Necromantic Myth

Chapter 956: select

   Chapter 956

  Because he has stayed in his own plane for more than ten years, Yanagi has never participated in the game, so he has only one prop that can be used to start the game.

  It was the unicorn's horn from the King of Witches. Of course, when it arrived in Yanagi's hands, it looked like a horn made of pure silver.

  Yagiji originally thought that he could hold the horn of this unicorn and find a game similar to a natural camp.

  I didn't expect this thing to be used here in the end.

   "It's a pity, my accumulation is still a little insufficient."

  Liu Zhi sighed, placed the silver unicorn on the teleportation array that entered the game, and then entered the coordinate address given by Fu Tai into the teleportation array.

  After doing all this, Liu Zhi took a deep breath and stepped onto the teleportation formation that started the game.

  Perhaps it hasn't entered the game for more than ten years. This teleportation array, which was completed ten years ago, actually moved slowly, which swallowed Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi still had time to watch his prepared men standing in the fortress and barracks on the side.

  The next moment, Liu Zhi heard a voice.

  "This is your banner!"

   Before Liu Zhi could react, he saw a battle flag descend from the sky and landed in front of him.

  The ground battle flag is pure silver. The silver flagpole has the thickness of Yanagi's arm. On the three-meter-high flagpole, a silver flag is floating.

  The bottom of the flag is pure silver, with purple and green patterns embroidered with a ring composed of roses and skulls, and a black unicorn head is appearing in the ring.

  The unicorn's head looked full of spirituality, and a pair of eyes flashed with purple light.

  Liu Zhi took a closer look, only to realize that the eyes were actually stitched with purple gems on the banner, but Liu Zhi didn't know what kind of gem classification this purple thing belonged to.

  While holding the battle flag, another voice came from Liu Zhi's ear.

   "Silver level, the goal is to advance to the legend, guard your battle flag, lose the battle flag, the game will end."

  Ryuzhi's hand was tight at the sound, and then a planet appeared in front of him.

  The planet is in the void. More than half of the entire planet is ocean. During the dispersal period of the nine lands of different sizes, it can be seen from the color of the land that these nine lands represent different landforms.

  Like that same yellow continent, there are deserts and deserts.

  There is also the center of the planet, where it turned out to be a white glacial terrain, and I don’t know how the planet works.

   Before Liu Zhi could see clearly, several small dots appeared on the planet. Liu Zhi noticed that those small dots were signs of diamonds.

  What is the situation, is this a diamond mine?

  "Because there is no diamond-level, gold-level pre-selection, apart from these few places, the location of the whole planet can be selected at will."

  Gold level? Only then did Liu Zhi remember that the voice evaluated himself as silver. Could someone enter this game with gold-level props?

   Before Liu Zhi could think about it, several gold-colored patterns appeared on the planet. There seemed to be three patterns, which looked similar to the battle flag in Liu Zhi's hand.

  Wait for Liu Zhi to take a closer look, at least eighteen locations on the planet began to flash with golden light.

  "After the gold level is selected, the silver level starts to be selected, except for the golden area, you can choose any other position."

  Ryuzhi knew as soon as he heard that it was his turn, and he immediately searched for it on the planet.

  Yiu Zhi didn't know what to face right now, but he knew that it was better not to conflict with the gold rank first, so three gold rank continents appeared before, and Liu Zhi gave up automatically.

   In addition, Liu Zhi is also judging in his heart whether the periphery of the golden area is a high-quality silver area, or whether the golden area has absorbed everything in the vicinity, which will play a key role in his subsequent choices.

  All kinds of thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, but the movements on his hands were not satisfied at all. He kept waving his arms and looked at the vicinity of several golden areas that he had seen before.

  In the end, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up, and he saw a few more suitable places for him.

   However, when he was choosing, he found that one of the positions had been selected, and a silver sign appeared on the position he was optimistic about.

  Yagiji knew that while he made a choice, there were also silver-level players making choices.

  Ryuzhi quickly rejected some choices that were not conducive to him, and finally only left two positions.

  One is the edge of the continent in the desert environment. A little bit inward is one of the previous eighteen golden areas. A little bit out is the coastline. You can see that this is a good place for shipbuilding.

  This is similar to the development route of Ryuzhi. Whether it is going in or out, it is all about Ryuzhi's style.

  The other place is on a green continent. The continent is known to be rainforest style. The whole continent is full of woods and rivers.

  The location is just on the upper reaches of a river, and further up is the golden area, and down the river, you can quickly reach the mouth of the river.

  This can also take into account Ryuzhi's power system.

  Of course, these two places are not without shortcomings, but these shortcomings are almost nothing compared to the advantages.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, this kind of alternative situation is actually very good for him to judge.

  As the Quetzalcoatl, just choose the rain forest.

  But just as Liu Zhi was about to drop the battle flag in his hand, Liu Zhi suddenly saw a location on the glacier continent.

  As soon as he moved his hand, he cast his own battle flag to that position.

The reason why    chose this location was not because Liu Zhi had any advantage over the glacier, but because he discovered that this location was stuck between a golden area on the glacier and the previous diamond spot.

  Choose here to move towards the golden area or towards the diamond spot.

  This is a gamble and an opportunity.

  Ryuzhi is using the battlefield he is most familiar with in exchange for such an opportunity. At the same time, he is also betting. Among the players who participated in the battle together, no player noticed this position.

  Otherwise, as long as a player focuses on the diamond light spot, he will face siege from all sides.

  Ryuzhi didn't know what to do this time, but he instinctively felt that those three diamond points were the best thing, which was originally arranged for people who came in with diamond-level props.

  No diamond-level people came in this time. This is an opportunity for Liu Zhi and the others.

  As long as you seize this opportunity, you will definitely get more benefits than others in the end.

  (End of this chapter)

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