Necromantic Myth

Chapter 925: Yingguoren's calculations

  Chapter 925 The calculation of the eagle nation

  As soon as the defensive cover rose, Liu Zhi knew that the Eagle Country had already calculated everything.

  The ghosting of the ghost ship is ineffective against physical attacks and can penetrate some objects, but it has no effect on magic and energy.

  If the Space-Time Revenge hits it directly like this, when he hits the defensive cover, the effect is equivalent to an ordinary ship hitting the reef.

  But the Space-Time Revenge has been activated, and Liu Zhi is unwilling to stop like this. He knows that if he stops, there must be many means to target him.

  Not to mention other things, the main guns are enough for Ryuzhi to eat a pot.

  Yiu Zhi's thoughts moved, isn't the opponent's defensive shield against the energy, then the physical attack is good.

Rushing to the front of the Space-Time Vengeance, Liu Zhi lifted his hand and a bone spear appeared in his hand. Liu Zhi blessed the bone spear with two penetrations and a self-destruction, and raised his hand and threw the bone spear. Get out.

  The ability of Liu Zhi's Bone Spear has reached level 3, he is very clear that two penetration levels can be achieved, plus this is a physical attack, energy defense cover, etc., the method of physical attack cannot be stopped at all.

  The bone spear easily pierced into the front deck of the battleship.

  In the next instant, after the bone spear that passed through the deck of the battleship rushed down for a certain distance, it exploded at the power source of the main gun under the battleship.

  Yagiji has learned some designs of dreadnoughts, knowing where the power of the main gun comes from, and also knows where the key location of the dreadnoughts is. This location is equivalent to the ammunition depot of the entire dreadnoughts.

  There is an explosion in the ammunition depot, and the final effect is of course self-evident.

  Under a series of explosions, this dreadnought ship exploded on the spot.

  As soon as the dreadnought exploded, the air wave pushed some nearby ships away.

  At this time, the defensive cover that was placed in front of the Space-Time Revenge broke through a hole, and Liu Zhi took this opportunity to control the Space-Time Revenge and rushed in from here.

  After rushing into the battleship group, Liu Zhi did not take the initiative to open the artillery door and let the spider artillery attack as those people thought.

Because he saw that in addition to such a large defensive cover, each battleship also had a small defensive cover. It was a defense against plasma cannons, and all electrical or plasma-based attacks were on this defensive cover. Will be affected.

  So Ryuzhi didn't need spider artillery at all. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the enemy next to him.

   "Death Ripple!"

  This is the Necromancer’s largest range of attack magic, which is effective for all living entities.

  No matter where the opponent is hiding, unless he has 100% magic resistance, he will be affected somewhat.

  Liu Zhi, a death ripple went down, and the sailors and captains of about seven or eight boats nearby were affected. It is okay for the stronger ones, but they can resist the past.

  Those sailors who are weaker will not do.

  Under the action of the death ripple, more than half of the sailors died on their workbenches on the spot.

  Losing the control of the sailors, the movement speed of these warships obviously slowed down. Some warships also went into chaos and crashed into other ships.

  Yagiji never let go of such a good opportunity. After releasing the death ripple, Ryuzhi immediately used another magic.

   "The corpse burst!"

  This undead magic was researched by Yanagi who asked Shandru to study it. Although Shandru was not busy with the arrangements made by Yuji, he did it seriously.

  This kind of magic can explode as long as there is a corpse, and the corpse of the killed enemy can also be exploded again, which is the most common chain explosion effect among Necromancers.

  Liu Zhi did not see where the corpse was. He only knew that there was a corpse nearby. Standing on the bow of the ship, Liu Zhi pointed to several nearby battleships and a series of corpses exploded.

  The next instant, there was a continuous explosion from all the battleships.

  The bodies of the sailors who died under the death ripple were blown up on the spot.

  In the corpse explosion of Liu Zhi, there are sometimes some effects, such as flames, ice, or highly poisonous ones.

  Under the influence of these effects, several battleships near Yanagi immediately lost their function.

  At this time, Space-Time Vengeance rushed into the battleship group like a fish.

  Yagi's goal is quite clear. He has only one ship, and the opponent has more than 100 warships. As long as he can rush into the opponent's battleship group, Liu Zhi can immediately exert his greatest advantage.

  He doesn't need to worry about what's around him. Anyway, he looks up and sees that they are all enemies. Just open the artillery door and shoot directly.

  But the other party can’t do this. All their battleships are all squeezed together now. If nothing is done and the cannon is fired, it will be their own battleship that is destroyed first.

  That’s why, they wanted to use a defensive cover to keep Yuji out.

  Fortunately, the current situation, those people have also calculated, in the space-time Vengeance rushed into the battleship group, opened the gun door and kept attacking the surroundings.

  At this time, the warships that were originally surrounded by them seemed to have been designed and ordered, and they quickly dispersed to the surroundings. The speed of their movement was almost beyond imagination of Liu Zhi.

It felt like it was still in a very crowded subway at the beginning. It was so squeezed that you could only stand on one foot. As a result, the train arrived at the next stop. Everyone got off the train in a blink of an eye. There are no ghosts.

  The person closest to you is more than ten meters away.

  This feeling is quite weird, and it can also be seen from this that when those warships came, they might have already made some commercial play.

  Now the closest battleship to Ryuzhi is nearly a hundred meters away, and Ryuzhi can still see that they are just adjusting their positions. It seems that they want to aim the bow of the ship at Ryuuji, ready to strike.

  Yagiji wanted to leave quickly, but he found that the opponent was actually planning to use him as the center of the circle and arrange all the warships into a circle.

  If it weren't for the several boats destroyed by Liu Zhi before, the circle might be quite perfect.

  Now, for Liu Zhi, this is quite uncomfortable.

  After all, he is not part of the circle, but the target in the center of the circle.

  Looking at those turrets locking the Space-Time Revenge, filled with energy with attributes instead of shells for physical attacks, Liu Zhi understood that the other party already knew how to deal with ghosts.

  Liu Zhi glanced at the situation in front of him, and activated the extraordinary effect of Space-Time Revenge on the spot, and the ghost moved.

  This effect can make Space-Time Vengeance fly or dive into the water.

  The situation in front of you is impossible to fly, and Liu Zhi can only dive.

  At the moment when the Space-Time Revenge dived, Liu Zhi also released a dark sky and a reverse storm to resolve the opponent's lock.

  (End of this chapter)

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