Necromantic Myth

Chapter 990: This may be an opportunity

   Chapter 990 This may be an opportunity

   "My lord, look at what I found."

  When Dak, the violent blood shark, dragged the corpse, it was like a huge shark dragging his food, and he knew he was a bad person at a glance.

This made Liu Zhi a little speechless, but his requirements for his heroes were not high, and he did not intend to make his heroes all handsome and beautiful. If that is the case, Liu Zhi would instead consider how his heroes are. .

  The same is true this time. When Liu Zhi saw Dak dragging the corpse over, he first smiled at Dak. He was about to say something, but his eyes were attracted by the corpse in front of him.

  Liu Zhi ignored Dak, and ran directly to the corpse, studying it seriously.

  After a while, Liu Zhi wiped his hands on the corpse and stood up.

   "Where did you find it?"

  "We chased to the end and fought them head-on. In the end, they seemed to use a blood sacrifice or some other method to summon this guy. I feel that this guy is a bit wrong."

   "It's not right, this guy has died and lived, lived and died, at least three times."

  Riu Zhi’s current strength, he knew a lot about these things, and he could see that some people were still alive.

  The one in front of me must have been dead for a long time, then resurrected, and then died for some reason.

  Whether it was the traces left by his death or the things left on this guy by time, Liu Zhi could see everything.

  Even Liu Zhi can calculate when this guy died. Of course, Liu Zhi's calculation can only estimate the time when he died last time.

  Go forward because Liu Zhi has never seen such a situation, so he can't push forward anymore.

  "He died once five hundred years ago. The cause of death was quite sudden. It seemed that when a person fell asleep, he was already dead, but he didn't know it."

  "This is in line with the record on the mural. By the way, have you brought back some ordinary corpses from this force?"

  Ryuzhi asked, Dak immediately said: "It doesn't seem to be. Normally we will only send the corpses to the camp, because these guys are not very strong."

   "Also, it will be fine when I go to the camp and take a look. I may have a guess. If this is the case, we can't stay here any longer. We need to finish the task quickly and leave the game."

  Liu Zhi said while standing up, carrying the corpse brought by Dak, he directly opened the starry sky beacon and returned to the plague camp.

  Before he left, he did not give Duck and the others any new orders.

  But Dak and the others understand that if they did not give an order, it means that Liu Zhi was quite satisfied with their actions, and they still had to hunt down the enemies left by this force.


  Returned to the plague camp, the Corpse of Light of the Arena has not sent the corpses killed by the enemy, but Liu Zhi did not have to wait for the corpses.

  Having such a corpse in his hand is enough for Liu Zhi.

  He placed the corpse somewhere in the middle of the Plague Camp, and then drew the Soul Eater Staff.

  Liu Zhi stretched out his hand at the corpse and grabbed it forward, and he grabbed a piece of soul fragments.

"it is as expected."

  Liu Zhi snorted coldly, and he knew it was not that simple.

  This kind of force that has been hiding for more than three thousand years, how could it be discovered by Liu Zhi casually in just a few days, and it was almost killed.

  Furthermore, this power that has been hiding for three thousand years still has the habit of painting murals, and has also painted the changes in the entire world.

  This is clearly giving Liu Zhi a clue.

  If there is no such mural, without this power, Liu Zhi may complete the task according to his own ideas.

  But what about the murals and these clues?

  Liu Zhi is nothing more than two choices, one is positive, and the other ignores speeding up the task and leaves the game directly.

  No matter what choice Liu Zhi makes, Liu Zhi understands that the people who designed this bureau must have many backhands waiting for Liu Zhi.

   "What do I need to do?"

  Ryuzhi now envied the player who left the game directly.

  Although the player carrying the coffin escaped because of Yanagi, he at least escaped the game.

  Unlike Yanagiji, now he has a headache because of the game.

  And Ryuzhi also regretted that he came a little earlier.

  If he waited until fifty years later, he might not have encountered such a thing.

  This time it was all his bad luck, and he encountered a big change every five hundred years.


   Thinking of this, Ryuzhi immediately stood up.

  "This kind of thinking is not my style, why do I think so."

  Liu Zhi looked down, and the soul fragments he was holding on to his hands slowly melted, trying to blend into Liu Zhi's body.

  Liu Zhi grunted and flicked his hand, and the soul fragment was bounced out.

   Then Thor's Destruction Fang shot, a flash of lightning flashed past, just hitting the soul fragment.

  Under the attack of Death Thunder, the soul fragments turned into gas on the spot, and then Liu Zhi shook his hand, and another sword pierced the corpse.

   Stabbed with this sword, the head of the corpse was pierced on the spot, and then under the action of Death Thunder, the corpse quickly turned black, and finally turned into a piece of black coke.

  After doing all this, Liu Zhi stood up, and he looked up at the sky.

   "This game is very big. It seems that the once-in-500-year change is about to start again. I can't afford to participate in this kind of thing, so I must complete my task in a short time.

  However, there must be a problem in these tasks. Leading the breath of the underworld to the real world is the biggest problem.

  I was not sure at the beginning, why it must be done. Now it seems that this is the reason why the whole world has changed.

   has always brought the breath of the underworld to the real world. After hundreds of years, the real world will become the underworld, and after the breath of the underworld is drawn out, it will become the real world. This is actually a means of change from the outside to the inside.

  As for why they want to do this, that is not what I need to manage. What I need to do is how to survive this change. "

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi's eyes became firm, "If possible, it would be better to take advantage of this change."

  While Liu Zhi was speaking, it started to rain next to him. The rain fell on the ground and did not turn into snow and ice. Instead, a green sprout slowly grew on the snow and ice on the ground.

  Liu Zhi raised his hand, and a phantom of a feather snake appeared in his hand.

   "This may be an opportunity."

  (End of this chapter)

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