Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 155: 155 Demon King!

Chapter 155: Demon King!


When the scoreboard was actually displayed on the big screen, the middle school students were all excited.

Different from being suppressed by Gorgias and Xibo before, Akashi really grabbed the big score in two rounds.

After showing the synergy and ability resonance, Nash fell into a passive state.

Whether it is the eyes of the devil or the physical gap that he relies on, it is offset by the two Akashi.

The effect of the former is even more explosive.

"Nash is at a disadvantage?"

Xibo looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He never thought that it would be fine if he was broken by a junior high school student just now, but Nash was really suppressed by a junior high school student. This is even more terrifying .

"Single-player synergy and ability resonance."

"It's so powerful."

That was no less than a seamless combination, Gorgias remembered that strange picture.

"It seems that our predictions have all gone wrong."

"It's really shocking."

Noah watched the game silently, but said softly.

If it is said that before the Nihong game, he had no doubts about his playing style, but now his confidence has been shattered.

This group of people is too unreasonable to judge by normal situations.

On the court, Nash played the ball with a silent atmosphere, and he seemed to be unaffected at all.

"What's wrong?"

"There is no way, do you just want to avoid the war?"



Another two-person counterattack scored the score, and the two Akashi each spoke a word.


I have to say that Nash was indeed a bit overwhelmed by Akashi.

He knew that Akashi's situation would last for a while, but it made Nash feel very uncomfortable to be talking trash all the time.

After all, young people don't have the time to win.

"Then there's no way."

"I've never been like this in a coaching game."

"But since you want to really have a touch with me, then you can."

Standing at the bottom line, Nash twisted his neck, glanced at the scoreboard, estimated the time and said.

He looked serious and his tone was full of sternness

"When You Are Destroyed"

"You will regret this"

A strange aura began to envelope Nash, and he was enveloped in purple-black flames.

A phantom gradually appeared behind him.

"That is.!"

"Different dimension?"

Bai Jin stared at Nash's situation, but frowned. Nash in this world has indeed mastered the peak ability of another dimension.

Although he has confidence in Akashi, Nash undoubtedly intends to be serious.

"Hey, hey, is it okay to do this to a middle school student?"


Du Du's face was a little pale. He didn't understand why Nash chose to liberate the power of another dimension to fight.

Hearing about Nash from Reinhardt, he knew very well how serious the consequences would be.

"That middle school student will be destroyed."

Du Du didn't quite agree with this approach. Obviously, as long as he continued to fight, the opponent's state would not last long.

Why deliberately liberate the power of another dimension?

Dudu didn't understand.

"Is it finally out?"

The terrifying power came from Nash, but Akashi was unmoved.

He just watched with anticipation.

Being able to force out the different dimension of high school students as a junior high school student and cross the barriers, it can be said that he is also a relatively different existence.

"Then let me see how powerful you are!"

After sending the ball, Akashi did not have the slightest fear, but chose to take the initiative to attack.

"If you want to go to hell so much, I will send you there!"

Nash narrated in a deep voice, but the figure came to the position of the ball and swung his racket out.


"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

The shot took on a fundamentally different quality, heading straight for Akashi's court.

"Didn't see anything."

"But this sense of oppression."

Seeing the ball pass the net and land ready to bounce, Akashi didn't see anything from the future he saw.

But what happened next made his expression change drastically.

"Hoo hoo hoo"

As if in a strange environment, the desolate land is full of corpses.

Countless well-equipped soldiers or ordinary people fell to the ground, beautiful towns had been reduced to ruins, and blood flowed under their feet like a river.


At that time, Akashi could even smell the pungent smell of blood, which made him extremely uncomfortable.


Looking up, a purple light beam descended from the sky not far away and bombarded the surrounding area.

A strong explosion knocked him out

"That is."


Lying on the ground on his back, Akashi recalled everything he had just experienced, and his face turned pale.

Standing up, looking at Nash who was sneering, Akashi seemed to understand.

That's Nash's extradimensional power

Even his own strengthened Eye of the Emperor of Heaven could not observe the pictures in the field of different dimensions.

Moreover, Nash's incarnation in another world seems to be


Falling into the opponent's domain again for the second time

This time Akashi really witnessed what kind of creature was attacking him.

Countless lives disappeared around, and the murderer who killed Wushuang was the sworn enemy of this land

With two horns on his head and a hideous face, his huge body stands in the sky like a god, and his figure is covered by dark clouds.


Just like the villains who appear as evil in the stories that have been praised all the time, Nash's different dimension is the embodiment of the devil.

Violence and carnage are what this avatar is all about.



The attack that penetrated from the field to reality once again sent Akashi flying, accompanied by the landing of the tennis ball.

Just like the pirates of Byodoin can attack the players, they can even injure the opponents

At this moment, Akashi had only encountered two rounds, and he was covered in bruises.

In that space, he was ravaged by the Demon King just like an unarmed ordinary person.

Others didn't face it personally, so they can't know what Akashi went through.

But judging from Nash's strange phantom, they thought of the battle between Baijin, Sanada and Tezuka.

At that time, Bai Jin would also have such a phantom behind him.

"do you understand?"

"In the face of real power."

"You are still ridiculously small!"

Nash stared at Akashi who had just stood up, and then sneered.

"That's your strength?"

"Compared to when that guy was a kid"

"Simply insignificant."

Standing up with difficulty, Akashi seemed to recall something, and then he spoke.


"I want to see how long you can keep your mouth shut."

Hearing this, Nash's face froze, and he said angrily.

Akashi didn't care about the scratches on his body, but stared at Nash's phantom for a while.

(Is the devil king?)

(Then let's go and become the legend of the massacre demon king.)

Omo Akashi and Ri Akashi communicated in their hearts, and they also decided on the next path.

Just like in the story, the demon king will be finally killed by the selected human holding the holy sword.

Since the opponent is the devil, isn't there a most suitable job?

Specialized in slaying demon kings.


PS: The monthly pass is full again, I'll see if I have time to fill it up tomorrow.

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