Needle Maiden

Spider Contract

I was taken to a dining room that was not for servants.

I guess the table for six (because there were six chairs) is good and luxurious and a dining room for Lord Rodin and a few guests.

But why me?

Lord Rodin explained to me tilting my neck.

"Because you've become Master Arjit's fiancée, you're going to be superior to me in your capacity. Shall I call you Master Yui?

I kept shaking my head left and right as much as I wanted.

Speaking of which, the Nuir family was a nobleman for once (even if it did), but in their childhood they had learned to be teachers through minimal manners and reading and writing... and there were no servants other than that teacher to treat their children with a courteous attitude. Plus, that teacher made me quit treating the kids in that house... the attitude of the servants as soon as I cautioned them.

If I were a decent parent, I'd have made you quit as a servant, but that's those parents. I guess a decent teacher has been neglected.

I have memories of my previous life, and I have a faint consciousness that I am noble for once.

There was also that five-year period of cold slavery treatment, and it was totally meant to be a civilian needle.

I shook it a little crackly, and I noticed that Master Kusksrodan and the former king... Master Arjit were laughing at me.

"I'm fine. In this case, Rodin is Yui's guardian, guardian, father... then don't be too young, be like your brother."

"I hired Yui, but the Nuir family is relinquishing their responsibilities to you at the time of the contract."


Honestly, I'm relieved.

"Problem is, it's a contract with a spider."

In Master Arjit's serious voice, he saw a spider strapped to my hair with his shoulders.

My growing, palm size... yeah, spiders are growing, too.

I didn't move much in the Nuir family, but from the time my growth came to a halt, I'd lean my neck with me or stick to my hair like I do now.

"Well, it's that Nuir family owner... me too, but you haven't even heard of Yui"

"The spiders of the Nuir family were originally demons. Did you learn that demons do harm to spirits and erode the world?

I snorted. While I was asleep, my maid and sister read me the country's most beautiful picture books.

In one place there was a daughter with eyes that saw a sober spirit.

One day she finds a strange demon.

An evil spider demon who eats spirits is missed by many spirits.

And that demon is about to be slaughtered by the sword of an adventurer.

As she raised her voice in an attempt to stop the adventurer, a young man with eyes to see the Spirit, just like her, prevented the adventurer's sword and helped the spider.

This was the encounter between Lomestometro, the later king of the kingdom, and his maiden, who would be his queen.

At the beginning of a pompous picture book, this is what it's all about.

"I guess the first spider was the Holy Beast. It is rare for demons to sanctify, but it is not without them. It is said that children born of demons are the identities of basic parents. That is why the Lord is responsible for the administration of the covenant so that the nature of the pre-sacred spider parent does not run wild or increase poorly."

Well, naturally, considering that the Lord makes me anxious at once.

Holy beasts refer to beasts who treat magic and acquire intelligence without harming the Spirit. Normally only for one generation, but it is also easy for descendants to sanctify, so I raise them dearly.

"In other words, at the time of marriage... if you are no longer in the Nuir family, you have to rewrite the contract. You shouldn't give up on Yui with a spider."

Master Rodin said with a headache, and Master Arjit smiled bitterly.

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