Necromantic Myth

Chapter 909: New mission (12/119)

  Chapter 909 New Mission (12119)


  After saying this, the existence that looked like a sea **** jumped into the sea and swam away quickly.

  However, Liu Zhi didn't stop him, but was there looking at the information in the property bar.

【Ding! Got the blessing of the ocean (the Guardian of the Sea King)

【Ding! Sea King’s Guard, you and your men, in the ocean, will be blessed by the Sea King’s power, and the combat power will increase by 10%]

【Ding! Obtain the blessing of the ocean and obtain the druid skill of the random ocean attribute. 】

  【Random Skills...】

【Ding! Learn the Breath of the Sea, now at level 1. 】

  [The Breath of the Sea, the assisting skill of the Druid of the Ocean Department. When swimming in the sea, not only can you breathe freely under the water, but the movement speed can also be increased. 】

  【Note 1: Each level of this skill corresponds to the movement speed of an underwater creature. Before level 4, it is an ordinary fish, before level 8 it is an enchanted fish, and before level 12 it is a legendary creature in mythology. 】

  【Note 2: The breath of the ocean will have a certain impact on the transformation of the aquatic state. 】

  But these are not the focus of Liu Zhi's attention. At this time, his mind is all placed on the bottom one.

  【Get the blessing of the ocean, you can start the Druid line upgrade mission. 】

   [Note 1: After opening the task, you must complete the task in the current game world, otherwise the blessing will disappear and the task will restart. When you open the task next time, the difficulty of the task will increase. 】

   [Note 2: If you start the mission after collecting the three blessings of the earth, sky, and ocean, the difficulty of the mission will be increased to the maximum, and the benefits will be increased to the maximum. 】

  These information let Liu Zhi understand a situation, he can already start to upgrade the level of the druid.

  Do you want to shoot at this time?

  An idea flashed in Liu Zhi's mind. It was not impossible to shoot at this time, but now that Liu Zhi has received so many tasks, is it appropriate to start the druid level upgrade now?

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi sat and considered for a long time.

Finally he slapped his thigh, "What is there to be afraid of? I am about to finish the Necromancer's promotion task now, and the Ghost King task has already developed. If I don't do the basic tasks, I have a lot of time to do it. Druid mission, why should I worry."

  While talking, Liu Zhi opened his attribute bar and made selections there.

  This is the first time that Liu Zhi took the initiative to accept tasks in the game. He hadn't really experimented with this kind of operation before.

  At the moment, he didn't know what he was going to do. He was busy here for a while before he found a way to start the task.

  When Liu Zhi made a choice, a new prompt popped up again.

【Ding! You have made your choice, and now will open the Druid profession branch balance messenger 5 level to 6 level task]

  【Mission random...】

[Reminder: Profession upgrade task-King of the Sea, you who have received the blessing of the sea, but also the support from this world, at a certain point in time, you are the savior of the sea, at this time you gave birth to a different one Your ambition, you want to be the king of the sea. 】

  【Explanation 1: Defeating the fleet of a maritime power head-on will make his country surrender and recognize your rights and status at sea. 】

  【Note 2: The task will be affected by some unfavorable factors, please grasp all the opportunities you have. 】

  【Hint 1: This mission conflicts with the basic mission. When you make a choice, your basic mission will go in another direction. 】

  【Hint 2: This task does not conflict with the professional upgrade task and VIP task, and can be carried out at the same time. 】

  Liu Zhi took a look and understood why it is said that when he makes a choice, other tasks will go in another direction.

  After Yanagi chose to accept the task, he found that the game had given some goals very politely. Among these goals were the Death Star fleet of the Sidar Empire and the Dreadnought Fleet of the Eagle Nation.

  Moreover, the Eagle Nation’s Dreadnought Fleet ranks relatively high. I don’t know if it is because of the relationship between the Eagle Nation and the body currently used by Yanagi, or because the Eagle Nation is ready to take action against Yanagi.

   "Just a head-on fight is enough, right?"

  Under the pressure brought by the Dreadnought Fleet, Ryuzhi's mind became extremely clear instead.

He recalled the description of the mission of Captain Ghost. Before he got the ship, the ghost ship did not affect Yuji's summoning the undead from outside, but when his ghost ship was made, then Yuji could only Use those undead troops on the ghost ship to take action, and the channel for his teleportation formation to summon the undead will be closed.

  This is a test for Liu Zhi’s career advancement.

  If only building a ship can increase the level of the Necromancer, then what is the Necromancer, just call it the shipbuilder.

  It’s not too much that Ryuzhi has to consider before. After being promoted, even if he faces the task of the ghost king, it’s not too difficult. He doesn’t need to make the ship too big.

  But now it’s different. If Ryuzhi wants to target the entire Dreadnought Fleet, he must have a defensive cover, with heavy firepower that can break the spaceship’s defensive cover.

  There are so many things that have to be reconsidered.

  Like what kind of ship's power, ship's defense, etc., these are all things that need to be considered.

  The situation before him seemed to have brought a lot of pressure to Liu Zhi, but it also brought him a lot of inspiration.

  At this time, Liu Zhi gave birth to a kind of in his heart, building a large battleship not weaker than the Adariyat.

  Of course, Ryuzhi also knew that the appearance of the Adariyat was accompanied by too many accidents. There are many things that cannot be explained directly.

  Yagiji's mind turned quite fast, and he kept drawing various things on the ground.

   Soon the blueprint he drew didn't look like a normal ship anymore.

  This time, Ryuzhi did not extract ideas from the design drawings he had originally learned. Ryuzhi knew that if he wanted to face the Dreadnought, he had to do well in several directions.

  First, the artillery is stronger than the dreadnought.

  Riuzhi has no time to study artillery now, so he can only use the spider artillery that is already in place.

  Even Ryuuji needs more spider artillery. Ships at that time may look like an ancient ship, with gun doors on the sides of the ships, revealing the head of the spider cannon from the gun door.

  Yagiji calculated the power of spider artillery attacks, and began to constantly revise his own design drawings.

In the process of revising, Liu Zhi kept adding some things he had mastered. From the beginning of ship design, to soul extraction, and even gem research, etc., as long as Liu Zhi mastered it, he would Find a way to integrate into the design of this boat.

  (End of this chapter)

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