As they looked at this person, Keira and Cress thought the same thing.

((We’re dead.))

They never thought for a second that they were putting their hands on that monster’s partner.

Their strength was top of the class even among mercenaries, but one glance was enough for them to realize they had no chance. They knew they had to run the moment they saw Helvi.

Cress did see a man when she went to Helvi’s room to deliver her idiot boss’ letter, so she knew she had a partner.

What she did not realize was that said partner was none other than Theo.

(Ah, that’s pretty exciting now that I think about it.)

The Theo she thought was so innocent was actually doing it early in the morning. Cress became excited as she realized this… But only for a brief moment.

(You are quite brave to be including my Theo in your obscene delusions.)

(..! She can talk directly to…!)

Helvi’s voice entered Cress’ mind, as if she could peek into her thoughts.

Cress thought it was incredible, as even a sorcerer like her had no idea such magic existed.

(Magic to see others’ thoughts… I’m sure that’s very high level magic, and it probably doesn’t work unless there’s a big gap in how strong our magic energies are… Basically, that means your magic energy is that much stronger than even mine…)

(You catch on quickly. I normally do not dislike clever people… But you picked the wrong target.)

When they saw her in the warehouse, they thought they could not possibly defeat her, and did not attempt to face her… Cress realized once again that it was the right decision.

Keira was thinking more or less the same thing.

(Uwah… I don’t see any way we can escape. If we try to run now, I can’t see it ending in any other way than her tearing us apart.)

When Keira turned around, she immediately thought they had to run, but could only imagine it going poorly.

She knew they would die if they tried to run.

(I’ve never felt so close to death before…)

They were right to run away when they saw her in the warehouse, but they did not make it out of there by their own power alone. Helvi let them get away.

This time however… It was over.

They truly angered the monster. The devil.

They had no way out.

Keira and Cress readied themselves for death, when…

“Ah, Helvi! Welcome back.”

An angel smiled at her.

Theo passed by the two petrified women and approached Helvi.

“What happened to the clothes?”

“Clothes… Ah, yes, the clothes.”

Helvi remembered the excuse she used when she left.

“Some were done, but not all. I can go pick them up tomorrow.”

“Ah, alright. Can I go with you? Walking around town with you is a lot more fun than wandering around by myself!”

“…I-I see. I also enjoy myself more when I am with you.”

“…! Fufu, great!”

The killing intent that went beyond regular anger seemed to vanish as Helvi spoke with Theo.

“Ah, I met these two when I was walking around town. They bought a sword for me.”

“…Hou, is that so?”

Helvi slowly glared at the two women, who flinched.

Theo noticed none of this.

“They’re Keira and Cress.”

“I-I’m, hum… Keira…”

“..I’m Cress.”

Said the two scared women after being introduced by Theo.

“I am Helvi. It seems you two took good care of my husband in my absence.”

“Eh…. T-Theo, you’re married uh…?”

“W-what a beautiful wife you have. You look perfect for each other. Yes.”

They said while being blatantly terrified.

“R-really? Hehe, that’s really great…!”

But it was not so blatant for Theo, who was simply happy to hear himself and Helvi were a good match. Not many people had said so before.

“…Oh, right. You bought a sword for Theo, so we really should repay you.”

“N-no, it’s fine. Really.”

“Yes, completely fine. In fact, we could give more.”

“No, no. This was how much the sword cost, correct?”

When Helvi went to the weapons store, she checked the price of the sword, and put the right amount of money in a jute bag.

She approached the two women and handed them the money, while speaking quietly enough for only them to hear.

“I stopped you before you could do what you were thinking, and Theo seems to have a good impression of you, so I will let you go this time… No, I will still punish you later, but there will be no next time, understood?”


“Yes… Miss Helvi…”

Helvi went back to Theo’s side, and Keira and Cress spoke as quickly as they could while trying not to let their legs shake.

“Then… Then we’ll be going because we can’t just stay here and bother the greatest couple in the world bye!”

“Yes yes it’s a shame but hum see you next time… If you want but we’ll be leaving today.”

“Eh, ah, see you next… They left…”

Keira and Cress ran down the stairs so quickly they almost fell, leaving Theo looking on with confusion in his eyes.

“Do you know them, Helvi?”

“… I would not say I know them, but I have seen them before.”

“I see. Ah, what did you have for lunch? I had two boxed lunches, but gave them to Keira and Cress as a thank you for the sword, so I didn’t eat anything.”

“What? They tasted your cooking? I should not have paid them if that is the case.”

“No no, my food is not enough to repay them.”

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