There was a hill that overlooked the streets of the capital. The stairs leading up to it were somewhat hidden, so not many people actually visited it, but for those that did know about it, it was a nice spot for dates.

(When did you find this place?)

(I looked at this town from above before when I was looking for nice men. I didn’t find any, but I did find this nice spot. I’m glad it’s coming in handy now.)

Upon reaching this place, Cress used her magic to make a wooden bench. It was clearly too narrow for three people, and comfortably fit two.

“Let’s sit down Theo.”

“Yes, hurry.”

“Hum… But where do I sit?”

It was a natural response.

Cress and Keira were already sitting on it, so there was no room for Theo.

“Ah… Do you mean… On the ground…?”

“Of course not! That’s bullying!”

“Yes. If you were going to sit on the ground, I would be the ground.”

“Cress, your perverted thoughts are leaking out.”

Memories of when Theo used to be thrown out of parties suddenly rushed back to him, but he was relieved to hear he was mistaken.

“You can sit on our thighs!”


“It doesn’t matter which, but I think mine are better. They’re to die for.”

“Mine are better! And I’ll hug you tightly so you don’t fall too!”

“Mine are softer than Keira’s, and the place where your head will be when you sit down is bigger and softer too.”

“…Are you picking a fight?”

“I’m just telling the truth. Ah, but of course, he can bury his face here instead. In fact, I would recommend that.”

Theo was left confused about them telling him to sit on their lap, while the two women ignored him and started having a heated discussion about whose thighs would be better for Theo.

“Ah, hum, I can’t sit on you…”

“It’s fine! I train my body a lot, so a boy your size is not gonna hurt me one bit! It’s gonna feel good for me too!”

“F-feel good…?”

“Theo doesn’t want to sit on your hard thighs. Mine are soft, and just the right place for him to bury his body. Bury yourself in me as much as you want Theo.”


Both spoke too fast for Theo to really understand what they were saying.

“H-hum, it would be great if you could bring out another chair…”

“…Sorry, but I’ve used up all my magic energy making this bench. If I use any more magic I’ll die.”

Keira wanted to smack her lips at Cress’ excuse, but held it back.

(What are you talking about!? People die if they run out of magic energy, but they faint well before that! And you don’t even look like you’re tired! He’s gonna know for sure that you’re…!)

“Eh!? R-really!? Are you alright!?”


Theo was very concerned. He straightened his back and looked at Cress, who did not look like she was feeling ill or tired at all.

(Theo is so pure… I’m worried he’s gonna get tricked by some bad people or something.)

Thought Keira while being completely oblivious to the irony.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make a chair for you, so if you could sit on my lap while facing me and hug…”

“D-do you want to lie down? Ah, the ground here is too hard. You can use my lap… No, that’s not going to make you feel better…”

“It will. I’ll definitely feel better. Let me use your lap as a pillow.”


When an opportunity to use Theo’s lap as a pillow suddenly appeared, Cress let her lust do the talking.

She thought this was much better than having Theo sit on her thighs.

“Hum, do you want to use my lap as a pillow…?”

“I do.”

“W-wait! I’m hum… Feeling anemic and dizzy! I’m going to have to lie down on your lap, Theo!”

“Keira be quiet! When did you ever feel anemic?”

“What about you Cress!? I’ve never seen you come close to running out of magic energy!”

“…So you were lying?”


In the middle of their argument, they exposed their lies to Theo.”

“Did you lie, Cress?”

“W-well… Sorry.”

Cress was sitting on the bench, so although he was shorter, Theo looked downwards at her.

He seemed to be a little upset.

Cress both feared that he might hate her for it, and was excited about Theo looking down at her in that manner.

“Geez, I was worried! Please don’t lie like that again!”

“…Yes Theo.”

“But I’m glad you’re alright!”


His angry face was cute, but his smile as he felt relieved made Cress think of an angel with light shining brightly behind him.

She felt like putting her hands together and praying.

“Let’s just eat! Can you make another chair?”

“Yes my angel.”


Cress once again said something Theo did not understand, but he figured that was just how she was, and did not pay too much attention to it.

(Ahh, Theo is so cute. At this point I’d be satisfied even if we didn’t do it.)

(Me too Keira. Just looking at him soothes me. But I definitely still want to do it.)


As Theo brought out his lunch boxes, the two women had another conversation with their eyes.

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