Necromantic Myth

Chapter 971: Shot

   Chapter 971

  In the small passage opened in the space of the underworld, the man took a penetrating glance.

"Oh, there's another one who can't stand it and died. I thought it was something. It's a pity. This one didn't have a successful transformation. It's true. Obviously he had such a strong ability at the beginning. I thought he could support a person. How many years have passed."

  The man murmured, trying to close the passage.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly moved.

   Observed from the side for a while, and Liu Zhi had already seen that this man had the same strength as him, and he was a Necromancer at level 4.

  However, his methods and methods are obviously different from those of Liu Zhi. It can be seen that all of this guy's abilities are in this coffin forest.

  So, destroy this coffin forest.

  Ryuzhi made a decision in an instant.

  In the dark sky, Liu Zhi instantly drew his sword, and an ordinary Z appeared on the tip of Thor’s Destruction Tooth.

The Z word secret sword technique Liu Zhi has already cultivated to level 3. This is not because Liu Zhi has not worked hard for more than ten years, but this sword technique is a set. After the Z word secret sword level rises, Liu Zhi will unconsciously The swordsmanship behind has also been improved.

  So this also slowed down the time of his previous swordsmanship practice.

  But it's okay, because this is a set of swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship in the back will also have some influence on the swordsmanship in the front.

  The reason why Liu Zhi will use the Z-shaped secret sword this time, instead of the Eternal Night Sword at the back, is entirely because Liu Zhi is sure to be discovered when this sword pierces the opponent's eyes.

  The man did not expect that he would encounter such an attack by just opening a seam to see if there was a problem with his site.

  Just as Liu Zhi thought, the sword continued until the sword reached the man's face, and he didn't react.

  Fortunately, the man has become accustomed to this situation. In the real world, he rolled again and escaped the blow, and then the seam opened because of him was closed.

  Ryuzhi failed to kill the man with this blow, and knew that something was wrong.

  At this time, he was not hiding himself either, and the Soul Eater staff held in his left hand thrust into the ground.

   "I know what you think. I want to survive, so let's follow along."

  Under the control of Liu Zhi, the Eye of Soul Eater emits a purple light. The light is not bright at all, but in this underworld, it has an unusual attraction to those souls who have lost their bodies.

  As soon as the purple light spread, all the butterfly-like little fairies in the coffin forest flew towards there.

  These little fairies are the escaped souls of those half-dead guys in the coffin, and they are the hope of life-saving for these guys.

  Yagiji’s Soul Eater Staff was there, and he started to mend the souls of these little fairies.

  As all these little fairies were distracted, Liu Zhi began other actions.

  He is holding Thor’s Destruction Sword, and constantly waving the wind blade on his hand.

  Every time it is swung, the wind blade will cut through a coffin, and a body will come out of the coffin.

  As in the previous situation, these bodies will die immediately due to the environment of the underworld after being thrown out of the coffin.

After   , their coffins will be destroyed immediately, and two or three new coffins will appear on the edge of the coffin forest.

  But Liu Zhi clearly saw that the quality of these coffins was not very good, and the newly emerged coffins even affected the quality of the coffin forest.


   Just as Liu Zhi's shot was getting faster and faster, the space wall of the underworld was torn apart again.

  This time the player rushed in from the real world with his own coffin on his back.

  As soon as he entered the underworld, the player's brow furrowed. It was obvious that he also felt that the air in the underworld was not right. The Yin Qi here was several times that of the normal underworld.

  If normal people can't deal with the yin here, they will die in a matter of seconds.

  As a Necromancer, a man is also resistant to Yin Qi, but after all, the route he takes is somewhat different from that of a normal Necromancer. His basic magic allows him to send the enemy to the underworld to die.

  It is precisely for this reason that he himself generally cannot come to the underworld.

  It is also for this reason. He wants to see the situation of his ‘territory’, he must open the underworld passage and take a peeping look.

  This kind of exercise also brought him a lot of convenience, some enemies he couldn't beat, he can use a coffin to group them up and send them to the underworld to wait for death.

  Now that someone has attacked his coffin woodland in the underworld, this naturally made him quite anxious.

   Just as Liu Zhi guessed, this coffin woodland is where he has worked hard for more than ten years, and it is also the root of his promotion to level 5 this time.

  If the coffin forest is destroyed, even if he successfully finds a way to advance and completes the task, he will be empty to advance to level 5.

  So in this important situation, this man tore open the way to the underworld, and took the initiative to step into the underworld.

  Originally, he wanted to fight quickly, after all, he was not like other necromancers, who could stay in the underworld for a long time.

  But he never expected that the concentration of Yin Qi in the underworld in front of him was so high.

  It seems that there is a problem with his plan. He cannot stay here for too long. The half-hour trip to the underworld originally planned for half an hour is now only available for up to ten minutes.

  Want to defeat Yanagi in front of him in ten minutes?

  Hesitation flashed in the man's eyes.

  But in the next moment, the man rushed towards Liu Zhi.

  He knew he had no other way to go.

  The coffin forest in front of him is his root. If he gives up here, then he has no future.

  So I have to work hard.


  With this thought, the man threw his body down, as if he was rolling on the ground, but in fact threw himself in front of Ryuuji at a speed beyond normal people's imagination.

  As soon as this person rolled on the ground, Liu Zhi understood that this was the most basic but the most difficult to crack footwork learned from the system.

  This kind of rolling footwork has a dodge ability beyond normal people's imagination. As long as you roll on the ground at a critical moment, most attacks can be avoided.

   And this dodge is one of the rules. As long as you don’t crack this footwork, even if you clearly see where the enemy is, the opponent must dodge or be able to dodge.

  Yagiji didn't know all this at first, and as before, he wrote a Z in the air with Thor's Destruction Fang.

  This sword has the power of Death Thunder in it, and it was originally extremely fast.

  But when this man was rolling on the ground, Liu Zhi's attack was unexpectedly missed.

  This made Liu Zhi a little at a loss, and at this time the man jumped up from the ground, took out a crossbow, and hit Liu Zhi in the chest.

  (End of this chapter)

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