Needle Maiden

First Apprentice

"Sometimes because of the disease, such a number of men have died or become unable to work, and the nobility of the upper echelons has been replaced by less qualified..."

Mr. Schnell's sigh is heavy.

Are you too indifferent to the Spirit?

He's so cute, he's so nice... oh, is all I see is the owner of the demon eye?

"A massive replacement of power, surely the prince has the talent of a king. Except for something about Schnell, I guess you delivered those messes, huh?

"Mine, or other than my house. Because I was under the protection of the Spirit, her, no, him? Thanks to that, I got quite a bit of spiritual protection around me, and I hardly suffered from the disease. So let's say," Give me the Spirit, you idiot, and I can't stay in the country anymore. "


I associate myself with Lord Rodin's mansion. I guess the people around Mr. Schnell were really good people, too. On the other hand, the prince gets angry that you're a very unsolicited person, not sheltering anyone you like or the house.

"Maybe there's a nomination arrangement in place, so..."

Master Arjit sighed heavily, too. As the former king, he couldn't ask lightly about Mr. Schnell's hometown with any other personnel.

"With the assistance of my brother and friends, I escaped a few years ago. I went on a journey and looked for a needle job while working as an adventurer, but, well, you don't ask for dress women's clothes."

After that, I realized that I liked to make dresses in needlework. And Mr. Schnell shrugged with a distant eye.

"I've heard of the Nur family of protective sewing in this country from the master of needles, so if the master was a decent man, if he was hired there, he'd be involved in making dresses."

"Is that your brother? To say that you know it, is Schnell's master from this country?"

"So you came all the way to this country - and then the Nuer family was inherited by a less than decent brother, but one day when you tried to make sure you were good at it, you said that the bottom line was the bottom line."

"Now I was looking for my master's twin sister. Apparently, the teacher was welcomed as an adoptive daughter into the house of a relative's pedestrian, who was not blessed with children, and met and dowried her husband in that country. You told me that my sister's taste in needles was superior to hers. But even though the young teacher remembered his sister's name, he forgot his ex-husband's name and it was a stumbling block."

"If Yui shows up there... wearing Yui's sewn clothes, and shows you the way to a cursed blessing or a job modification of a labyrinth weapon, then naturally you wish to be a disciple"

I see. I nodded and took Mr. Schnell's hand.

Yeah. Mr. Schnell, too, should be under the asylum of Master Arjit and Master Amnat, as I am.

You can sell it if you want!

"Discipleship, let go. Instead, I want us, power, power!

"I'll explain everything."

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