Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 177: 177 Akutsu and Haizaki!

Chapter 177: Akutsu and Haizaki!

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Accompanied by the fierce shouts at the scene, it also indicates that the Neon team will go further in the world.

"you are great."

At the end of the game, Duke was drenched in sweat. He was panting heavily and was completely overwhelmed by Byodoin.

"Hmph, you're not bad either."

Even if the big advantage wins, the Byodoin Institute still affirms the strength of the King of Destruction.

If he didn't have the move of "King King Fist" this time, he might not be able to fight like this.

That move is too strong for the improvement of physical ability.

So strong that Byodoin is not afraid to confront that group of people with better personalities than him.

Just like Duke.

He undoubtedly surpasses the current Byodoin in physical ability, but it is a pity that Byodoin can rely on the improvement of Kaiohken to overtake him and suppress him.

If the physical foundation is further improved in the future, then the power of Kaiwangquan will be even stronger.

Byodoin is really glad that he learned this magic move against the sky to change his fate.

I don't know how that kid developed such a move.

However, thanks to him, the Byodoin Institute felt that he was already qualified to touch the top.

Nothing is more unpretentious than the enhancement of the panel.

No longer pursue those bells and whistles, but score with one shot and one ball.

"Come on!"

Duke opened his mouth, and then encouraged him. If Nehong wins this time, it means they have advanced.

The opponents to face in the future will also be more severe

"You don't need to tell me."

Byodoin tilted his head, a confident smile appeared on his sweaty face.

"That senior is really amazing."

"After learning the moves from Xiao Baijin, he is almost invincible!"

Kise saw such a situation on TV, and shouted excitedly.

"Aren't you planting a flag for him?"

Bai Jin's eyelids twitched, he looked at Huang Lai angrily and said.


Not quite understanding some of the words Bai Jin said, Kise was stunned.

"Usually saying that whoever is invincible and definitely won will easily cause backlash."

"That's what Xiaobai wants to express."

Putting up a finger, Momoi explained with a smile.

Akashi, who was sitting beside him with his coat on, chuckled lightly. Except for those who have been together since childhood, few people would know what the "local dialect" that Baijin sometimes said meant.


Scratching his hair, Kise tried to refute something, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

In the past, when I encountered any strong opponents or moves, I always said that there was no solution, but I was slapped in the face in a blink of an eye.

It can only be said that before the results come out, never jump to conclusions lightly.

"However, in this case, the Neon team will compete for the quarter-finals."

"This seems to be an achievement that has never been done before?"

Midorima sat on the seat, and there was a penguin doll on the table in front of him and said.

"It's like this, and the next opponent will also decide whether they continue to go further or stop here."

Momoi immediately explained after hearing the words. Although she has nothing to do with them, she still went to investigate.

"However, the next opponents are not underdogs."

Qingfeng leaned back against the chair, holding the back of his head with his hands, not caring at all about the possibility that he might fall over.

"King Germany. Switzerland and Argentina. And the US team where Nash is. Spain and a lot of countries."

"It always feels intense."

Vulcan looked at the remaining list of countries and read the names one by one.

He feels a little eager

"But, that has nothing to do with you, Lord Vulcan."

Unfortunately, Heizi's words brought him back to reality.

"Well, Huozi will only be killed instantly if he goes now."

Ziyuan ate the delicious stick, and said mercilessly.

"Whispering!! Sooner or later, I will go to the world."

"I'm working hard with my career as my goal!"

Being exposed to reality, Vulcan blushed and said angrily.

Although his level of strength is barely enough for junior high school students, but it is impossible to deal with those outstanding high school students.

"That's why you have to work harder, don't you?"

Akashi looked at him, then spoke.

"of course!!"

Accompanied by Vulcan's resolute tone, everyone's chuckles resounded in the room.

Not mocking Vulcan, but approving his clear purpose,

Among the few of them now, Vulcan is probably the only one who has a clear dream and works hard for it.

Others are more or less working hard with the sole purpose of playing tennis.

Even Bai Jin never thought of becoming a professional player.

In his mind, he just went to the World Championships with the third year of junior high school and everyone to make a lap and leave a magnificent history.

As for what to do after that, it has never been considered for him.

That kind of thing is too far away, and when he thinks it's time to think about it, he might have an answer.


"Akutsu, you're such a torturer."

Haizaki looked around with an unlucky face, and said with disgust.


Looking back at the tired Haizaki and Sengoku, he didn't say anything, but was strictly training.

The three of them are now exercising in the deep mountains arranged by their elders.

If you want to keep up with the pace of those four strong schools, you must not follow the normal way.

Therefore, the old man specially went to ask the "father" of Liujiao Middle School, and introduced the situation of Akutsu, Sengoku, and Haizaki from there.

Later, I got inspiration and suggestions during the exchange, so I arranged for the three of them.

If it was the former Yakutsu, he might not care about such things at all.

But he has seen too many wonderful scenes in tennis all the way, so he has to pay attention now.

In addition, he heard that becoming a professional player can make a lot of money, so his mind became more active.

With his character, he is absolutely unwilling to be an ordinary office worker honestly.

Since playing tennis can enjoy fun and make money, what more suitable "job" is there?

That is to say, since then, Yajiujin has changed his attitude. He is no longer a three-minute enthusiasm, but is actively and attentively exercising.

And Qianshi himself didn't want to be left behind just like that. He finally had the opportunity to follow behind the times. If he slacked off, he would really never see him again.

He is still young, of course he wants to fight together.

Haizaki was the kind who wanted to play badly but had no results. He was forced by Akutsu at the beginning, but after that, he still couldn't really let go of the tennis ball.

(You gave up even tennis, what do you have left after that? Scum?)

What Akutsu said back then really made Haizaki unable to answer.

Haizaki has nothing but tennis.

There is only tennis, which can give him some refreshment and enjoyment, even if he relies on plundering the opponent's moves and movements to experience it.

(Forget it, let me go crazy with you.)

At that time, Haizaki also finally suppressed the superfluous thoughts in his heart, and planned to exercise seriously.



Akutsu swung his racket and hit the ball, and countless potholes were carved on the rock wall in front of him.

These are the results of his training so far.

Nine-headed Dragon Flash, he can now hit five heads.



Is there anything wrong with tonight?

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