Necromantic Myth

Chapter 948: Nine heroes

   Chapter 948 Nine Heroes

   In addition to these three legions, the Fourth and Fifth Legions are also in preparation, but the established legions have not been able to gather suitable heroes and troops, and they have been unable to form.

   is still stuck in half of the position.

  Instead, some heroes who could not arrange to enter the legion grew up slowly. Because of more than ten years of development, some important heroes’ troops have also been fully staffed, and at the same time they have formed their own style.

  Among these heroes, there are a total of nine heroes who are the most brilliant. Ryuzhi did not name them the Four Heavenly Kings, but just gave them certain permissions so that they can adjust their own troops according to their own ideas.

  These skirmish heroes took the route of a main hero with two sub-heroes, and a total of 13 formation troops, which is different from the route of ten heroes forming an army.

  Among these skirmish heroes, the main hero has absolute control over the off-hand hero.

  That’s why the three heroes can be counted as one.

  Liu Zhi researched for a long time, and there was no way to do it in batches in his own team. In fifteen years, only nine skirmish heroes had appeared, and Liu Zhi was too anxious.

  If this is a little smoother, he had already planned to build a large army of thirty heroes.

  Among the nine skirmishers, only two were the heroes who followed Ryuzhi in the early days.

One is the guardian of the Hades, the city guard hero Mander, as a corpse witch, he is not very talented in the law system, but his work of guarding the Hades has reached the extreme, his subordinates All of the troops were carried out in accordance with the defense requirements of the main city of the Underworld.

The other one did not occur to Liu Zhi. It turned out to be Romeo Gray, who was chasing behind Sandro. He seemed to be on a toxic path, and he didn’t look back all the way. He found two heroes, one of them. He is an assassin who is good at poisoning and smearing poison. The other is a goblin who likes to poison the ammunition of artillery.

  Anyway, his team pulled away most of the poison-related units under Liu Zhi, such as plague zombies and poisonous corpses.

  It can be said that if the number of poison-related arms under Liu Zhi's is a little more, Liu Zhi even plans to establish a poisonous army to use, and Romeo will be the commander of the army.

  Except for these two, the remaining seven skirmishers are all the existences that have slowly emerged from the three taverns in the past fifteen years.

  They did not appear on purpose at the beginning, but they did it step by step.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi has not strengthened them too much. It is their fate that they can go to this point.

  The first person to come out of this is an elf.

  She is called Ulida, and her appearance was approved by the elf princess Ushas. With the help of Ushas, ​​all the elves on the plane of Id can be selected by her.

  Even an Elf Sword Dancer hero and an Elf Druid hero took the initiative to join Ulida’s team and volunteered to become her sub-heroes.

It is precisely for this reason that the team under this hero has grown the fastest. Since Ulida came out of the tavern, it has only been a short period of one year that all of her troops have a complete organization. Third By the time of 2017, the strength of her troops had reached the level 5 promotion standard for all members.

  If you don’t count the three legions, the strength of this elven force is actually the strongest one under Liu Zhi.

  A hero similar to Ulida is the dog handler Carlo. When he first appeared, Ryuzhi just wanted him to help manage the cannibal and corpse dog troops.

But unexpectedly, he got the support of the Fililu family, and then got two druid deputy heroes quite smoothly, one of whom has the ability to communicate with animals, the other has the ability to transform into a werewolf .

  Now he has a combination of werewolves, wolf cavalry, wolf wars, etc., which can be regarded as having a certain status.

  The four above are considered to have their own development directions. It can be said that they have embarked on this path for various reasons.

  The five skirmish heroes below, they were strengthened around the needs of Ryuzhi.

   Murloc Hunter Dobit, this hero was spawned from the Tomb Tavern, he was transformed into an undead as soon as he spawned, and his characteristic is to kill Murlocs.

At first, Liu Zhi was curious about his existence, so he took him for a few days. Later, Liu Zhi discovered that this man was not born for naval battles, but for hunting murlocs. The experience of murlocs that Yanagi has studied for so long , He mastered it all at once.

  At the same time, he also pulled up a team dedicated to hunting and killing murlocs.

  If it weren’t for the murlocs in Liuzhi Ming Palace, all the murlocs would have a certain effect on the underworld ecosystem. It means that those murlocs raised by Liu Zhi in the plane of Ide have been killed.

Skywalker Jakarta, a swan man, the hero of Yanagi's air flight unit, two co-heroes, one is a druid of the bird of prey, and the other is an eagle rider, they are united to take charge of the sky in Yaniji Defensive work, as well as work such as sending letters and scouts, can be said to be a relatively important hero.

The goblin tax officer Rust Coin, a commercial goblin, is responsible for the taxation of all cities under Liu Zhi. The tax army under him is considered to be the most powerful force under Liu Zhi. The goblins in the army are desperately better than the undead. It's even scary.

Rust Coin has two sub-heroes, one is an engineering goblin, known for making heavy artillery and heavy mechas, and the other is a goblin merchant, known for bargaining.

  The other two heroes, one is the captain of the guard, Alex, who is responsible for the defense and honour work around Yuji. Of course, he can follow him. The most personal bodyguard is Vidnina.

  The role of Alex is mainly defense in general, for example, when Liu Zhi stays in the Scarab Secret Hall, the main defense work of the Scarab Secret Hall and so on.

  The other is the first knight hero under Yanagiji, the dread knight commander Ralph.

  In fact, there are not many knights that Yanagi can train, and there is only one place like the Rusty Iron Dark Palace.

  But the number of death knights trained is quite large.

  Because of the characteristics of death knights, as long as they reach the number, it is easy to form a battle team.

  After all, every 5 death knights can form a combat team, and the total of 13 teams is only 65 people.

  In order to gather these 65 people, Liu Zhi spent more than a year, and in the following time, it was to upgrade the equipment and strength of these 65 death knights.

  After so many years, all of these 65 people have been promoted to the rank of Terror Knights, and there is even a small team that is slowly starting to prepare to be promoted to the rank of Dread Knights. It can be said that this is a very characteristic hero.

  (End of this chapter)

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