Necromantic Myth

Chapter 950: Outsiders in the Burial Ground

  Chapter 950 Outsiders in the Burial Ground

  The bone-buried place of the Kodo beast on the A-plane of Logan.

After fifteen years of ups and downs, this camp has also undergone significant changes. It was originally a camp that occupies a small piece of land in the Kodo Bone Burial Land, but it has now become a semi-militarized fortress. .

The campsite is surrounded by 20-meter vertical pillar-shaped hills piled with shaded soil. All the buildings in the campsite are built on such hills that normal people can’t jump on. Each hill has only One or two buildings are connected by a chain bridge between the hills.

  There is only one entrance to the entire camp, which is directly opposite the largest cemetery in the Kodo Bone Burial Ground. If you want to enter this camp, you must walk through a large number of Kodo corpses and bones.

At the entrance and exit is a high wall made of white bones. This wall is 20 meters high. Although the whole wall is piled up with bones and dirt, it looks golden and gloomy for some reason. The place is quite unique.

  Some golden skeleton soldiers patrolled the wall back and forth.

  Compared with the original shield-guard golden skeletons, there are obviously more types of patrolling golden skeletons.

  There are obviously swordsmen with two-handed epees, pikemen with spears, archers with bows and arrows, and a few wizards with short staffs.

  In addition to patrolling the city walls, they sometimes go deep into the corpses of the cemetery to protect the undead who fight or work in the cemetery.

  But today they seem to have received some news. They all guarded the wall. Some wise undead even polished their bones to shine.

   Their attitude also attracted the attention of another group of people in this space.

  This group of people is a combination of six green skin players with a large number of ordinary green skins.

  Because in this gloomy place, the skin of these people has become a little gray.

  They wore equipment that looked like rotten animal skin or cloth, and they held weapons made of bones, and they discussed with each other there.

  "What's the matter with them? Could it be that they have received some support? No, I have already inquired about it. The boss of this place hasn't appeared in more than ten years, and may have died."

"How could it be dead? I may be stuck in which game I have been stuck for ten years or so. We came here this time and said it was good to give this place to us. In fact, it is not the big guys above, who want to hide behind this camp. Stuff, do you know?"

  One of the players whispered, “Some people have guessed that there is a half plane behind the camp.”

   "What? What you said is true, demiplane, is there a master?"

  "If that player is still alive, then he is in charge. What if he is dead?"

  The speaking player blinked, "When you encounter the Unowned Demiplane, you should know what we are going to do."

"Of course, whoever gets the first is the owner. I understand. They must know that the next demiplane has no owner, so they want to guard this demiplane. I remember the leader of this camp is one. A heroic skeleton, he wants to take this half plane." Another player said excitedly.

  "I think so, it seems that we are going to speed up our action, Gagarin, please prepare, find a way to block the news, at least wait for us to win the half plane... and then..."

  The players were halfway through, and they couldn't talk anymore, because they noticed that a white light came from the camp not far away.

  That was the light when the teleportation array was opened, but they didn't know exactly where the shuttle orb was opened.

  "They are going to start the teleportation array. It seems that the demiplane really doesn't have a master anymore. No matter what, let's go!"

  Six players quickly rushed towards the camp.

  It can be seen from the route they are advancing that there are obvious differences between the six players. Five of them should be a combat team. Among them are warfare, shepherd, scout, and ten thousand essential oils.

  These five people directly protect the last player in the team.

  The last player is not the captain or the weak. The reason why he will be protected is entirely because he is the commander of the greenskins.

  The greenskins following will listen to them, and come to work in this kind of **** place, which is completely the player's ability in the middle.

  If something happens to the player in the middle, these green skins will leave this space in the shortest time.

  So no matter what, several players must protect this key player.

  Of course, because they saw the teleportation formation outside the camp started, they had to speed up, so they quickly ran away from the truth.

  The player trapped in the middle is obviously weaker in physical strength.

  Slowly his speed was a little bit unable to keep up with the other players.

  The players hesitated for a while, and finally stopped to wait for him.

  After all, they had been to the camp several times before and knew the situation outside the camp.

  Without the help of ordinary greenskins, they might not even be able to get through the gate.

  Although there was an abnormal change in the camp, they had to suppress the anxiety in their hearts and slowed down to move forward with their companions.

  However, these six players soon felt that something was wrong. In this extremely yin-qi space, they naturally felt something about yin-qi.

  At this time, a player like a thief took out an instrument and looked at it. The pointer on the instrument like a watch was constantly beating. It could be seen that there was an obvious problem with the instrument.

   "What's the situation?" said a player with a shield walking in the front. He is the captain and main tank of this team, and he is also the commander of the entire small group.

   "I don't know." The thief was obviously panicked, "This is impossible. Our undead breath instrument can detect the undead above level 10, but this is obvious, obviously..."

   "Obviously something." The main tank looked at the thief also anxious.

   "Obviously a myth-level undead appeared, myth level is 15 or above, do you know what that is? The bosses of Burning Blade City can't deal with it, let's run away."

  Looking at the thief's anxious look, the main tank calmed down instead.

"Isn't this great? They only opened the teleportation array, and there was the breath of mythical undead coming out. This shows that there are good things in the demiplane, and we are going to send it." The master said frankly, he held his hand. Waved, holding the shield, and headed towards the camp.

   Seeing that the thief could not return to the main tank, he quickly pulled the comrades on the side to speak.

  But it seemed that everyone was going to die. No one paid any attention to the thieves, and they all headed towards the camp.

  Even the green-skinned laborers and troops.

  (End of this chapter)

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