That day, many men in the capital were captivated as they passed by a certain beautiful woman.

Her long, pure white hair was tied and smoothly ran down her back. Her black dress was very erotic, and did its job making her even more attractive.

This tall, stylish woman charmed men around her just by walking. Although she could use magic for this effect, Helvi was not using any magic of the sort. If she was using said magic, the result would not have been much different.

Men, and even women, were fascinated.

Some women looked at her with envy, but Helvi paid no attention.

“Theo, let’s go here next.”


Walking next to Helvi was Theo, of course. They held hands as they walked like they usually did.

Some of the men walking past them thought it was strange.

Why was what seemed to them like a little boy walking alongside such a tremendous beauty?

They appeared to be brother and sister, but also lovers.

In reality, they were husband and wife.

Among these men, one imprudently thought to himself ‘why a boy like that…’.

The moment this thought crossed his mind, he felt pain, as though he had banged his shin against something hard.


“…!? W-what…!?”

Dozens more men suddenly dropped and held their shins.

That was how many men thought things Helvi felt deserved retaliation.

“Why that guy… Uogh!?”

The man started to speak, but suddenly grabbed his nether region as he felt a sharp pain.

“Is it just me or are there a lot of men yelling all of a sudden…?”

“Ignore them Theo. Let us just go in.”

“Ah, yes!”

Theo entered a store with Helvi, as he questioned what was happening.

The store they entered dealt in very expensive items.

This store for nobles did not have many items for sale, but the ones it did have were all beautifully ornamented.

“C-can we really go in here?”

Theo shrunk back as he looked at this high class store.

“Don’t worry Theo. We are both wearing nice clothes today.”

“I think you’d be fine with what you usually wear anyway, but I just feel like someone dressed me…”

Both were wearing beautiful clothes provided by Idea.

If they wore their regular clothes around town, it would increase the chances of other people trying to get involved with them.

Theo in particular would be looked down on, and would have probably encountered issues already, had he worn his regular clothes.

However, the noble-like outfit he was wearing had an air about it that made him feel unapproachable to regular people.

“I like it Theo. You look cool.”


If Helvi spoke what she really thought, she would have said he looked cute. Like the refined son of a noble.

“Hello. Are you looking for anything specific?”

As they aimlessly browsed around the store, someone who looked like a noble’s maid spoke to them.

“No, we are just looking. We may buy something if it catches our eye.”

“I see. I can offer you a recommendation if you so wish.”

“I see. Then let us hear it please.”

“Y-yes please!”

“Understood. Are you brother and sister?”

“Husband and wife.”

“Oh my, I apologize. Then I will choose something for a couple. Excuse me.”

She said as she retreated into the back of the store.

“…Hm, this is a nice store.”

“Yes, it’s full of high class things… Uwah, this is so expensive…!”

Theo reacted honestly to items stored inside a transparent glass case.

Helvi was referring to the fact that although the employee did not assume they were married, she handled it perfectly.

Even after Helvi looked into her thoughts, she saw the employee did not doubt her, and was simply surprised.

Helvi also noticed the employee looking at her left hand before she left… Helvi had the feeling she was going to buy something good in this store.

“Thank you for waiting. Here is my recommendation.”

“…Fufu, a ring.”

“Ring? Why…?”

Theo thought it was strange that the employee was recommending a ring, but she explained it with a smile.

“Here in the capital, ‘wedding rings’ are popular. People wear them on their fourth finger of the left hand after marrying, as a symbol of their eternal love.”

“I see! But why the fourth finger of the left hand?”

“It is said that there is a vein on this finger that connects to the heart. People say wearing it on the vein close to life itself is a promise of eternal love.”

“Eh… Incredible…!”

Theo looked closer at the ring in the box.

“I want to get it, but it looks expensive…”

“Is this the most expensive one?”

“No, there are more above it.”

“Let me see the most expensive one.”


“Eh? H-helvi!?”

Theo raised his voice in surprise, but the conversation continued.

“This is the most expensive one in our store. Its shape is simple, but it is embedded with a very expensive jewel.”

“Then we will take two.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Helvi!?” C-can we really buy something so expensive!?”

“Yes. We received money from the country before. I checked the price, and we can easily afford it.”


Theo had never bought something so expensive, and looked restless, but also happy that Helvi got to buy what she set her eyes on.

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