“H-hum, should I stop…?”

To Theo, he was just doing a normal massage, but Helvi was clearly ticklish.

Her muscles were being relaxed, but Theo figured the exaggerated way she was reacting was making her more tired, which was the opposite of what he was going for.

“N-no, it’s fine. Please continue.”

Helvi chose to continue, as she had few opportunities to be touched by Theo, and did not want to let this one get away.

(I just have to endure it…! I can easily…!)

She started reading Theo’s mind in order to resist it. If she knew where she would be touched next, she could prepare herself.

It seemed he would touch her shoulder blade next, and then…

“Hn… Ahh…!”

She did a better job enduring, but still could not contain her voice.

In fact, trying to resist it made her voice even more sensual.

At this point, Theo was not the only one with a red face, the same could be said about the two just outside.

(H-Helvi? Are you alright? You’re not doing it are you? You’re just getting a massage right?)

(It’s sounding even more raw than Theo’s…)

(I-I’m fine, of course. I am… Kuuh…!)

It became difficult to even speak directly to their minds.

Theo’s massage was very precise, which in this case meant he hit Helvi’s weak points with precision.

She was particularly ticklish on her flanks, which Theo noticed, so he tried not to touch her there.

But his fingers would still touch them when he massaged her back.

Since Theo was doing so unintentionally, reading his mind did not help Helvi prepare herself.

“Ah… Uun..! Ahh, ahh…!”

She made these sounds again and again, and she started breathing heavily.

(I-I feel weird sitting out her hearing this…)

Even Theo, for whom a massage was nothing sexual, was starting to get worked up by Helvi’s sensual voice.

Helvi was peeking into Theo’s mind, so she knew he was getting excited, and this made her body even warmer and more sensitive.

This pattern made it impossible for Helvi to contain her voice.

Tens of minutes later, the massage was over, allowing not only Theo and Helvi to catch their breath, but also the two listeners.

(Ah… That was nice to hear.)

(Yes, now I’m satisfied too, thanks to Helvi.)

Celia’s previous unsatisfaction was gone, thanks to how exciting Helvi’s voice was, as they heard it from the outside.

(You two… Better remember this tomorrow.)

(Uwah, scary. We’ll go then. Goodnight Helvi.)

(Good night. Give our best to Theo. Ahh, I have to change…)

They thought as they left, and Helvi stopped reading their minds.

Obviously she was not going to tell Theo anything about this.

“Are you alright Helvi?”

“Y-yes, of course. It felt very good. Thank you Theo.”

“T-that’s good then…”

Theo used to give massages to Xena, Celia, and Fiore the receptionist as well.

They would say the same thing to him when he was done… But…

Theo felt something was different in the way Helvi said it.

The first three seemingly simply felt good and less tired, but something about Helvi felt different.

Theo could tell something was different, but could not quite figure out what. Thinking about it made his body warm, and then…

“Theo, should we go to sleep soon?”

“…! Y-yes!”

Just as he was starting to feel strange, Helvi interrupted his thoughts.

Theo’s face became a little red, as he thought to himself that what he was thinking was a little strange.

Helvi noticed this, and knew the reason.

(Kuh… I felt too embarrassed and stopped it…! If I had let him continue thinking about it, it could have lead to this and that…!)

She could read his mind, and knew exactly what was happening inside it.

Helvi was happy that Theo was getting excited thinking about her, but felt too embarrassed to let it continue.

(I-is it really so embarrassing…!? Perhaps I really should play the more aggressive role! If I get so embarrassed when Theo does it, maybe I should…!)

As she decided this, both laid down in their small tent.

But their first time would not be happening that night, and from then on, every time Helvi was in bed and thought about Theo ‘attacking her’, she would have trouble sleeping.

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