Necromantic Myth

Chapter 969: Some findings

  Chapter 969 Some Discoveries

  While Liu Zhi was still wondering what the situation was, he suddenly discovered that the little fairies in the coffin forest had actually flew up in batches, flying in the direction where Liu Zhi was.

  These little fairies seem to know where Liu Zhi is, and they flew directly to the location of Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi felt a little weird, because he had already flown into the air, and he had obviously blocked himself with a dark sky, why these little fairies would still find himself.

  He pulled out Thor’s Destruction Tooth, his left hand gripped the Soul Eater Staff, and when he prepared for the little fairies to come over, he gave them a cruel heart.

   But he didn't expect that these little fairies would turn around Liu Zhi when they were still some distance away from Liu Zhi.

  The way they looked, it seemed that they didn't want to attack Liu Zhi, but wanted to absorb something from Liu Zhi.

  Looking at the appearance of these little fairies, Liu Zhi thought about it seriously. He put away Thor's Destruction Fang, freed his right hand and stretched forward, a small group of souls appeared in Liu Zhi's palm.

  This small group of souls is not Liu Zhi's reserve, but Liu Zhi grabbed it from the underworld.

  With the strength of Liu Zhi's current soul extraction, he can do this kind of thing quite easily, and there is no need for half a day of preparation work like before.

  It can be said that as long as Liu Zhi's thoughts move, he can have as many pieces of soul as he wants.

  I caught one of this small group of soul fragments in Liu Zhi, and all the butterflies flew to Liu Zhi's side.

  It can be seen that these little butterfly-like fairies have extremely high demands for this soul fragment.

  Yagiji let go, and these little fairies chased the soul fragments away.

  Liu Zhi looked at the figure of these things, and already had a judgment in his heart.

  These little fairies are not the player's subordinates, but a kind of co-products formed by profit.

  This is really interesting, I didn't expect players to play like this.

  After making a judgment, Liu Zhi immediately flew in the direction of those little fairies.

  He found that when he got close to the coffin, the little fairies not only did not stop him from passing, but instead gave way.

  Liu Zhi flew over the coffin forest. He found that these coffins were really made of any material, from wood to stone, metal from gold to bronze, and even ice cubes or other invisible materials.

  But their style and size are almost the same, all of them are one style.

  All the coffins seem to be erected, and the tallest coffin is only two meters, and a 1.8-meter corpse can fit in.

   But thinking about the five-meter-high snow beast that was thrown out of the coffin before, Liu Zhi was not calm again.

  He felt more and more that there was a problem with the coffin forest in front of him.

  At this moment, those little fairies have also flown down onto some coffins.

  Liu Zhi noticed that although these little fairies always flew out in waves, but after flying into the coffin forest, they seemed to only rotate around the coffins in a few places.

  Liu Zhi took a very serious look in the air. He noticed that there were some special circumstances in the coffins with little fairies flying.

  All of these coffins are tightly closed, and even on the top of the coffin, there are chains or other ropes tightly entangled.

"this is?"

  Yiu Zhi already had a guess in his mind. These coffins tied tightly by chains or ropes contained some enemies of the player.

  Their bodies are trapped here, in a half-dead state.

  The coffin will not open until the player releases them or they die.

  And these butterfly-like little fairies are transformed by their souls. It is for this reason that these little fairies always wander around their bodies when they are resting.

  And the reason for these little fairies to chase the soul breath has also been found.

   Trapped in the coffin of the underworld, even the iron-struck professionals are useless, their souls will be slowly grinded.

  So they need to take other soul fragments to supplement their consumption.

  Looking at this, Liu Zhi had a thought, and he struck the coffin closest to him with a sword.

  A wind blade formed on the tip of Liu Zhi's sword, which was exactly the indigo wind chasing sword skill of Liu Zhi.

  After more than ten years of practice, this indigo wind chasing swordsmanship has reached level 6, which is considered an extraordinary level.

  Before, the long sword had to be shaken at a high speed before a wind blade could be cut out.

  The situation is completely different now.

  Yagiji pointed the long sword forward, and the wind blade would appear by itself.

  And this wind blade is not as transparent as it was originally, but a blue wind blade cut out.

  This kind of wind blade is almost physical, and its speed is only slower than lightning. It was still spinning at the tip of Liu Zhi's sword a second, and it appeared on the chain in the next second.

  As soon as the wind blade turned on the iron chain, all the iron chains on the coffin were cut off.

  Then the coffin fell down with a bang, the coffin lid was shaken open, and a body was thrown out of it.

  Just like the huge snow beast before, the body in front of him is obviously much larger than the coffin.

  It can be seen that this body seems to be a robot. When it is thrown out, the parts on his body are still going to be reassembled, but the underworld situation has a considerable impact on him.

  In this way, Yanagi saw the parts of the robot in front of him rust rapidly, and finally turned into a pile of scraps.

  And the fairies who hovered around the coffin before, after the robot rusted, they screamed at the same time.

  When they screamed, Liu Zhi saw that the butterfly wings behind them turned out to be like a distorted human face, and made screaming movements.

  Then the bodies of these little fairies were like white paper that had been lit, blackened quickly, and finally turned into black powder, which fell into the dirt near the coffin.

  Liu Zhi looked at this situation and couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that it was impossible to release the people in the coffin.

   Just as Ryuzhi was thinking about what to do next, some changes occurred in the surrounding environment.

  The coffin that was opened slowly rotted away. Almost in a blink of an eye, the coffin turned into a small pile of dirt nearby, and there was no longer any shadow of the coffin.

  Instead, it was the three-meter-high robot that was thrown out before. His rusty body seemed to be affected by something and was quickly dragged into the ground.

After a while, Liu Zhi noticed that three new metal coffins appeared at the edge of the coffin forest.

  The lids of these three new coffins were opened, and the empty inside showed one thing. The material of the coffin came from the body of the previous robot.

  (End of this chapter)

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