fly forward."

  After seeing the Adariyat, he understood why the female tyrant Velhari would die at the hands of Ryuzhi.

  This is not what the druid had guessed at all. Ryuzhi is not a necromancer or an assassin at all.

   Such a big war platform, let alone kill the female tyrant, even if it destroys a floating platform, it can be done.

  The female tyrant is dead in his hands, and he rushes forward at this time. Isn’t that dying?

  So the human knight patted the dragon on the neck, "Let’s go back."

  However, the appearance of the human knight still aroused Liu Zhi's attention.

  The two Phantom Flying Dragons flew out with a group of Banxi Beasts, and there were some Titan creations on the Banxi Beasts.

  If it weren’t for Ryuuji that hadn’t cleaned everything in the valley, maybe there would be Ryuuji’s Adariyat who would be chasing him.

Even so, the Titan creations on these spotted brook beasts also carry a movable starry sky beacon. As long as they chase the place or encounter an attack, they will put the starry beacon down, and then Ryuzhi will do it. The Adariyat will be teleported directly along the beacon of the starry sky.

  Of course, Void Jump and Hades Shuttle were also possible.

  But Void Jump requires a relatively long preparation time, and Hades travels through this broken land, and may not know where it will go, so Liu Zhi simply did not intend to use it.

Seeing the flying dragons appearing behind them, the giant dragon and the human knight on their necks were all startled. They all saw that the two phantom flying dragons are not something they can deal with now, and the spotted brook beast is better to fight. However, the number of spotted brook beasts was so large that it was not worth the loss in fighting.

  Thinking of this, the human knight slapped the dragon, and the dragon had two wings, and fled towards the way he came.

  (End of this chapter)

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