Needle Maiden

[]/(n, vs) meeting/meeting/meeting/meeting/meeting/meeting/

Based on a dark pale, embroidery is stabbed with silver thread.

Small grain accents, but good color gems.

It's like mixing military and swallow tail clothes, like Lady Arjid's.

And next door, a simple piece with the same ethereal base

Features include mini front and long back, plenty of cloth

I'll wear another one under this, a lace skirt, so my raw feet are not going to be visible and round.

I don't know, if I wasn't a dress too small and a little tiny on the route, I'd look better than a toddler.

She looks a little childish (Lori), but if she looks like she's about 15.

My chest is only honwali, so if I'm going to give it a hue, I'm going to have to express it in my legs.

However, the legs from the back don't have a well-balanced thigh line, so hide them thoroughly. Because it's far from being musty.

I tried my best to make a match with Master Arjid at all.

"It's great! Master Yui."

After all, Mr. Stall, the vegetables are adorable people. When I went into the making of the dress, I let the atmosphere shine.

"Mr. Stoll, of, daughter-in-law, dress, me, let me make it, and, crumbs, huh?

Make an appointment.

"Oh, don't! Something like putting your hands on Yui! I have a vision of my mother!

... Well, with that said, was that likely... Mr. Stall, you're a first-class aristocrat...

Mr. Stoll, she's beautiful, and she's got big breasts, so the design I can't do with my own dress... I wanted to make...

"But Stoll, you can't see your mother because of her tits, can you? Mother, you weren't from the Menez family, were you?

Mr. Mimachi put his hands up and down in front of his own chest.

Mr. Stoll, a size chest shape and normal... for about C near B.


Mr. Stoll put his hand on his chest and lost his words.

Maybe it was my dream to be your daughter-in-law in your mother's shapely dress.

Even if you can't see your face with armor, the shock is transmitted.

I think my eyes sparkled from a soggy state.

"Remake, if you can, I will!


Look at the real thing, judging, but... if it's my arm now, I don't think it's that hard.

If you can't, you can make a new one, right?

"When Stall gets married, Master Yui's escort will be headed by Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the bath and the bedroom together"

"Oi, you think I'm gonna let you go wild and be a bride?"

"Ahhh! Stoll, I'm going to have a headache! I'm powering up my armor. Add or subtract."

Well, while we had that conversation, the clothes for the night club were properly finished.

In a dress like Ethereal Smiley, there was also the effect of the makeup that the maid sisters had strained and put in place on the day, and my exterior became an 'age unknown', inhuman creature.

"This is a spiritual beauty, without a word."

"Hey, until before, it was galloping, worn out,"

Extend arms, flutter and spin one turn

The hem of the dress spread beautifully.

"Oh, well, even myself, my own, conscious, thin."

For that matter, I can produce clothes objectively.

Likewise, Mr. Arjid, dressed up, reached out.

I prayed as I could before laying my luxurious hands on that big palm.

Before the night club began, I was escorted by Lady Arjid and stood before the present king, Lady Amnat.

One relief is that Master Amnato was not wearing the clothes of the current Nuer family owner.

Everything is in a similar shape to a king a few generations ago, so he said he was wearing it.

There's a slight difference in size, but it's not as bad as the clothes that Master Arjid was wearing.

No, you shouldn't compare it to an array, it's rude in every way, and disrespectful of something called clothing.

Master Amnato is disappointed and bigger than Master Arjid, the atmosphere is honwari and warm, a herbivorous lion if you like? That felt like it.

During the meeting, there were three seats.

One pinch between the king's seat and the queen's seat.

Very beautiful in the middle, adult women-sized spirits.

Long hair is like obsidian, but depending on the angle it glows pale or red.

The eyes, though green, can also be deepened or diminished by the angle.

The dress also looks silver or gold depending on the angle, although the base looks pure white.

And as I go towards the hem, it's changing to a young leaf color.

Beautiful fruity colorful gemstones, fresh flowery flower decorations everywhere.


Unexpectedly, Mr. Spirit smiled at me with a honwali smile.

A strange touch warmed my chest, like I could see a rainbow spreading in the sky.

... just whose right hand was burned to a rotten color.

Oh, oh, that looks painful, pathetic!

It's not an area of clothing, and the fingertips are peeled out, like they left a shape in a dry way.

Oh, shit, I can't handle you like a person because you're a spirit.

I painstakingly greeted him, but my eyes nailed to Mr. Spirit.

Almost unconsciously, pull the sleeve of Master Arjit's clothes.


I guess I knew my gaze.

Master Arjit's voice is sweet.

"Master Arjit, knit your gloves, give them to me, no, are you?

"It's the Spirit, can you make it with just magic?

I stretched the thread of magic. With a trained lace braid, wrap your right hand.


The people on the spot breathed.


Once the hand wrapped in lace-knitted gloves burned off his fingertips.

After all, won't you settle in unless you sew it up?

No, I feel like I'm under-leveled.

The Spirit himself accepted the gloves, but the burns? lost to the rejection of the

"Huh! A little, but it's healing!

The young man, whose king shouted and weaved his wizard-like robe, also trembles and holds his mouth down.

"No matter how much magic you've given before, before you settled in, you lost your curse."

The voice was a trembling tear.

"It's a boulder, Yui"

The eyes of Master Arjit, who took my hand and laid his forehead on it, were also moist.

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