Necromantic Myth

Chapter 928: Another ambush

   Chapter 928 Another Ambush

What does it mean?

  Liu Zhi, who had just destroyed more than 30 warships, looked at the two warships pressing from both sides, and felt a little uncertain.

  He couldn't understand some of the other's thoughts.

  The fleet can be said to have studied Liu Zhi’s mentality and fighting style. They knew very well that the biggest feature of the Space-Time Revenge is that it attacks on both sides at the same time.

   But the two warships pressed towards this side from left to right. What kind of situation is this, shouldn't they attack from a distance?

   And the two ships in front of them are obviously illusion warships. They were used to hide the entire fleet so as to ambush the Time and Space Revenge. Why are they still actively attacking now?

  Although Liu Zhi was puzzled, his orders did not stop there.

   When giving the order to rush towards the Dreadnought, Liu Zhi closed his eyes at the same time. He was afraid that the other party would use illusion to hide something, so he simply used the soul perspective of the soul extraction to check the distribution of the other party's soul.

  He just glanced hurriedly. There were only two illusion warships on the left and right. When the other dreadnoughts were turning their bows, he was somewhat relieved.

  "Don't bother about the two boats approaching, rush over, rush over!"

  Ryuzhi's order was issued, and he suddenly discovered a different situation.

"what is that!"

  Originally behind the dreadnought cluster, there seems to be a lot of soul spots hidden.

  Yiu Zhi opened his eyes and flew into the air to look over there, but found nothing?

  Is it possible that this is the last resort of their fleet, to lead themselves into the team of dreadnoughts, there will suddenly be a wave of long-range warship attacks?

If it was before the war, Liu Zhi might not think so much, but from the beginning of this battle, Liu Zhi has been under the guidance of those people, and everything has been calculated by others, which makes Liu Zhi have to do more. Think about what to do next.

   "I want to fight head-on."

  As many thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, he finally determined his next goal.

  "Go forward, accelerate forward!"

  Under Ryuzhi's order, the black lightning on the Space-Time Revenge became thicker and thicker, and finally the entire Space-Time Revenge became a dark purple existence.

  And after Liu Zhi gave the order, he began to inject his magic power into the Space-Time Revenge.

  He knew that it was time to work hard now. If he didn’t work hard, he would not even have the chance to work hard until the other party’s next plan was completed.

   "I must win the frontal battle."

  Liu Zhi with this idea, injected all the magic power into the Space-Time Revenge, causing the Space-Time Revenge to go out directly.

  Because most of the attention was on controlling the magic power, Liu Zhi did not notice that the appearance of the Space-Time Revenge was slowly changing.

  The surrounding air became gloomy and cold. The sun at noon was hidden behind the dark clouds, and the sunlight could not penetrate the thick clouds at all.

  A huge wave has been set off on the sea, and the storm has been brewing.

  In the wind and waves, there will be screams and wailing sounds from time to time.

  A large number of corpses buried too deep under the sea were turned over by the waves, giving the vicinity of Space-Time Revenge a feeling of entering the underworld.

  Yagiji didn't have much reaction on the ship, but the captain and crew on the dreadnought ship on the opposite side were frightened. They saw the changes of Space-Time Revenge with their own eyes. At this time, a suspicion appeared in their hearts.

   and the death challenge, can they win?

  As soon as they hesitated, their work naturally stopped.

  Although they will proceed to the next work immediately, the momentary pause happened to be caught by Ryuzhi.

  Space-time Revenge carried a thick yin wind like a fish, rushing into the center of the dreadnought under the push of a huge wave.

  This made it quite difficult for the dreadnoughts who wanted to adjust the position of the artillery at the beginning. In this battle, it can be said that they lost the opportunity at the last minute.

  Originally, according to the plan, Liu Zhi was going to come out at their designated place, but at that time, Liu Zhi would find that all the main guns were full of energy and locked the position of the Space-Time Revenge.

  Ryuzhi's failure to play cards according to the routine has made them quite uncomfortable. They had to dissipate the energy and then turn around the gun.

  But at this time their plan went wrong again. Liu Zhi, who was supposed to work every step of the way, rushed towards them regardless, and the Space-Time Revenge had obviously changed.

  This made them lose the opportunity to lock the Space-Time Revenge.

  Be aware that they are not Vulcan cannons, but they don’t have the super computing power that can calculate the trajectory of the Space-Time Revenge.

  And they know more clearly what will happen if Space-Time Revenge is allowed to rush into their battlefield.

  Several fleet commanders shouted at the same time: "Using Plan F, act urgently."

  Under their orders, the dreadnought quickly dispersed to the surroundings as before.

  It’s just that because Liu Zhi rushed over too fast, they didn’t come in a hurry and scattered in a circle, let alone adjust the muzzle to attack the Space-Time Revenge.

  It's just that these people never expected that after the Space-Time Vengeance rushed to the Dreadnought fleet, they did not launch the shelling as they thought.

The   Space-Time Revenge passed through the gap they had allowed.

  I did not launch any attacks on passing through him in this way. Even the ghosts that would devour lives were restrained, and did not attack the sailors who hadn’t rushed to escape from the ship.

  This situation stunned all the captains present, and they didn't believe that Liu Zhi would let him go like this.

   didn't believe that Yanagi would run away like this.

  Because Space-Time Revenge is currently heading, there is no road at all, and there is not even a waterway there.

and many more!

  All the captains found that something was wrong.

  Because they felt that the terrain there seemed to be different from the one recorded on the map.

  Know that their ship design comes from spaceships, so their map design is the same, no matter which country, they have a fairly accurate map in their hands.

  But there seems to be a clear gap between the land type here and the map.

  The gap is even big enough to hide the next fleet.

  They have done this kind of thing before.

  They just laid ambush Liu Zhi, but in a blink of an eye, they were ambushed by others.

  This is definitely hitting them in the face.

  For a while, the anger in the hearts of these captains had risen, and they thought in their hearts that after they had killed Liu Zhi, they would turn around and kill these ambushing guys.

  But at this moment, a voice came from a place that was hidden from anyone.

   "I was discovered so quickly?"

  (End of this chapter)

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