That night, Theo and Helvi were relaxing after their second round.

Their heads were on the same pillow, and their faces were so close, they could kiss with only a slight movement.

Being so close used to make them turn away out of embarrassment, but at this point, they could speak to each other at this distance while looking each other in the eyes.

“Eh… S-so I’ve been getting stronger because…”

Helvi explained that what they just did was what was making him stronger.

Although the close proximity to Helvi’s face did not make him embarrassed, his face was now turning red for different reasons.

“Yes. I did not tell you at that time, did I…”

“Uu… Don’t tell those two. It’s embarrassing.

But in reality, she had already done so. They even knew before Theo.

(…I’m sorry Theo, I did try to contain myself. And it also works to keep them in check.)

It was very clear that both liked Theo.

Although mostly as a little brother, partially as a man as well.

Helvi found them to be likable, but that would change if they tried to take Theo away.

She would not go as far as to kill them, but would thoroughly crush them.

From Helvi’s point of view, Theo did a very poor job keeping his guard up.

He would treat all sorts of women with kindness and speak to them with a cute smile. Although Helvi thought of these things as qualities, it did make her a little unsure as well.

This included not only Xena and Celia, but also Fiore and the other receptionists. They were Theo’s prisoners.

The other receptionists saw Theo as a soothing presence, and were not particularly interested in going after him, but she had to keep an eye on Fiore.

Especially since Theo saw her as a big sister, and was particularly susceptible to her.

This was why Helvi was so adamant about showing everyone around her that Theo was hers.

“But Helvi… So I get stronger every time we do it…”

“Hn? Ah, yes. It is only a tiny bit at a time, so you probably do not notice it.”

Xena and Celia were skilled enough to notice his growth, but Theo himself had no idea until he was told about it.

The maximum amount of magic energy Theo’s body could hold was at most one or two cups. This growth was only noticeable at this point because Helvi had pumped in enough magic energy to fill this ‘cup’ to the point of overflowing.

As this ‘cup’ got bigger, so did the amount of magic energy he could hold, but he would not be feeling the results every single day.

“Hum, Helvi…”

“What is it?”

As Theo’s face became a little red, he looked up at Helvi.

It was something she had seen numerous times, but still struck a cord with her.

Since he seemed embarrassed, she touched him down there until he was ready for another round.


“Fufu. Do you want to go again?”

Since Helvi’s stamina was literally infinite, she could do it as many times as she pleased.

They were about to start again… But instead, Theo started speaking.

“Y-yes but… Not because I want to be stronger, just because I want to do it with you…”


Theo did not want Helvi to get the wrong idea.

The idea of becoming stronger every time he did it with Helvi was very appealing, but that was no more than a bonus for Theo. He would want to continue doing it regardless.

As he said this, his embarrassment made him stutter and turn away.

Surely it was an embarrassing thing to say, even in the heat of the moment.

Theo thought it was natural that Helvi would be a little turned off by this, but suddenly saw her disappear from his side and appear on top of him.

As a surprised Theo looked up, Helvi’s enchanting smile grabbed his heart.


“Fufu, Theo… I’m so happy… Theo…”

Their naked bodies touched directly, and Helvi kissed Theo from this position.

“Hn… I want to do it with you too Theo. So do not overthink…”

“Yes… Thank y…. Hnn…!”

A kiss interrupted Theo’s attempt to thank Helvi.

This excitement lead to them doing it a little more than usual.

“Surely you are tired from today’s training. Are you feeling alright?”

“Y-yes. Thanks to your massage.”

After they had dinner with Xena and Celia and they left, Helvi gave Theo one of her massages. This made virtually all of Theo’s exhaustion vanish.

“But I guess it’s true that I’m a little sleep deprived because we’ve been going to sleep late…”

“Mu, I see… I’m sorry about that.”

Even if he was not tired, doing it every day with Helvi cut into the time he spent sleeping.

“N-no… I mean, I want to do it too…”

“Theo… Is that an invitation?”

“N-no! And I’m getting a little sleepy…”

“I see, we should go to sleep. Good night Theo.”

“Good night.”

After a light kiss, they went to sleep on the same bed.

He would continue to sleep less than he should, but had no regrets.

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