“Y-you two really are strong…!”

Theo looked on with wonder, as Xena and Celia easily dispatched two opponents that were by far out of his league.

“Well yes, we are the strongest in Nemophila… Or at least we were.”

Said Xena as she looked at Helvi, who took that title away from them.

“Something like that is no problem.”

Said Celia as she brushed up her long, golden colored hair with her hands.

“It was really cool!”

“Fufu. Thank you.”

“Theo Theo, what about me?”

“You were cool too! Blocking an attack like that like it’s nothing and then punching that giant monster away…!”

“Hehe. I guess…!”

For them, they were weak opponents, but being complimented like this did not feel bad at all, and both had big smiles on their faces.

Theo used to compliment them like this back when they traveled together, and it was a good source of motivation.

Theo’s wife however, felt not too pleased as she watched the other two being complimented.

She did not stop it, but had a pouting look on her face as she watched from the back.

(I don’t remember being complimented so much when I killed the Chimera…)

It was true, Theo did not compliment her so much, but that had more to do with the Chimera being well beyond what one might have seen as a reasonable opponent.

Seeing such a monster being killed in the blink of an eye was too shocking for Theo.

When they went out to collect medicinal herbs, they only encountered weak enemies, and nothing that would make Theo that excited.

Defeating Xena and Celia would be worth complimenting, but there was no time for that, because Helvi immediately kissed Theo.

(Damn it. I would have defeated them myself if I knew he would compliment me so much. I could have evaporated their heads with a simple flick of the forehead.)

Helvi decided to take on the next relatively strong opponent they came across.

They continued walking through the forest.

It was a little dark, since the trees blocked the sun, but everyone except Theo had good night vision.

Theo tripped and almost fell, but was caught by Helvi. After this, they held hands as they walked.

He was a little embarrassed about being treated like a child, but Helvi’s slightly bad mood from before was now completely gone.

“Now that I think about it, we didn’t plan things out before coming here. Which mountain top are we going to first?”

Xena asked Theo.

Theo was the only one who could tell the medicinal herbs apart, so it was up to him where to go first.

“Yes… Let’s go to the one on the right first.”

According to Fiore, that was where bandits were staying.

“Understood! We’ll beat up those bandits and take those herbs!”

“Yes. I want to deal with them quickly.”

Said the two women as they turned right and continued walking, with Theo and Helvi following them while holding hands.

They continued walking for a few hours, and it was starting to get dark, so they decided to start making preparations to camp.

Helvi brought their things down from the sky, and they started making their camping preparations while Theo prepared their meal.

“We’re making good progress. We should reach our destination by noon tomorrow.”

Said Theo with a relieved tone as he cooked.

They did not encounter many more monsters after their first encounter with the Black Bears. Only a few weak monsters crossed their path, which was disappointing for Helvi, who wanted Theo to compliment her.

“It’s going well… But maybe a little too well.”


“Yes. This sort of thing happens from time to time… And it always ends with something bad happening later to balance things out.”


The two women who had experienced hundreds of travels and adventures said something ominous, which sent a chill down Theo’s spine.

Theo felt something warm on the hand holding his kitchen knife, and saw Helvi’s hand holding his.

“It will be fine. I’m here.”

She said with a kind smile, making Theo’s cheeks feel a little hot.

He thought he was used to holding hands by now, but felt a little more embarrassed than before.

“T-thank you…”

Theo turned away in embarrassment and continued cooking.

Helvi felt satisfied as she watched this, let go of his hand, and helped him.

The other two pouted as they made camping preparations behind them.

“Theo, I’m here too, so don’t worry.”

“The same goes for me.”

“Y-yes, I’m counting on you!”

The four continued their respective preparations.

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