Necromantic Myth

Chapter 983: Liu Zhi shot

   Chapter 983

  Liu Zhi was already making some preparations when the solar boat started to move.

When    flew to this position, although the spirit suckers below also noticed the sky fire in the sky, they did not regard the sky fire as an important enemy.

  When they want to come, even if they fly in the sky, they can still influence them, and the more they are in the sky, the less harm it will do to them.

  The means that can be shot down from the sky, that is, some means such as missiles and lasers, and more are spells such as fireballs. As a spirit sucker of the law system, these are the most feared.

  It is impossible for them to use different magic in the sky.

  So when Skyfire flew over, they didn't pay much attention there.

  This also gave Liu Zhi a chance. He was ready when he came, and now he locked the target as soon as he saw the enemy.

  His target is not the spirit sucker elder who came out, but the core of the spirit sucker's star battleship.

  That thing is equivalent to the mother nest and main brain of the spirit sucker. It is the place where all the spirit suckers live. If the body used by the spirit sucker dies accidentally, you can return to it and change to a new body.

  If the core of this battleship is destroyed, then their connection with the real mastermind of the spirit sucker will be severed. At that time, even if they are trapped here forever, if they die, they are dead.

  Yagiji’s goal is this thing.

  On the Skyfire, Liu Zhi held the Soul Devouring Eye Staff and pointed at the star battleship about three kilometers below.

  The soul extraction ability was activated, and a big hand that normal people could not see fell from the sky and directly grabbed the star battleship.

  Although the elder spirit sucker does not know soul magic, the power of the soul makes him feel dangerous. He immediately rushed forward and rolled on the snow.

  In his thoughts, the attack came from the sky, and it was probably magic like meteors falling from the sky.

  Don't care about anything at this time, you must get down first.

  But he never thought that something like a meteor fireball did not fall, but a bad idea was generated in his mind.

  The spirit sucker elder who was still on the snow cried out: "No!"

  At this time, he still wanted to jump up and rush back to the astral warship, but it was too late, and he could not feel the core power of the warship.

  This also means that the spiritual network of the spirit suckers is destroyed. Now all the spirit suckers here instantly changed from an army of spirit suckers to a group of singular psychics.

  In this way, the snow creatures commanded by the spirit sucker also became messy.

  Some of them are no longer under control.

  Some of the more powerful snow creatures locked in the astral battleship were also stimulated, and they took the initiative to rush out of the astral battleship without being driven by the spirit sucker.

  These snow creatures are almost the same as the snow creatures that Liu Zhi and the others had fought before.

  It's just that their strength is obviously stronger, and there are obvious traces of modulation on their bodies.

  It can be seen that they are affected by the spirit sucker. If there is no external influence, they will be slowly assimilated by the spirit sucker, and finally become the most suitable body for the spirit sucker to survive.

   But now, everything is interrupted.

  The influence of the spirit sucking monster on them was interrupted when the core soul of the star battleship was drawn away.

  They adjust themselves to store the spirit suckers. When they adjust at the beginning, they adjust the mind.

  First, empty the mind. This is a relatively simple thing for spirit suckers, but for other creatures, it is to erase all the wisdom and leave only the most instinctive things.

After   , it will be placed in the core position of the astral battleship for physical adjustments.

  The appearance of an octopus head like the elder spirit sucker is actually adjusted from humans.

  But now they have only prepared half of it, and they have not yet produced it. Now they have no wisdom and no existence that can suppress them. The biological actions in front of them are all based on instinct.

  After they rushed out of the astral battleship, the thing that looked like a snow leopard rushed in front roared, and then rushed to the spirit sucker elder who was planning to get up.

  In fact, this is not because they dislike the elders of the spirit suckers, but the elders of the spirit suckers are just blocking their way forward.

   was pounced by this snow leopard-like creature, and the spirit sucker elder wanted to dodge it, but the speed of this snow leopard is too fast, he can be regarded as the fastest creature nearby.

  On the snow, his moving speed was like lightning, and he rushed in front of the elder spirit sucker in the blink of an eye.

  The elder of the spirit sucker pushed his hands forward, and a mental wave pushed towards the snow leopard.

  However, Snow Leopard ignored this mental fluctuation, and instead accelerated the speed of forward pounce.

  At the same time, the claws also caught the spirit sucker elder.

When the elder   the spirit sucker saw such a situation, he had to use his last resort. Before the snow leopard caught him, he stretched his finger forward, hoping to touch the snow leopard's eyebrows before the snow leopard hit him.

  But he seems to have forgotten a bit. Now he does not have the core of the Star Boundary Battleship to act as a mental network, and his speed of controlling his body has slowed down significantly.

  Through the way of the mind, he can see the movement of the snow leopard, it feels like dynamic vision.

  But his body couldn't keep up. When he pointed his finger out, the snow leopard happened to bit his outstretched hand, biting his upper and lower teeth forcefully.


  The hand of the elder spirit sucker was bitten off in this way.

  The elder spirit sucker hadn't reacted yet, behind it another white giant bear-like snow beast stepped forward on the snow leopard's body, and it happened to hit the face of the elder spirit sucker.

  The size and weight of the giant bear are quite large. If it is normal, the spirit sucker elder can use the power of the soul to push the giant bear back.

  But now it doesn’t work. Once the elder spirit sucker was stepped on by the giant bear, his head was squashed down, and his white brain was sprayed out.

  In fact, Ryuzhi did not expect such a thing to happen.

  But the opponent's biggest commander died, which is a good thing for Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi sent a signal to the commander of the Deathbone Legion to let him seize this opportunity.

  Then the flying troops on the Sunship Skyfire began to charge down and joined the encirclement and suppression of the remaining spirit suckers.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi also flew directly down from the sky. His target was the astral battleship of the spirit sucking monster.

This is a battleship that Yanagi has never seen before. This thing looks like a sailboat, but it is a product of magic and technology inside. Yanagi believes that as long as he takes down this battleship, his shipbuilding skills can still be maintained. One more level.

  (End of this chapter)

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