Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 162: 162 Dad! I think!

Chapter 162: Dad! I think.!


The first serve still hit the net, Nash panted, and looked at the arm that was still showing signs of trembling slightly.

The next ball will be the final serve, no matter whether it has passed the net or not, there will be a result in the end.

If he was very irritable and dissatisfied before, he would suffer such treatment.

But now Nash has looked away, and he has readjusted his mentality.

Although it is unbelievable to say, in a sense, when facing Akashi and Baijin, he may really be a challenger, not a mentor.

From this time, Nash seems to have regained his original intention of challenging strong players all over the world.

He no longer underestimates his opponent because he is a middle school student, but treats him as a stronger player than himself.

Holding the tennis ball and taking a deep breath, Nash adjusted his body and mind.

"Huh? This mental stability is beyond my imagination."

Seeing that Nash hadn't given up, but was concentrating on preparing for the final shot, Bai Jin was very surprised.

Obviously in that state, self-defeating or impotent rage would be more in line with his appearance.

How long does the summoning bomb last?

If there is no special method, it will not be released from the time of being recruited until the end of the game.

Noble persistent effect.

Unlike the old man who can only last one round, the phantom god has a lot of gold.

Holding the racket in one hand and posing properly, although he didn't think the opponent could hit him, but considering that dragons and horses are not the only ones who can explode in this world, he still chose to deal with it.


The area around the venue also began to quiet down, and the noisy audience also gathered to stare at Nash.

If this goal is missed again, it will be a familiar double fault, which will bring the game to an end.

The subsequent incidents may be enough to make Nash, as the captain, bear a lot of responsibility and abuse.

"Brother, he is the captain."

"Don't worry about him, he can only trust himself now."

Even if Noah is not standing on the court, he can still feel the huge pressure. This kind of situation where one goal decides the future can really crush people with low psychological quality.

Even if this is just a "guidance match" in name.

But once Nash loses and Long Ya fails to arrive, the game can almost be declared over.

In a mentoring match, they lost to the coached side instead.

This is very dangerous for the famous Jabberwock.

Maybe the team will be disbanded because of this.

Your team can't even beat a middle school student, so what else can you do?

Although it was just an exception, the group of sponsors didn't care about it.

Fail once in this environment, and forget about them being funded.

After all, the Jabberwock made them lose face.

Because of this, Noah even wanted to cheer up Nash, but was stopped by Gorgias.

"Now Nash can no longer hear any voice."

That's not to say that he lost his hearing, but that Nash's attention has been fully focused on the next ball.

He no longer pays attention to everything in the outside world.

The outcome of the game?

The subsequent termination of the sponsors?

Team reputation?


That has nothing to do with him now, his only thought now is only one.

That is to hit the serve this time over the net.

"Amazing focus."

Fuji opened his eyes and looked at Nash, surprised at his will.

"Anyway, he is also a tennis player who once challenged the profession."

"It's too ugly to be shaken and bark just because of this."

Atobe stared at the front, and didn't taunt at this time. Although he couldn't understand them, he had to say that this group of people still had some advantages worth learning.

"The last ball?"

Yukimura noticed Nash's actions, and he was inspired by the practice of blocking all the senses in his body and concentrating on one point.

He seems to have some new ideas

"I can't tolerate carelessness."

Tezuka did not underestimate Nash at this moment, that highly concentrated posture indicated that Nash had also stepped into a field that he had never entered before.

"Hey, no matter what, Little Baijin is sure to win!"

But Kise didn't care about it, he only knew that the opponent would never win the last ball no matter what.

"Do your best to obey the destiny."


Throwing the ball high, he shouted angrily, and then hit the ball with all his strength.

That is a ball that condenses all of itself.

A swing that injects all the strength, speed, body, skill, and spirit into it

Its name is .

The Demon King's Strike!


The ball did not touch the net, but passed through the top of the net with a little distance, and then rushed to the opposite field. At this moment, Nash fell to the ground and could only squint at the ball.

"Over the net?!"

Seeing that the ball really passed the net, Kikumaru was startled.


The next moment, the moment the ball bounced, there was a rushing figure and flashing lights in the field.

The demon king in the illusion was cut in half

"Flying Heaven Yujian Stream Mysteries"

"Sky Dragon Flash!!"

Except for a few people, no one else saw clearly what happened just now.

The only impression left..


Just the tennis ball rolling at Nash's feet.

(Get fired back!!?)

Xibo outside the court was stunned for a while, not knowing what was going on.

He clearly saw the ball hit the past, but why did the ball suddenly appear at Nash's feet?

"what is that.?"

In the stands, Ryoma's eyes were shaking, and then he asked the old father next to him.

"It's the knife drawing technique."

"A genre never seen before."

"Is he the descendant of a famous swordsman?"

That slash, similar to that of a samurai, was far beyond one's imagination, Nanjiro tilted his head and explained to Ryoma.

"Knife drawing?"

"Well, you probably haven't been exposed to this kind of thing."

Looking at Ryoma's puzzled expression, Nanjiro remembered one thing. Although he is called a "samurai", he is different from the traditional swordsman.

"Swordsmen are creatures, compared to warriors, they are more inclined to hone their sword skills and use them to kill enemies."

"The most famous one is the so-called sword drawing technique."

"That is to use an instant high-speed blow to cause a fatal attack on the enemy."

This is the first time I have seen a player who can incorporate swordsmanship into tennis and play it in Neon.

"Even if this kid doesn't play tennis, he can be said to be a master just by relying on his sword skills."

"His mastery of sword skills is terrifying."

"What a guy."

Even though it wasn't the first time seeing this white-haired kid make moves, every time it made Nanjiro look forward to it.

(Extremely fast sword drawing?)

If it wasn't for his status, Nanjiro really wanted to play with him a few times in person.

A talented player who can play different styles, moves and unpredictability, it will be super fun to play tennis with.


"What's wrong?"

"In the future, I want to come to Neon to go to junior high school."

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