Necromantic Myth

Chapter 921: Reactions from all parties (16/119)

  Chapter 921 Reactions from all parties (16119)

  Three days later, a legend about the ghost captain and the ghost sea king began to circulate throughout the sea.

  Due to the different sources of legends, most people have never seen this ghost captain or know his origin.

The only certain information is that the ghost sea king is an ancient man who came three hundred years ago. The battle three hundred years ago destroyed his empire and everything about him. He only brought his own ghost. The ship escaped.

  Most of the attacks on ghost ships at sea in these years are related to him.

  Three hundred years of hard work allowed him to crawl out of the abyss of death. He came back for revenge, in order to get back what he had lost.

  Don’t look at him now that he only has one ship, but he destroyed Malacca three days ago and killed the Death Star fleet of the Sidar Empire and the Dreadnought Fleet of the Eagle Nation.

  That is just the power of a ship. No one knows. When the number of ghost ships increases, the right of the sea will fall into whose hands.

  But everyone understands that on the seas of the world, another new chess player has sat down.


   "So you just escaped back?" In Queen Eagle's bedroom, the Queen Eagle soaked in the bathtub did not even have the strength to wave a scepter, her face was rather helpless and defensive.

  At this time, the guards around the Eagle Queen have changed from the original naga to the murloc.

  It can be seen that when the news came back, Queen Eagle no longer trusted the naga she had trusted the most.

In fact, the attitude of the eagle queen is also the most reasonable. The eagle girl is the princess of the mermaid empire. She can control the naga, on the one hand, the mermaid’s position in the sea, on the other hand, the mermaid’s unique temptation ability, plus the naga clan. There has not been a royal family in so many years, and the leader can only reach the point of six-armed naga at most.

  This way she can win a group of naga and join her team.

  But now that the Naga clan has an eight-armed queen, Naga's mind is not so easy to control.

  Before, she could also send people to assassinate the eight-armed Naga, in order to save the hearts of the Naga guards.

  Now the Eagle Queen has no way to do this, and the eight-armed Naga has joined the power of the Ghost Sea King.

As the Queen of Eagles, she knows exactly what the ghost ship is like. It was a country that fell three hundred years ago because of the rise of new powers. They have always wanted to restore their original glory, but their ships, regardless of speed, Still in terms of the power of artillery, they are all inferior to the main battleships of these major nations.

  This did not succeed in turning over.

   But judging from the information that has been passed on now, those old forces have found a way to let the ghost ship regain its combat power, and the World War I proved this point, which is a bit troublesome.

  A remnant who wants to overthrow the new power is mixed with a Naga Queen. If they are safe and harmless, the Eagle Queen herself would not believe it.

  As long as they formally exert their power, the Eagle Nation, which controls most of the Naga power, will definitely become their primary target of attack.

  The Eagle Queen has many territories outside the mainland. The Eagle Queen does not allow the destruction of the entire port of Melaka to happen on her own territory.

  So it must be suppressed! Must be killed!

  This is the only thought of Empress Eagle towards the force of Yanagi.

  It is also for this reason that Queen Eagle is getting more and more irritable towards the useless trash under her.

  This is the same.

   Her new intelligence officer, the murloc leader in charge of the newly established MI7 Bureau, came to report the intelligence, but did not give her what she wanted.

  The information in the intelligence is still the information that she is tired of hearing. As for how to deal with the possible large-scale Naga defection, how to find a way to kill his ghost sea king, the key information is not mentioned in the intelligence.

  Even the intelligence said that they sent a murloc assassin to assassinate the Ghost Sea King, and they sent a level 5 master, but in the end they didn't gain anything.

  How can this not make the Eagle Queen angry.

  What's the use of such waste? It's better to stand up to the possibility of Naga's betrayal and continue to use MI6.

  The Eagle Queen pressed her eyebrows to suppress the anger in her heart.

"You go and contact the Kingdom of Fang, the Kingdom of Sidar, the Kingdom of Fury of the Jungle, and the Frozen Wilderness, and tell them that if you don't want your city to become like Malacca, you'd better take out all your troops to chase the ghost sea king, he It is the existence of breaking all rules.

  Go, make the matter a little more serious, and it’s best to talk about the kind that if they don’t take action, the world will be destroyed. "

  After speaking, the Queen Eagle buried her head in the water, never wanting to bother with the useless men.


  The Eagle Queen did not know that when she gave the order, the kingdoms she hoped to unite had their own minds.

The emperor from the Yaguo is the one who knows most about what happened in Malacca.

  It's just that he pressed some messages.

  On his own throne, the Emperor of Ya Kingdom habitually thinks about the situation in front of him.

  Emperor Yaguo’s thinking is that he is used to sitting in his own hall and meditating alone.

  The main hall of their house looks quite deep, and when the lamp is not lit, it is almost impossible to reach out.

  Emperor Yaguo, sitting on the throne, clearly felt the darkness covering him.

  In fact, he knew about the destruction of Malacca three days ago.

  At the same time, he also understands that he must not say anything about this, otherwise he will be the enemy of the two maritime powers, Eagle Country and Sidar Empire.

  The story of the Ghost Sea King came out these days, in fact, he was the happiest, because the story of the Ghost Sea King suddenly attracted the hostility between the Eagle Kingdom and the Sidar Empire.

  But just today, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jamaica received a bad news.

  The intelligence officer he sent out to inquire about Malacca came back with an information.

  Ghost Sea King deliberately went to Malacca, in order to find the weapon that ruined the entire Malacca.

  This news was targeted. The intelligence officers under him didn't know why Malacca was destroyed, but the Emperor of Ya Kingdom knew. The governor turned on the main energy source and used the machine with his approval.

  It's just that he didn't expect that the power of that machine would be so powerful, and it still attacked indiscriminately in all directions. Not only did it kill most of the fleet that went to Malacca, it also destroyed Malacca.

And this is nothing. The most important thing is that the emperor of Ya Kingdom has a feeling that after this time, the machine has been out of their control. If you don’t want to deal with that machine faster, it won’t take long. This machine will have an adverse effect on the entire world.

  Thinking of this, the Emperor Yaguo stood up.

  "Go ahead and send the Skywalker team to Malacca..."

  (End of this chapter)

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