Necromantic Myth

Chapter 988: Unexpectedly found

   Chapter 988 Unexpected Discovery

  Fifteen days later, the situation in the two camps in Liuzhi has stabilized.

  Because Liu Zhi cleaned up all the nearby snowy biota when targeting spirit suckers, so an area near him became empty.

  This also gave Liu Zhi a chance. Instead of controlling all the troops under his hands in the plague camp, he scattered them in various locations throughout the area.

  At the same time, the corpses of the original snowy creatures in these places were also transported back to the plague camp.

  All that can be used are processed into undead on the spot, and those that cannot be used will be sent to the underworld, and transformed into undead through the yin on the underworld, or used to feed the spider infantry living in the underworld.

  In these fifteen days, Liu Zhi's two legions have also re-arranged.

The Deathbone Legion was transferred to the valley guarded by the Light Legion of the Arena, where the Deathbone Legion will handle it. At the same time, the Deathbone Legion will be here for a period of restoration and repair. After all, in the battle with the spirit sucker, Their losses are not small.

  While the Arena of Light Corps was mobilized, they conducted a full-scale patrol within the current territory of Ryuzhi.

  Before, the Light of the Arena Legion was not allowed to participate in the path exploration, completely because of the distinctive personality of this legion. If you encounter some forces, the final result will definitely be a fight.

  But now, most of the forces have been wiped out, and the most powerful force in this area has become the resource for Liu Zhi's growth, so Liu Zhi naturally does not need to consider other small forces' ideas.

  Let the Arena of Light Legion go out on patrol, that is, with the intention of clearing the field, now there is no need for Liu Zhi to save any face to the nearby forces.

  At this time, letting the Legion of Light of the Arena go out is the most convenient thing.

  After the Deathbone Legion was in place, the Arena of Light Legion quickly entered the territory of Ryuuji and carried out carpet patrols in this area.

  There is more than just glaciers, underground passages, and corners. As long as there is a possibility of enemies, the light of the arena ran past.

   is not the same as the Deathbone Legion. In the Light Legion of the Arena, there are any professions and races, and they are the strongest of these races.

  After all, the entry requirement for the Arena of Light Corps is the Arena ranking.

  Those who can survive in that chaotic place are all capable.

  They often have considerable talents in their professional skills.

  Some professions have the ability to find enemies.

   Soon some forces hidden in corners, underground or other places were dug out one by one.

  The Light Legion of the Arena was not polite to those forces at all, nor did they give them any opportunity to explain or contact.

  The fierce people of the Arena of Light, as soon as those forces were dug out, they directly attacked them.

  The forces of the Arena of Light are all combat-type existences. When they take action, they often have the kind of situation. We rush, kill, and it's over.

  Only a few days, they centered on the plague camp and searched around.

  In just a few days, they have cleaned up nearly thirty large and small forces.

  There is a power among them, even a great power hidden under this ice sheet for thousands of years.

  It was accidentally discovered by a team with the ability to sneak underground in the Arena of Light.

  At first, they thought it was just an ancient ruin that was frozen thousands of years ago.

  Unexpectedly, they encountered a heavy snowfall that day, because the road was not easy to walk, so they planned to stay in the ruins overnight.

  And when they stayed like this, something went wrong.

  The soldiers of this group discovered that this ancient ruin actually had traces of being used, and judging from the traces, it was used ten days ago.

  This discovery made these soldiers nervous immediately, and they immediately reported the situation. That night, when the snow was the heaviest, all the troops of the Light of the Arena arrived here.

  The one who led the team was naturally the commander of the gladiator light legion, the violent blood shark Dak.

  After he arrived here with the team, he immediately gave up his position. As the commander-in-chief of the Arena of Light, he knew what he could do and what was inconvenient for him to deal with.

  At this time, a hero walked out behind Dak, the raging blood shark.

  This hero is the brains of the Arena of Light Legion and the only legal hero in the Legion.

  Jack Patrick.

  He is a human recruited by Ryuzhi from the goblin’s tavern, but he doesn’t have any goblin style in him. Instead, he looks like a master strategy master who controls the entire battle.

  It can be said that the light of the arena can have the immediate style. It is the influence of the violent blood shark Dak, but it can reach this level and become the first legion under Ryuzhi's. It depends on the operation of Jack Patrick.

After    stood up, Jack checked the situation of the ruins in front of him for the first time, and he quickly judged that the ruins were left over thousands of years ago.

  But the things left over thousands of years ago do not mean that no one is using them now. On the contrary, this kind of power that has been passed on for thousands of years has been hiding itself, which shows that there is a problem.

   "Check it down, give up all the tasks we have, and check it down this line."

  Just thinking about it for a few seconds, Jack has already made a judgment.

  For Jack's words, Dak, the raging blood shark, had only one reaction. He turned his head and looked at the heroes behind him.

   "Do it."

  At this time, the Arena of Light Legion moved quickly. With this ruin as the center, they looked for the presence of the enemy from all angles.

   Soon they found a passage under the ruins. This passage was quite long. It could lead from the territory of Yanagi to a nearby bronze-ranked territory.

After   , a hero rushed over with seven combat troops, and they would find out who was on the other end of the tunnel in the shortest time.

  Another hero has followed the other exit of the ruins and found it out.

  There they found some enemies lurking under Liu Zhi's territory.

These enemies were not discovered at the beginning. If it were not for this accident, they might not have known that there are such a group of people in the territory that they could predict the arrival of the Light of the Arena in advance and successfully avoid them. The patrol and search of the Light of the Arena.

   is now discovered by the troops of the Arena of Light, the situation is different, the violent blood shark Dak directly issued the death order, not to kill all the enemies, and never look back.

  (End of this chapter)

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