Necromantic Myth

Chapter 923: Lure

   Chapter 923

  Malacca ruins.

This is the location where Malacca City was originally located. The reason why this place is not called a ghost domain but a relic is entirely because there is no corpse here, and even some houses are gone. The location, leaving only a large number of foundation stones to prove the original glory here.

  Looking at it from a distance, it really looks like a ruin just dug out from the ground.

  At this time, there were not many ships on the seaway in the nearby strait.

  Originally the most prosperous route in Southeast Asia, no one dared to pass here anymore. Most ships would rather detour from a distance instead of taking this kind of ghostly place.

Everyone knows that in addition to the vortex and tornado that appear from time to time, the three remaining Vulcan cannons seem to be out of control. Sometimes the Vulcan cannon does not respond at all, and sometimes the Vulcan cannon will automatically lock everything passing nearby. , Take the initiative to attack some humble things.

Moreover, under observation in the past few days, people have found that the Vulcan cannon’s attack is aimless, so most ships are unwilling to take this route, for fear that they will be accidentally disturbed by the Vulcan cannon and make their own ships Sacrifice under the Vulcan Cannon.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi’s Space-Time Revenge appeared here.

  Ryuzhi did not come here alone. He planned to block the Eagle Nation’s transport fleet halfway, but he did not expect that his actions were so violent that he was spotted as soon as he went out to sea.

  He just moved in a certain direction, and he was calculated where he was going.

  The Eagle Nation’s transport fleet would be stupid if it moves forward at this time.

  They quickly retreated to a nearby port. At the same time, several warships used to protect the transport ship formed a small fleet and went out to sea, trying to lead the Space-Time Revenge to other places.

  Yagiji made a choice between attacking the port and chasing down the small fleet composed of warships, and chasing these warships came towards Malacca.

  On this road, Liu Zhi fully embodies the style of a ghost ship surrounding the opponent's five or six battleships.

   chasing behind those battleships, Ryuzhi did not have the same style as before when he rushed into the battlefield, but approached the opponent's battleship at his own speed.

  Anyway, all the battleship styles here are with the gun door in the front and the jet port on the side. As long as Yanji is close to the opponent's battleship, once the side gun door is opened, the spider artillery can fire a salvo.

  All the warships here are small warships, not to mention that compared with the Death Star ships, even the Dreadnoughts are two or three times as long as this kind of warship.

  The main guns of these warships are only two to three, and the movement speed is obviously not fast.

  Every time it is overtaken by the Space-Time Revenge, a warship will voluntarily stay behind and use itself to attract Liu Zhi's attention.

After a long time, Liu Zhi even wondered if he was ambushing on all sides in the single-player version of the game. He clearly only has one ship. As long as they disperse, they can destroy two ships at the speed of Time and Space Vengeance. Up.

  In front of me, as long as my brain is normal, I know that there is a problem.

  But Liu Zhi was not afraid at all. He could tell at a glance that the other party wanted to lead himself into the ambush circle.

  Liu Zhi himself has done this kind of thing before. Everyone is a fox for thousands of years.

  The opponent is obviously Yangmou, and Liu Zhi will not counsel him in this regard.

  After killing the three enemy ships, Yanagi just stared at those warships and left.

  In the process of chasing and fighting like this, Liu Zhi also came to the main channel of Malacca.

After arriving here, the remaining warships suddenly accelerated. Some sailors who flung out from the ship could see that their acceleration this time was quite abrupt. It was not like before. You can give a half-hour notice. Let people be prepared for safety.

  This is all about speeding up when you get to the place, regardless of whether the crew is ready or not.

  The Malacca Strait is not a traditional speed-increasing channel. Instead, it needs to be slowed down. Usually, when a ship arrives here, the speed of the ship will slow down to about ten knots in order to prevent collisions between ships.

This time, the small warships of the Eagle Nation ignored this. In front of them, there was an empty channel of the strait. Now they are not afraid of hitting anything at all, so they didn’t have much scruples about accelerating, and they immediately increased their speed to Go above the speed of sound.

   Now Liu Zhi is not easy to chase.

   Just as Liu Zhi was about to speed up the Space-Time Revenge, there was a boom in the sky.

  A huge red meteor fell from the sky with flames and hit a certain position in the strait.

  Liu Zhi saw the red meteor fall, he was still wondering at first, what was going on there, there seemed to be an open space.

  But when the red meteor fell to the surface, a warship that had already accelerated just rushed over, as if the warship had hit it by itself.

  Yagiji then realized that this is the attack effect of the Vulcan Cannon.

  When the Vulcan Cannon was designed, in addition to the range, there were many design considerations.

  For example, they have considered what to do if someone wants to force a pass with speed.

  So one of their Vulcan cannons is specifically aimed at this kind of ship.

  The Vulcan cannon has super computing power, which can be calculated in advance to the position where the ship will appear in the next moment.

  Even if there is no way to destroy a ship in one shot, it can stop the opponent’s speed.

  At that time, the other Vulcan cannons will come over, and no matter how fast the ship is, there is no way to escape this sea area.

  It's fine if Liu Zhi doesn't know this. It's impossible for those warships that brought Liu Zhi over to know this.

  But they were lucky, thinking that Malacca was no longer there, and they thought they could escape.

  But so many people are defeated by this fluke.

  Looking at the Vulcan cannons running one after another, Liu Zhi shook his head, and stopped the ship at the entrance of the Malacca Strait.

  He knew that those people wanted to draw themselves over, certainly not for letting themselves into the Strait of Malacca.

  Then where the enemy may appear, it should be nearby.

  Yagizhi guessed right. When the Space-Time Revenge stopped, many dreadnought ships appeared nearby.

  Yagiji didn't know where these dreadnoughts were hidden at first, but there must be so many dreadnoughts in the nearby waters.

  From the situation here, there are at least nearly a hundred warships in front of us.

  Looking more closely, Liu Zhi noticed that in addition to dreadnoughts, there are other warships here. Some are dreadnought frigates, while some are obviously not. It doesn't seem to be the style of Eagle Country warships.

  The shameless Eagle Country has teamed up with others.

  (End of this chapter)

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