“I will apologize for the rudeness from earlier.”

It was the first thing the man said, after sitting in the chair brought by his subordinates.

“We were in a state of confusion due to receiving information that was hard for us to understand. I’m sorry.”

“Hmph, you are forgiven.”

“I-I’m not mad! It’s alright!”

Both responded, as the man lowered his head.

“I am Lauro, the chief of the Nemophila army corps.”

“I’m Theo Asper!”

“I am Helvi.”

The soldiers were relieved to see a normal conversation starting.

Aside from Lauro, they were all looking on, standing by the walls. They felt like Helvi would make them kneel again if they stood too close.

“I have heard of you mister Theo. It seems I must thank you for helping my soldiers.”

“Eh, ah, no… I didn’t really…”

Theo was a little flustered as he answered, because helping soldiers was borderline illegal.

Normally, civilians were not allowed to help soldiers with their jobs, especially if the person helping received money in return.

Among the duties that soldiers had to perform, the one they hated the most was disposing of dead monsters.

Theo helped with this numerous times, and was compensated for his efforts.

Theo feared that since Lauro knew about it, he would be receiving a penalty.

Lauro smiled awkwardly as he looked at him.

“I have no intention of penalizing you, but I will do so slightly to the soldiers that relied on you.”

Lauro looked at one of the soldiers standing by the wall, and saw him flinch.

“Ah… T-this might be asking too much but, please don’t punish them too harshly…! Instead I will accept any…!”

Lauro was bewildered as he listened to Theo, but his appreciation of him increased.

He was kind, and had a good sense of responsibility.

(Ahh…! Theo you’re so cute. That firm expression you have even though it’s obvious you’re scared is so cute…!)

Lauro did not understand why Helvi was writhing in such a creepy manner, but his appreciation of her decreased.

“It won’t be a heavy punishment. At most, they will be made to dispose of monster corpses for a week.”

The soldier standing by the wall did not seem too pleased to hear this, but Theo was relieved that the punishment was light.

“Now, back to the main point. The monster that you two brought really is the Chimera, no doubt about it.”


Helvi found it strange that they could not tell just by looking at it.

Lauro and the other soldiers knew it looked exactly like what they had heard, but had a hard believing it truly was it.

“Excuse me for asking, but you did not defeat it, did you Theo?”

“N-no, I couldn’t take down a monster like that.”

Lauro heard from his subordinates that Theo was weak, and had trouble defeating even a goblin.

This meant that the woman sitting next to him defeated the monster.

“Miss Helvi, am I correct in assuming that you were the one that defeated it?”

“Yes, I was.”

Helvi felt like it was a silly thing to ask at this point, but Lauro was frightened.

The Chimera’s body showed no signs of an actual fight.

Usually, when fighting such a large monster, people would hit it where they could to weaken it, and only then deliver a fatal blow. This strategy was usually performed by dozens of soldiers surrounding said monster.

However, the Chimera had no wounds other than its head being sliced clean off, as though there was not even a fight.

She killed such a monster without a fight.

The attack that Lauro received earlier truly was just a small sample of her power. Had she used her true strength… Lauro did not even want to imagine what would have happened to him.

“I thank you on behalf of this town. That monster caused us a lot of trouble.”

They were told that reinforcements would only arrive in one month. If the monster decided to attack in the meantime, it would have caused serious damage.

“If we inform the country about this, you will surely receive a reward and be decorated. That is how much of a threat such a monster is.”

“Is it…”

For Helvi, who saw the old world ruled by survival of the fittest, the Chimera was among the weakest monsters, and she was surprised to hear that in current times it was considered to be among the strongest.

“A-amazing Helvi! Rewards and decorations!”

Theo looked up at Helvi with a sparkle in his eyes.

Helvi did not want to put a damper on his excitement but…”

“Don’t need it.”


Theo sounded surprised, and Helvi continued.

“To us, awards such as these are like shackles. If war breaks out, we might be ordered to fight as decorated citizens of this country.”

Helvi knew that long ago such a thing happened to someone that formed a contract with her.

People decorated by a country would be lauded as heroes, but the moment they refused to go to war for said country, the situation would be reversed, and they would be chased out of the country as traitors.

“Neither I nor Theo need such things.”

“…I see.”

Lauro understood what Helvi was thinking, and did not press the matter further.

“So should I not tell them about this?”

“Yes, that would be very helpful.”


“Is that all? If so, we will be going home.”

“Yes, I apologize for making it seem like you were being imprisoned.”

Helvi and Lauro stood up, and a few seconds later, so did Theo.

“Theo, when we get home, I want you to give me a reward to make up for not receiving a medal.”

“Eh… To make up… What…?”

Helvi responded while looking at the exit, so as not to let him see her face.

“…You promised you would cook, didn’t you?”

Theo was confused for a second, but smiled.

“Alright! I’m going to do my best!”

“…Yes, thank you.”

Theo peeked at Helvi’s face as it became red, and she hid it with her hands.

As they fooled around while making their way out, the soldiers that remained inside were left completely baffled by this sudden rose colored development.

“I never expected Theo of all people to jump ahead of me like that…!”

Perhaps some soldiers who witnessed this scene let out a few tears of frustration in the following days, as they disposed of monster corpses.

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