“What made you decide to tell me you are a devil?”

Idea took a sip of her black tea to compose herself, and asked the thing that she was most curious about.

Why did Helvi decide to tell her such a thing, when they did not particularly have a trusting relationship?

Surely she had something in mind.

“Because we will be under your care here in the capital. I just thought you should know.”

“…Eh? Is that all?”

“I also want to say that we have no need for guards or anything when we walk around the city.”

“…I understand.”

She did have something in mind. Obviously she read Idea’s mind and learned she was arranging for them to be escorted by guards.

Suffice to say, the strongest devil had no need for such a thing.

“I also figured telling you I am a devil would not be a problem. And we can treat each other more casually if I reveal this secret.”

“I see. Above all else, I am glad that you trust me.”

“…Hm, I guess.”

Helvi had never revealed her true identity to a human she had met the same day.

In fact, she never once had a conversation with any human aside from the ones contracted to her, before she met Theo.

And yet, she decided to have this conversation…

(I am starting to think that perhaps I am unknowingly being influenced by Theo.)

Being with Theo, an honest person with such a clean personality, was perhaps making Helvi more trusting of people.

This may have been a bad trend for most devils, but Helvi did not see it as a problem.

Rather, she was a little happy that Theo was influencing her and changing her personality.

“There is something else I want you to do.”

“What might that be?”

“…Deal with Inessa.”

“Deal with Inessa? Does she need to be ‘dealt with’?”

The noble in the mansion next door, who was saved by Helvi and Theo on the way to the capital.

Idea was wondering if Inessa could have possibly done something rude even though she was being rescued, but then…

“…Ah! Did you by any chance peek into her feelings…?”

“…It was inevitable.”

Idea learned of Inessa’s feelings towards Helvi when they spoke earlier through the windows.

She was surprised that the object of her affection was not Theo, and instead Helvi, but when she took into account how beautiful Helvi was, and how she saved her from a very dangerous situation, it made sense.

(But Helvi is in fact a devil that can read thoughts, so both made some miscalculations…)

Idea had no way of knowing what was going through Inessa’s mind when she was with Helvi, but figured it was passionate and blind love.

She could only imagine, but figured her love was easily revealed.

“I am not covering for Inessa… But can you forgive whatever rude things she thought inside her mind? She is not a bad girl.”

“Fufu, you are indeed covering for her. But do not worry, Inessa did not think anything bad towards either I or Theo.”

“That is good to hear. I know her personality very well, and she can be a little scheming.”

“Yes, I did see that, but it is still fine.”

“Fufu. I am very thankful for your tolerance.”

Idea was a little scared when she heard Helvi was a devil, but that was mostly gone.

She could have a normal conversation with her, and the descriptions of devils in legends did not match Helvi’s behavior.

(If she was a heartless devil, she would never have married someone as innocent as Theo. Even if it was part of their contract, a devil such as Helvi would surely come up with countless ways to get out of it.)

Although she only spoke with him briefly, Idea was convinced she had never met someone as pure as Theo.

She fully understood why Xena and Celia treated him like a little brother.

(As far as I can tell, they did not want to just treat him like a little brother forever, but then miss Helvi arrived… Fufu, if only they settled things before miss Helvi appeared.)

The two women whose years without boyfriends were the same as their age were probably reluctant to be too proactive.

“…It seems you also have a scheming side.”

“Fufu, really? Ah, did you read my mind?”

“You know it, and yet you still think it.”

“Yes. Does your mind reading ability work automatically when you are facing me?”

“No, I only read minds when I so desire.”

“Then please do not peek into mine too much. I might accidentally think something that will displease you.”

“Ah, no one has ever said that to me directly.”

Both drank their tea while gently smiling.

“We should be going to the room I have arranged for you.”

“Ah, yes. I will also be seeing Inessa’s, so please inform her.”

“Yes, I will make sure she is informed.”

Both stood up and left the dining hall.

“It should go without saying, but do not tell anyone I am a devil.”

“Yes, of course.”

“And say nothing to Theo about my mind reading ability.”

“Eh? Is mister Theo unaware?”

“Yes, I have never told him. If I do, he may stop thinking all those adorable things.”

“…Fufu, understood. You are also not above being a little scheming.”

“It is all Theo’s fault for being so cute.”

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