Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 184: 184 Doubles No. 2!

Chapter 184: 184. Doubles No. 2!


"The game is over, this game is won by Shitenbaoji Mori Kosaburo"



There were hardly too many reversals. Even with all his strength, Cilang could barely win a round in front of the current Mao Li.

"Congratulations, you proved yourself."

"If you want to do this, can you still do it?"

Osamu Watanabe lowered the brim of his hat, listened to the footsteps ahead, and congratulated him.

"Haha, coach, you don't have to mock me."

"I was too casual before, which caused you and the team a lot of trouble."

Mao Li was not complacent when he heard the words, but replied with a humble attitude.

"That's right. In the past, you were like a flashing stick, attracting attention, but your ability was not so great."

Ping Shanzhi looked at him mercilessly, and then commented.

"You won without even using that move. You really have already surpassed the minister."

Although it's a little embarrassing to say this sentence, Yuan Zhe still sees it very clearly.

"Senior Maori, you are indeed a genius!"

Shiraishi stared at him, affirming his own performance and efforts.


Compared to his teammates' compliments, Mu Shou raised his glasses and chuckled lightly.

From the time he came to Sitianbaosi as an exchange student to experience, he noticed the weird atmosphere and unique playing style of this school.

As for Mori Kosaburo, in the eyes of Mu Te, he used to be very flashy.

But after so long, he had to change his mind about it.

What Yuan Zheye said is actually not wrong. If you want to say who is the strongest in Sitianbao Temple now, it must be Mori Kosaburo.

Just seeing Akutagawa Jiro being defeated so easily is just superficial, and Mori can display even more terrifying strength.

In Kishou's opinion, at least a few rounds with monsters like Atobe and the others are still possible.

It can be seen from this that today's Maori has a very high level of strength here.

Don't be afraid of the emergence of geniuses, but be afraid of geniuses not working hard

And a genius who works hard and really grows is the first step towards becoming a strong man.

This is true whether it is Akashi, Atobe, Tezuka, Yukimura, or Sanada.

"Sorry, I lost."

Back in the team, Jiro looked at the expressionless coach Sakaki and didn't have any mood to laugh.

If it were the same as before, if he lost the game, he might be sloppy and go to the loser's bracket to wait for his resurrection.

But today's Bingdi cannot tolerate such a failure

Don't look at Hyotei being called the four strong schools in Kanto along with Teiko, Rikkai University, and Seigaku by others, but it's just like what Yukimura said before.

The Ice Emperor seems to be very powerful, but his foundation is too weak.

Whether it is Diguang, Lihai University or Qingxue, the quality of singles or doubles is guaranteed here.

Teiko's Akashi, Shiratsu, and Kuroko.

Yukimura, Sanada, Nioh of Rikai University.

Seigaku's Tezuka, Fuji, Sadaharu Mikami, Oishi and Kikumaru

There are always players who can be strong in singles or doubles.

On the other hand, Ice Emperor.

Except for Atobe alone who can match Yukimura and the others, Shinozuzu can barely be regarded as a national-level player now.

Not to mention players like Jiro, Yueren, and Shido Ryo.

In a word, it is not an exaggeration for Hyotei to say that Atobe is supporting the scene alone.

That's actually very simple. As long as Atobe can be defeated, the Ice Emperor can be killed by the horse at any time.

The seemingly prosperous kingdom is actually supported by one person alone.

There is still a lack of other people who can help the Atobe, not even Yushi Ninzu is qualified.

After all, it is still difficult for him to match the second-in-command strength of Fuji and Sanada.

This is why Sitianbao Temple has confidence in this competition.

Regardless of whether they can win the team, as long as they win three games first, that's enough.

"Doubles No. 2! Please come out!"

"Let's go, minister! Let the boys of the Ice Emperor experience our abilities!"

"Hmph, it's time for revenge."

Ping Shanzhi and Yuan Zhe also did not abandon the combination of doubles, but still played.

It is impossible for them to say that they don't care about their defeat in the trials.

"Don't worry! We will definitely win this victory!"

Shishido Ryo and Xiang Hiyake also made guarantees before the game, and Jiro's defeat also let them know the seriousness of the matter.

But because of this, they are eager to prove

Ice Empress is not alone in Atobe!

"What's wrong, Atobe?"

Turning his head with patience, he suddenly found that Atobe's face did not have the usual embarrassing smile.

"Sitianbao Temple, you really came prepared."

Folding his arms across his chest, Atobe seemed to think of something, and said.

"Their formation should not have exceeded my expectations"

"But even so, Shinzuzu, if you lose the next game"

"That's the end of it."

The corners of the mouth were raised, and the usual smile appeared on the face again, but this time Shinobu noticed the coldness under that expression.

(Haven't started yet, but are you sure that Shishido and Yueren are going to lose?)

Ren Zu couldn't understand the meaning hidden in those few words.

Atobe had already confirmed that No. 2 in the doubles had no hope of winning this time, so he came here to put pressure on him.

Looking around, it was obvious that most of the cheerleaders were from the Ice Emperor's cheerleaders, but Ninzu felt a desolate atmosphere.

There are so many people, but few can keep up with Atobe

"Down with them!"

Xiang Riyueren squeezed his racket tightly, stood a little forward, and said in a high-spirited tone.

At the same time, Ryo Shishido hit the ball.

"Hey, boy, don't be so tense."

"How about a little smile?"

Yuan Zhe also looked at the pressing posture of the other party, grinned suddenly, and said seductively.


Meanwhile, Yoshiyuki Hira caught the serve and returned it.


Xiang Riyue was sullen and didn't have the heart to watch Yuan Zheya's performance. Instead, he focused on the flying ball and hit the ball back with a leap.

"What is that!? Minister! He is flying!"

Yuan Zhe also looked at Yue Ren's performance, deliberately showing a surprised expression, turned around and waved the racket to Ping Shanzhi excitedly.

It was as if he had never seen such a player before.

"What stupid things are you talking about, how can people fly!"

With a serious expression on his face, Ping Shanzhi began to scold him seriously.

"I told you, he's really flying!"

"Don't be stupid! It's said that people can't fly!"

"Really! Really! Really!"

"You haven't woken up yet!?"

The overly abstract quarrel atmosphere between the two even aroused the laughter of others

Looking at the two people in front who started arguing with each other, Ryo Shishido in the back was attracted.

"There is a flaw!"

But before Xiang Hiyake landed, Shido Ryo was relieved from his stupefaction, and Yuan Zhe also suddenly changed his expression. He hit the ball with his back and backhanded, and the ball returned to another unguarded area in the future.




That too fast action prevented Shishido Ryo from being able to rescue him in the first place, so that he lost points.

"It would be uncomfortable if you underestimated the seniors."

Kenya looked at Hirazenyuki and Hara Tetsuya who scored the first point, showing a proud expression.

Their Sitianbao Temple takes "the funny one is king" as their purpose


Except for specific characters, the confrontation process of others may be short.

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