“That was close uh?”

Said Keira with a bitter smile on her face.

Her blue ponytail reached her neck, and her cheeks were sweaty, probably because she had been running at full speed.

“It really was. We were almost a pile of meat too.”

Cress, who ran away with her, let out a sigh of relief.

Her black hair reached her lower back, and her face seemed cold and expressionless.

Since they always worked as mercenaries, they had excellent figures, but their faces were also nice.

Both were very confident in their appearance, but also realized they were no match for the woman they just saw.

“I’m glad we ran away. Or I guess I should say I’m glad she let us run away.”

“We can’t beat that monster. Running away was the only correct choice.”

They were hired by the noble named Dario, but their relationship was purely about money.

Both knew Dario was human garbage, but they stayed with him because the pay was good, but they were not willing to put their lives on the line for him.

Furthermore, this was not about putting their lives on the line, but rather throwing them away.

Helvi, the woman after Dario.

As soon as she walked in, Keira and Cress knew they could not beat that monster, and would be easily killed.

They realized this very quickly because Helvi made no attempt to hide her bloodlust. If they saw her walking around town, they would have probably thought she was just a beautiful woman.

They were strong enough for Dario to have to pay a lot of money to hire them. Some compared them to another team of two female mercenaries, Xena and Celia, and they were not much weaker.

However, most people saw Xena and Celia as being superior, probably because they made better choices in regards to who they worked for.

Keira and Cress were a little annoyed about this, but were now thinking they should have picked their boss a little better.

“She’s not chasing us is she?”

“We’re probably safe. She could’ve probably stopped us from running away if she wanted. The fact that we managed to run away probably means she’s letting us go.”

“Hahaha, that’s a pretty wishful supposition. But I get the feeling we’ll be alright too.”

“Yes. We’ll probably be fine.”

Helvi really did let them go.

If she wanted them dead, they would have died the moment they started running.

“But… Now we’re left without a boss.”

They did not see what happened to Dario and the other mercenaries, but were certain they were dead.

“For now… Since we didn’t have time for ourselves when we were working for that pig, let’s have some fun.”

“Yes. We were spared by that monster too so… Let’s go look for some nice men.”

“Now that I think about it… That monster woman has a partner doesn’t she?”

“Does she? Well, when you think about what she looks like, it’d be weird if she was single.”

“I didn’t see his face, but they were doing it since early in the morning.”

“Oho! Nice. We haven’t done it in a while, so let’s go get some!”

It was their first day off in a while, and as they walked through town with excitement in their hearts, they began their search for men.

◇ ◇ ◇

“…Hmph. What an eyesore.”

Thinking back, she felt that way since the first time she laid eyes on him in that restaurant.

He suddenly approached Helvi and Theo, and spewed out arrogant demands that she be his wife.

If Theo was not present, she would have killed him in an instant.

But Theo was not only there, but he also exclaimed to Dario that Helvi his wife, while trying to hold back embarrassment. It felt so good, Helvi decided to let Dario leave unharmed.

Although his life was spared, Dario foolishly decided to throw it away the very next day.

He bothered her during their fun trip.

She felt he was not worth killing, but not worth keeping alive either.

He begged for his life by offering Helvi all the money she asked for, but it was not to be.

Dario angered Helvi too much for any amount of money to suffice.

“…Hmph. There is no reason for me to stay in this filthy place.”

The warehouse was decorated by piles of flesh that were once mercenaries, and dyed bright red with Dario’s blood.

There was not a drop of blood on Helvi or Luna.

Luna was still sleeping, and Helvi carried her gently on her back, to make sure she did not wake up in that place.

While being carried by Helvi, Luna smiled slightly while making quiet sounds.

“Fufu, no one has ever been carried on my back in this manner Luna, not even Theo. You will become big one day.”

Whispered Helvi as she left the warehouse.

A few hours later, people from the Lendiro family went to the warehouse, and were shocked by what they saw.

The blood on the walls, the corpses that lost their human shape, and the corpse of the head of the family, Dario Lendiro.

He was obviously killed, but they could not imagine what kind of monster had done it.

Still, they decided not to go public with this case. They simply announced that Dario Lendiro had died in an unfortunate accident.

Afterwards, Dario’s younger brother, Irio Lendiro, became the new head of the family.

He had not reached adulthood yet, but his talent was comparable to his father’s in his heyday, if not higher.

And thus, the Lendiro family managed to avoid decline, and was put on a path to further growth.

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