When An Otaku Receives A System The latest chapter, the seventh hundred and five 12 chapter pays the body as an exchange, floating astronomy
Seiji explained to Natsuya the special features of this picture.

Just gaze can enter the state of mind… This is undoubtedly the best spiritual power cultivate map! As for how this function is implemented, Ojou-sama has given up understanding.

If such a pictorial image is sold out, it will certainly sell a very high price. It is a pity that it can’t be taken out and can only be used in this space.

Natsuya also wants to see and see, Seiji gestures please.

Soon, she entered the state like everyone else.

Seiji also wants to try out the Spiritual Picture produced by System, but so many people have to look at it together and always have to look after it.

So he practiced the spell next to him and looked at the situation while cultivating.


Mei is coming back.

She licked her eyes and felt her head faint. It took a few seconds for her mind to start working.

What’s wrong with me? Where is this? Why am I here?

Then she remembered what happened and was shocked.

I actually think about it! ?

She has never done it before, but let alone achieve the state of God, and now it has been done! ?

“Senpai, you are awake.” The voice came.

Mei subconsciously followed the sound and saw Seiji.

Seeing Kouhai’s handsome face, she remembered the experience she had just entered, and her cheeks couldn’t help but blush.

In the world of mind, she became a Ninja, performing tasks with her companions, and was accidentally attacked by Ferocious Youkai.

Some of the companions were killed and some were left, and she was left alone. She was rescued by an Onmyouji while struggling.

The Onmyouji looks exactly like Kouhai, and the name is Kamijou Seiji!

She was treated by “Kamijou Seiji”, and then he worked with him to save Youkai, save his companions and other people caught, during which time…

There was a lot of pictures in the mind, and Mei felt very embarrassed.

That is not what I want! Just looking at the gods, nothing to do with reality! She said in her heart.

“Senpai?” Seiji felt that the other person’s appearance was a bit strange, “what happened to you?”

“No…nothing.” Mei forcibly suppressed the picture in his mind.

“Is it really okay?”

“Of course it’s okay.”

Seiji watches the other side, blinked.

“How do you think about it?” he asked, “you just got into the gods?”

“Well…” Mei looked at the spiritual image. “This picture is really amazing. It actually makes me think about success.”

“It’s good for Senpai,” Seiji smiled.

“I really want to know how this picture came, but it is not expected to be answered.” Mei looked at him again.

“I don’t want to answer, but I don’t know how it came from.” Seiji spread his hand.

This problem is only known to System, and System Buddy is always silent. The so-called golden finger does not need to be explained…

Mei blinks.

Her expression is calm, but her inner feelings are difficult to calm down.

From a young age, she was detected that there is no spiritual power talent, and she is difficult to upgrade. The special spirit image of watches is easy to enter without consciously entering the state of mind. The spiritual power rises significantly… What does this mean?

It means that the road that had been closed to her has been opened!

This road is so “simple” and even makes her lack of real feelings, but the improvement of spiritual power is real.

“Haruta young master… Can I continue to look at this picture later?”

“of course can.”

“What do I need to pay for this?”

“Nothing is needed,” Seiji smiled. “Senpai wants to use it, you don’t have to be polite.”

“This failed the answer!” Mei decisively gave a bad review. “Nothing needs to be the worst request. I am not your team member or your girlfriend. Why care for me?”

Seiji: “………”


“Stop! I know you must say rhetoric again, but it won’t work.” Maid firmly resisted.

What a slogan? Seiji ridicules in the heart.

“I just don’t think I have to care about it… Although it would be consuming to use Senpai to use this picture, but with Senpai’s relationship with me, don’t worry about it, it’s like Senpai never thought about helping me.” He is sincere.

“I have something to worry about.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I have got.”

“you have not.”

“I have!” Mei puts on her chest.

You do have… Looking at the other side of the chest, Seiji almost blurted out.

It’s really troublesome Senpai maid. He regained his gaze and thought about it.

“If you have to worry about it, Senpai will pay for the body.”

Mei : “!?”



“That’s where… use a little more power… oh oh…”

“Oh oh… Senpai… great…”

“Don’t make strange noises!” Mei squeezed Seiji’s arm hard.

She is giving him a massage.

Seiji’s “paying for the body” is of course a joke, actually referring to paying for work, that is, massage.

Now he is lying on the floor of Training Field, and Mei is kneeling beside him, licking his shoulder.

Maid young girl with a slap in the face, a little angry look.

On the surface, it is his anger, but it is actually concealing his mood.

When she heard that he said “pay the body”, she was surprised, but there was still a trace of it… it could be said to be a subtle feeling of “hiking hi”.

This made her have a oneself disgust.

I didn’t realize immediately that it was a joke, I still felt that way… Mei’s mood at the moment is very complicated.

It’s all wrong with this idiot!

She complained that she wanted to work hard to make him suffer, but she could not bear it.

And this touched his body, she could not help but think of the experience of entering the gods, and the close contact with “Kamijou Seiji”, the heart is even more shaken.

Seiji knows nothing about it.

At this time, he felt that it was a good idea to let Mei help with massage, because it was very comfortable!

As the other person’s massage, the body feels more relaxed, the fatigue of the hidden is released, it is great.

“Senpai…just try harder…” he sighed.

Upon hearing this request, the annoying maid squats on the youngster all at once, holding the back with both hands and pressing hard!

“Ara…” Seiji felt a little pain.

But what makes him care more is the other person’s current position!

I can feel the touch outside my hands… Is she sitting straddle?

I immediately imagined the picture of the active activity of the maid sitting on oneself. This posture does not seem to be very good.

“Senpai, you are now…Ara…”

It was a little bit painful, but it was quite comfortable.

Forget it… Seiji gives up on what posture the opponent uses, as long as it is comfortable.

And across him, making his screaming Mei, gave birth to an inexplicable pleasure, as if riding him, conquered this person.

No, I am just taking a massage!

I said to myself in my heart, but actually enjoyed this feeling, looking down and manipulating him, the corner of his mouth did not consciously lift a trace of arc.

This is what you are looking for, Haruta young master.

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