“I’m sure you’re tired after that long trip, mister Theo and miss Helvi! Please come in and rest!”

“Ah, I forgot, I have a favor to ask you Idea.”

“A favor from you Inessa!? What could it be?”

“Mister Theo and miss Helvi saved my life, so I wish to repay them by inviting them to come to my mansion right now. Is that alright?”

Idea’s eyes opened wide.

“How did they save your life exactly?”

“They rescued me when I was attacked by mercenaries on a grass covered plain.”

“Is that so!? I heard about it from Xena and Celia as well, but you really are strong miss Helvi!”

“…I guess…”

“So, can I invite them to my mansion?”

“Later! First I will have them rest here! We have a meal being prepared and everything!”

They continued talking with smiles on their faces, although they were clearly quarreling.

“Neither of us care. Hurry up and decide.”

Said Helvi, unable to listen any longer.

“Ah, I apologize for making you wait! See Inessa? Your insistence is keeping them waiting. We cannot stand here forever, so hurry up and go.”

“Ku… Very well. Miss Helvi, mister Theo, please make sure to tell me when you go to town. I will take you to my stores.”

“What an abuse of authority…”

“Quiet. Good day to you two.”

After a graceful bow, Inessa entered the mansion next door.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting! I will show you inside!”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Thank you!”

Helvi and Theo followed Idea into her home.


Said Theo as he looked around with excitement.

The mansion was beautiful on the inside as well. Theo had never seen such a beautiful home, and had a sparkle in his eyes.

“Fufu. Theo, you have been doing nothing but saying that ever since we arrived.”

“Uu… But it really is incredible isn’t it…!?”

“Thank you mister Theo! Your genuine happiness brings me great joy!”

Idea had a favorable impression of Theo’s clearly embarrassed face.

She heard about him from Xena and Celia, who told her he was like their cute little brother.

They said they would introduce him someday, but that was over a year ago. They were very surprised when they saw him again after spending some time apart, as they did not expect him to have a wife.

(Fufu. Xena and Celia sounded very much indifferent in the letter I received, but I’m sure they are feeling very frustrated.)

They always talked about Theo when they got drunk.

Idea remembered hearing them go as far as to say they wanted to live with him forever.

(They said they wanted to ‘keep him’… Fufu, they love him almost like a pet, but I do understand it.)

Theo was actually taller than Idea, but he looked quite small and adorable.

Although people walked there with their shoes on, Theo was reluctant to step on the rug without taking his off, saying it was too beautiful.

“Do not worry, just be sure to take them off when you take a bath!”

“I-I see. Alright…”

“Do you want to do so with me?”

“Eh!? N-no, hum, I pass…”

Theo’s reactions were so cute, Idea ended up teasing him.

“Hey! What are you saying to my Theo?”

“Haha, it is only a joke miss Helvi. Please do not be so upset.”

Xena and Celia wrote in their letter that Helvi was quite overprotective, and she was seeing it first-hand. She also understood why.

She had never seen someone that tickled people’s motherly instincts so much.

“We prepared a room where you can rest until it is time for dinner! And your luggage… Eh? W-where is it?”

“Oh right, it is still up in the clouds. This room is not the one where we will be staying, correct?”

“Yes, we have arranged for another one!”

“Then we will move the luggage there later.”


Idea still did not understand where their luggage was, but went along with what Helvi said.

The letter did warn her that Helvi constantly did incomprehensible things.

“Ah, Inessa also said she would like to prepare a room for us.”

“I see! But I’m sure you will like mine more!”

Said Idea, understanding that Helvi implicitly said they would choose the one they preferred.

Helvi grinned in response.

“I see, I look forward to seeing it.”

“Just leave it to me!”

Idea smiled, and guided them to the room where they could rest.

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