Necromantic Myth

Chapter 912: Successful upgrade (13/119)

  Chapter 912 Successfully upgraded (13119)

  As the last step of Liu Zhi went on, all his magical powers were exhausted.

  Then the boat under Yanagi also changed, and the boat slowly turned into a blue and translucent state.

One after another black lightning hovered on the side of the ship. The ship, which was originally heavy enough to almost sink into the water, looked as if it had no weight at all, just like those space battleships, floating on the surface of the sea. Up to one meter or so.

  At the bow of the boat, where Ryuji had set up the magic circle at the beginning, a statue of the bow was born.

  The prow of the ship looked like the stone statue used as the keel by Ryuji climbed out of the ship, and it happened to be stuck in the bow of the ship.

  In his eyes, a green flame-like light flashed, which can be seen. At this time, the stone statue has been activated, and he is full of wisdom.

  At this time, Liu Zhi descended from the sky and landed on the top of the stone statue. The Soul Devouring Eye staff in his hand was on the top of the stone statue.

  And this was the last step of the magic in front of him. After Liu Zhi’s Soul Eater’s Eye staff was placed on the top of the stone statue, he said calmly.

   "I give you a soul, and you will become my servant."

   "I give you the status of a ghost, you can switch between illusion and reality like a ghost!"

   "I give you the power of the death thunder, so that all the dead enemies will become your energy source under the thunder and lightning!"

   "I give you plant-like creatures, so that you can recover yourself when you have enough energy!"

   "I open up your wisdom and make you a wise undead, and you will become the core of the ship!"

  "I give you the blessing from death, your appearance will bring death to the sea!"

  "Your name! Death Ghost Ship, Space-Time Revenge!"

  As Liu Zhi said this sentence, the stone statue slowly lay on the bow of the ship.

  Finally, he raised his head, raised his right hand, and pressed his left hand on the bow, blending with the whole ship.

  At the same time, the ship also turned into a ghost-like ship, just like this slowly falling into the sea.

  Not only the ship has become a ghost, even all the undead troops on the ship, all the spider troops have also become ghosts.

  Only Liu Zhi and his undead servants are still in normal physical state.

  Yagiji turned his head and looked at the same part of the Soul Naga Troops that have also become ghosts. After thinking for a moment, he pointed to them and said, "You will call them Ghost Naga from now on."

  After speaking, Liu Zhi didn't care about these guys anymore.

  He quickly walked to the position of the rudder between the fourth and fifth masts. The position of the rudder was just above the captain's cabin. After arriving here, Yanagi received the information bombardment from the system for the first time.

【Ding! Independently designed and produced a successful mythical ghost ship, Time and Space Revenge]

  【Ghost Ship-Time and Space Revenge (Myth Grade +1)】

[Extraordinary functions: ghosting (virtualization or actualization, the effect is equivalent to normal ghosts), the source of dead thunder (absorb the power after death, transform into thunder power into energy), self-repair (boats can repair themselves), ghost movement (Can fly, dive, penetrate obstacles, the effect is the same as the ghost)]

  [Legendary domain: ghost ship (ship ghost ship, all sailors on the ship will become ghosts, and enemies killed on the ship or killed by the ghost ship will also become ghosts and become part of the ship.)]

   [Mythological effect: natural disasters of death (where ships haunt, it will bring certain natural disasters. The effects of natural disasters include but are not limited to plague, war, earthquake, tsunami, etc.)]

  [Reaper Ship: As the first ship independently designed and built by the player, as the ship personally blessed by the player, all of this ship belongs to Gallium, and the player can take this ship out of the game freely. 】

  [+1 effect: Since it is a ship independently designed by the player, the effects of the ship’s attack, defense, and movement speed are all +1]

[Hades: Due to the characteristics of the ghost ship, an independent underworld system will also be formed inside the ship. The ghost ship itself will also become a new movable haunt. The thoughts and special skills of the haunt will be used for the ghost ship. system. 】

【Ding! The independently designed ship successfully created the mythical level, and the bottleneck of the shipbuilding skill level 12 was automatically solved. Only enough experience is required, and the player can upgrade the shipbuilding skill to level 12 by itself and become a mythical shipbuilder. 】

【Ding! The effect of the mythical shipbuilding technique is activated in advance. 】

[Shipbuilding (mythical skills): Shipbuilding in mythology, which can perform divine blessing rituals for ships, turn ordinary ships into mythical ships, activate the mythological effects of some mythological ships, and build some that only appear in legends Mythical ship. 】

【Ding! The vessel you have designed has been confirmed to achieve mythical effects. Please name the vessel. 】

【Ding! You have independently designed and produced a mythical ghost ship. The class upgrade task-the ghost captain is completed ahead of schedule. Material rewards will be issued when you exit the game, and the level upgrade will proceed immediately. 】

【Ding! The player level is raised to level 4. Attention, there are warnings for players. 】

  [Warning: Because the player uses some special means to forcibly meet the upgrade requirements, the player cannot activate the mission of level 4 to level 5 for the time being. Players must complete the owing conditions before they can be upgraded to level 5. Please pay attention to it! 】

【Ding! As the ghost ship is of the myth level and is independently designed, in addition to the level upgrade, it also rewards a myth level professional skill. 】

  Random skills...]

【Ding! Learn to surround yourself with ghosts, now at level 1. 】

  [Ghost surround, necromancer skills, release a large number of ghosts around itself, causing continuous damage to nearby enemies for 12 seconds, power is 60% of the player's attack power, and 50% of the total damage caused during the period will be converted into the player's own life recovery. 】

  【Note 1: This skill is not affected by the player's equipment, but is only related to the player's own attack power. At the same time, the attack range of this skill is all within the player's line of sight. 】

  【Note 2: This skill also does not affect soul extraction and other undead resurrection or summoning skills. 】

  【Note 3: After level 4, this skill will turn active to passive, and the effect will be significantly improved. 】

  This series of messages almost blew up Liu Zhi's head.

  At this time, he read the information, and finally sighed for a long time.

  "The next step is to handle some things in the underworld ecosystem, and I can upgrade to level 5. All this is so smooth."

  After finishing speaking, Liu Zhi also waved his hand heavily. Judging from the current situation, his main goal in this game has been achieved, and it is time to make waves.

  (End of this chapter)

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