Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 150: 150 Perfect Light Shot!

Chapter 150: 150. Perfect light hit!


This is Xibo's wildness.

Extinct species surpassing Vulcan, Aomine and others

Thick black air enveloped him, and a powerful aura emanated out.


No more chatter like before

In the wild state, Xibo only has the instinctive "hunting".

The ball shuttled through the net like a cannonball and hit the ground.


The deafening sound can be heard, and then it bounces extremely quickly.


Tezuka ran straight to the spot without fear, raised his left hand and swung at it.



Even Tezuka, who opened the seamless clothes, felt a force far beyond the previous one.

(Can't catch his ball so directly)

Although Tezuka received the shot this time, his arm trembled slightly.

That strange power is really amazing.

It seems that the potential in the body has been fully triggered.


After capturing the trajectory of the ball, Xibo's eyes were extremely stern, and he moved over in just a moment and then swung his racket.

Thick black air stained the ball this time and rushed over.

Like a black meteor.

"Look. His ball is in the field of resistance"

In the eyes of everyone, the ball wrapped in black breath even showed signs of breaking free from the field and began to fly towards the surrounding area.

"Ah ah!!"

Failing to direct the ball to the proper spot, Tezuka was forced to go and try to catch it.

But because the start was a little slow, I still couldn't receive it in the end.


"Oh oh oh!!"

This round of confrontation is really frightening.

"That guy's wild awakening takes shape"

Vulcan clenched his fists and shouted unwillingly.

"Totally booted out"

Qingfeng also sensed the terrifying threat.

Compared with dinosaurs, whether it is a tiger or a cheetah, they are so small

"That guy doesn't seem to be affected by the seamless brilliance at all."

Atobe used his own eyes to try to observe Xibo wrapped in black air, and said in amazement.

Logically speaking, in the face of Perfect Clothes, one would be restrained by its brilliance, and then weakened.

But Xibo is completely like a normal person, and there is no sign of being weakened at all.

After his wildness erupted, that amazing physique showed a terrifying picture again.

"How high is he going to jump!!!"

On the next ball, facing Tezuka's return lob, Xibo's jumping figure looked like a living dinosaur.

That was an unbelievable height for Vulcan.




"4-4!! Even split!"

It was completely unexpected that Tezuka, who had opened the seamless clothes, fell into a disadvantage at this moment.

Thib returned the ball and scored again and again.

"You can't win just by being flawless"

Minami Jiro stared at Tezuka who was in a hard fight from the stands, and whispered as if reminding him.

"Huh? Dad, who are you talking to?"

Hearing Nanjiro's muttering slightly, Ryoma tilted his head and asked strangely.

"It's nothing, it's just the old man talking to himself."

Nanjiro didn't explain too much to Ryoma. This kid is still young, and he can't learn after talking so much, so it doesn't make sense.


In Tezuka's serve game, his sweaty face showed his exhausted posture. Although the cyan light still shrouded him, he looked so powerless.

(Can't you win just by being seamless?)

As if aware of something, Tezuka thought silently in his heart.

This situation is actually not unfamiliar to him.

It was the same when facing Bai Jin before.

He once tried to think about how to fight against Bai Jin again.

What does he do when the perfect fit doesn't quite work.

At that time, he couldn't think of a solution.

But at this moment, he already knew the answer.

The tennis ball wrapped in black air struck again. He stood in a fixed position, fixed his posture, and watched the incoming ball with both eyes.


This time, the cyan light suppressed the black air and hit the ball back.

(not enough)

The ball he hit was still not to the extent Tezuka was satisfied with, he thought to himself.


Rushing forward with an unrivaled posture, Xibo hit a volley smash.

The black shooting star that sprinted was intimidating.


(not enough!)

No longer relying on the field, Tezuka would run and hit the ball himself, and once again used the "super sweet spot technique".



(not enough!)



(Not so much.)


"Do you think Tezuka is getting better at fighting?"

Although Tezuka has been losing points, Kikumaru noticed that Tezuka's state is much better than before.

"Tezuka has been trying to hit the sweet spot, but Xibo's counterattack is more difficult than expected."

"The long tug of war is not good for him"

"In the beginning he could barely hit back 2-3 balls, but now he can hold on to 5-6 balls."

Shirazu knew what Tezuka had been trying to do. He was looking for the best return point for Xibo's shots.

If you blindly hit Xibo's return, even Tezuka, who is flawless, cannot guarantee that he can return every time.

But the style of play that relies on the sweet spot is different. It will not bear too much burden, but it can bless your own hitting.

So he is probing and groping step by step.

Just relying on seamlessness is not enough to win Jason Xiber.

With the "dinosaur" wildness, he is extremely powerful.

Tezuka needs to pour all his energy into using the "super sweet spot technique" to fight back.

"That Xibo guy, he's sure to win!"

"No junior high school student has ever allowed him to unleash his wild nature."

Aaron and Zach sneered and spoke proudly.

"Although I also think that Senior Xibo will win, but"

If it was Noah before, he would definitely be convinced of Xibo's victory, but the previous two games broke his expectations.

This made him dare not trust his judgment too much for the first time.

"Unpredictable junior high school students?"

Gorgias looked at Noah's appearance, then glanced at Abe and the others, and murmured in a low voice while agreeing.


Nash doesn't think there will be any surprises. Junior high school students are always junior high school students, regardless of the gap in experience or physical fitness.

Gully exists all the time, like Kise and Nioh are a very small number of outliers.




"Oh oh oh!!"

Arrival of match point

With Xibo's smash again, the tennis ball fell like a meteorite.

"right here!"

Tezuka's eyes were fixed, and he swung his racket while jumping up.

"Return the smash with a smash?"

Oishi looked at Tezuka's choice in surprise, and said excitedly.

All the junior high school students are staring at it, this goal will decide whether the game will continue or the winner will be decided.

"Finally got the point?"

"That level of wildness."

"Hit him back!"

The corner of Nanjiro's mouth raised slightly, as if he was talking about something trivial.


Accompanied by Tezuka's shout and response, the shining golden tennis ball completely devoured the black atmosphere, and rushed towards Xibo's field with incomparable power.



The golden ball of light broke through the shackles of the black air, pierced through Xibo's racket and scored in front of everyone's shocking eyes, and the powerful destructive force even knocked Xibo to the ground.


When seeing Tezuka's movements, Nanjiro knew that the child had learned and realized different characteristics.

Neither hope nor destruction.

but breaks everything

Perfect light shot! ! !

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