Necromantic Myth

Chapter 904: Ghost King's Resurrection Plan

  Chapter 904 Ghost King's Resurrection Plan

  When Liu Zhi reacted, he noticed that he had been moved to another space. This space was a piece of mercury liquid, and he himself was soaked in this liquid.

  Ryuzhi is a person who has experienced things. He recognized it at a glance, "The origin of the plane?"

   "It's the source, but it's a branch of the source. You can see it, you know a lot."

  The voice no longer sounded in Liu Zhi's heart this time, but instead echoed in this space. It can be heard that this person's situation is not very good.

  Branch? Liu Zhi looked up and found that it was true. From time to time, a drop of silver liquid fell from the sky and into the water.

  It can be seen that the liquid was transferred from other places.

  Yagiji stood up and stood on the surface of the silver liquid like this. There he was thinking that he would be sent to this branch because the other party did not trust him, or because he only had this branch available.

  While Ryuzhi was thinking about this, a human figure suddenly appeared on the silver water surface. The figure hesitated for a moment, and finally turned into a male appearance.

   "Sit down and talk."

  When the figure opened, some tables and chairs rose on the silver water, and there was even a cup of tea that looked black.

  "Please have tea."

  Liu Zhi knows these plane consciousnesses, no matter how frustrated he is, he is still a bigwig, and all he gives is good.

  So Ryuji was not polite, took the cup and drank.

  Take a sip, the black tea was inhaled into his abdomen, and then Liu Zhi felt his whole body warm. He felt his limbs full of strength and became more flexible.

   "The effect of strength +2, agility +2."

  Without looking at his own system, Liu Zhi had already judged in his heart. It seems that for a small person like him at level 5, the things given by these big planes are really simple and boring.

  Seeing Liu Zhi drank the tea, the figure also laughed happily, "I think you should know what happened three hundred years ago."

  Ryuzhi raised his head and glanced at the figure, and then said: "Are you plane consciousness or a clone of plane consciousness?"

  This one didn’t expect Liu Zhi to ask such a question. He smiled, "Is there a difference?"

  "There is a difference. I have seen plane consciousness and the planet's protoss. I know that there are some things that can only be done by the body, because the clone has no authority."

  Yagiji stared at that person's eyes. Although that person's eyes were also made of silver liquid, it was obvious that he could see the emotional fluctuations in his eyes.

"I am not the main body, I am just a clone. Three hundred years ago, a player came in. He came in with his own spaceship, because the spaceship was damaged to a certain extent, plus the main body’s influence on the world. Suppressed, his ship fell directly into the sea, and his spacecraft could not even fly."

Having said that, this man raised his hand and a cup of tea appeared in his hand. After he drank the tea, he half leaned back on the chair. "This kind of thing is very simple. Players don’t even know about it when they appear in this world. How many times, every time I complete the task and leave.

  After most players come in, do they have to take a look at what their abilities are limited and what abilities can be used? This is the rule of the world, and the players just recognize it.

  But this player was different. He didn't recognize that he was suppressed. He borrowed some methods and laid a trap to make him want to extract the source of the world from my body to supplement the energy of his spaceship.

  As a result, the ontology, afraid of something wrong, left the heart of the plane and entered the origin of the world, trying to prevent all of this from happening. "

  Speaking of this, this man stood up a little helplessly. He waved his hand, looking very excited.

  "You should be clear about what happened later. My ontology was trapped. That guy used the ontology's authority over the rules of the world to modify the authority of this world, turning this world into the present one.

Fortunately, at that time, the ontology left me behind. I followed the trend of history and slowly promoted the evolution of the world. More than two hundred years ago, I recovered part of my strength and wanted to release the ontology, but I didn’t expect it. , The player also arranged a backhand, and he set the main body's rules as ghosts, evil forces.

  The ships I borrowed from the historical gap were destroyed by their ships before they did anything.

I thought about asking players to help, but do you think I dare to put players into the source at will? Which blame is just a branch of the source. Any drop of liquid in it can make a player upgrade directly from level 1. To level 4, for players, this is their fate. "

  Ryuzhi heard this and turned his head to look at the silver liquid under his feet. He didn't know that these liquids had such power.

At this time, that person also said: "And your appearance gave me a glimmer of hope. Before you got your identity, I already felt that you have the imprints of two plane consciousnesses on you. They all agree, and at the same time you have the blessing of a **** in you, and you also have a **** in yourself.

  So you are my last hope. I changed some of your tasks and asked you to come and find me.

  But I did not expect that your idea of ​​completing the task is so wonderful, you did not take the initiative to complete the task, but started to deal with some details and hide your identity.

  So I can only leave some clues on your treasure hunting method, so that you can find it by yourself. "

  While speaking, Liu Zhi's attribute bar flicked, and he noticed that there seemed to be some changes in the mission.

  【Hint: Treasure Hunt-Ghost King's Resurrection Plan (Completed)】

[Hint: Treasure Hunt-Ghost King’s Resurrection Plan (Continued 1): You already know the truth about the Ghost King, and you also know what the Ghost King wants you to do. He wants to be resurrected, wants to get everything back to him, and you want What I did was to cooperate with the task of the ghost king. 】

  Looking at the task prompt, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at that person, "What can I do?"

"Help me release my ontology. He is trapped in one of the most dangerous places in the world. Actually, I can pass there. But as long as I get there, I will automatically merge into the ontology. In the end, I too Will be trapped, so I need someone to help me get my body out."

Having said this, this person paused, "If you do, I will give you a rough stone of the plane origin. With this, you can add a little luck. Maybe when you are at level 10, you can do it. Have a plane of your own."

  (End of this chapter)

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