Necromantic Myth

Chapter 964: Changed plan

  Chapter 964 Changed Plan

  As the teleportation array was opened, groups of undead entered the ancient tree camp.

  At the same time, several heroes also followed in, but when they saw a different situation from what Liu Zhi explained before, they were all stunned.

These heroes were arranged by Liu Zhi before entering the underworld. They brought the team into the underworld and carried out the first wave of reconnaissance and attacks on the underworld, so this time the troops that came in were all fighting with a faster moving speed. force.

  And the heroes are also heroes who are relatively familiar with these forces.

  But they didn't expect that when they came out, Liu Zhi had already divided the camp.

   Judging from the current situation, Liu Zhi now needs the undead who can help build the base.

  Seeing the eyes of several heroes, Liu Zhi didn't say anything. He pointed to one of the heroes and said, "Shubi, come out."

Shubi is an unremarkable hero under Ryuzhi. The reason why Ryuzhi remembers his name is that, on the one hand, he came to participate in the game this time and all the heroes he brought were chosen by him. On the other hand, It is because the characteristics of this hero are very similar to those of Ryuzhi.

  Shubi is good at soul magic. He has seen his soul extraction, Yanagi, and it is about level 3 close to level 4.

  This level is not enough in the eyes of Liu Zhi.

  But in the current situation, the repair ratio is the best to use.

"You are guarding the entrance and exit of this camp. All the undead who enter and exit the camp, whether they are ordinary soldiers or heroes, must accept your management. Your task is to check the souls of each of them. Nian, all deal with it, and all heroes and soldiers who go out must be protected by their souls.

  I'm not sure how long they can survive outside by giving them such protection, but without this protection, they can't stand it with the outside environment. "

  When Xiubi heard it, he knew that his responsibility was heavy, and he immediately agreed.

  It's just that he doesn't have a unit capable of soul magic. Otherwise, with such a team, he would be much easier.

Perhaps seeing Shubi’s thoughts, Liu Zhi said: "Don’t worry, I will build the Soul Resurrection Tower here soon. I guess the key to this battle in the underworld is whether it can be Build a soul-relief tower as quickly as possible.

  If they fail to build a tower of souls, they will lose all their phones and opportunities. "

  With the arrangement of Liu Zhi, the two heroes each left the camp with five teams.

  At the same time, the solar ship underworld lights also left. They need to go further to the underworld to find out if there are any underworld forces nearby.

  The requirement that Liu Zhi gave them was that no matter whether they found anything, they must come back within a day. Liu Zhi needs to judge, with Shubi's protection, how long they can survive in this weird underworld.

After arranging these three troops, Liu Zhi contacted the plague camp and asked them to send a batch of engineering teams.


  Amanet in the plague camp was also a little surprised by the sudden order from Liu Zhi.

  Originally, she and Liu Zhi had agreed. After Liu Zhi was ready, she would send some attacking troops and heroes that were temporarily unusable.

   This time the two sides of the game are developing. For the time being, the real world is mainly based on building camps, and the underworld is mainly based on turf.

  Why now it looks different from what I said.

  But Amanite also knew that he was not the one who could be the master, and Ryuzhi's order had a higher priority.

  So she immediately picked out some engineering units that were temporarily unusable, and let them enter the underworld first.

  As for some troops, there is no way to put them into the underworld. They are creatures similar to the Beasts.

Although after more than ten years of underworldization, they are already underworld creatures, but in the plane of Id, they still live in the part of the real world. Only after they die, they will transform into the underworld. Undead.

   Sending them to the underworld of this world now is equivalent to letting them die directly.

  He would never do this kind of thing, neither Ryuji nor Amanite.

   Instead, Amanite released all the Beasts and let them fly in the sky to see if there was anything different nearby.

  Because of this, Amanite called the Spinning Spider Girl and Vidnina.

The reason why Fangming Spider Girl was called is naturally because she has a large number of spider troops under her, and these troops can enter and leave the underworld, while Vidnina was called over because Liu Zhi went to the underworld this time, so she was alone. Entering the underworld, this is quite uncomfortable for Vidnina, who has been protecting Yuji's side.

  Vednina is here waiting to enter the underworld for most of the day.

  After sending the engineering troops and Vidnina needed by Ryuzhi into the underworld.

  Amanet thought for a while with some curiosity, and finally she recruited her own sun carriage and flew into the sky in the carriage.

  At more than a thousand meters in the sky, the Sunship Eagle’s Eye is like a fixed base in the sky. A large part of the air force that Ryuzhi brought here this time is stationed here.

  Skywalker Agada was patrolling the sky with his men at this time, and when he saw Amanite driving up the sun carriage, he directly gave way.

  The Sun Carriage rushed to the vicinity of the Sun Boat, and Amanite jumped directly down and landed easily on the Eagle's Eye.

  The commander of Eagle Eye, the mummy hero naturally lowered his head when he saw Amanite.

  As a mummy, he knew the identity of Amanite.

   "Your Royal Highness, why are you here."

   "I want to know what happened in the underworld?"

  Amarnet is quite simple, for her, politeness or something is the most useless thing.

   "Underworld, no, we entered the underworld very smoothly, and the yin in the underworld is quite strong, there is nothing wrong with it."

  Different from the mummy's idea, Amanat thinks more. Many thoughts flashed through her mind, but Amanat did not know the actual situation in the underworld, and could not judge the problem inside.

   "Well, that's all there is to it, what about Skyfire?"

  "I sent them to find out the news in another direction. I always feel that this glacier is a bit unsafe."

  As the mummy was talking, a swan man rushed towards this side, yelling while flying.

   "It's not good, something has happened..."

  (End of this chapter)

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